Sentences with phrase «agony on»

This will not only cut out a lot of agony on your part, but it will increase the likelihood of being selected.
(~ $ 55 USD)- Digital soundtrack - Digital artbook - Agony on either PS4, Xbox One or Steam!
(~ $ 35 USD)- Agony on either PS4 or Xbox One!
(~ $ 150 USD)- Exclusive Agony T - Shirt - Exclusive Agony poster, signed by creators - Digital soundtrack - Digital artbook - Agony on either PS4, Xbox One or Steam!
However, Madmind Studios is committed to keeping its promise in the Kickstarter campaign to launch Agony on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One, which is why the developer agreed to modify parts of the game to get an M (mature) rating instead of an AO.
And at each stop a narrator explains what it is you're looking at, whether it's a pyramid, people making bread, or lawbreakers writhing in agony on Roman crucifixes.
Already at the end of spring we can see Agony on the shelves of stores and enjoy this amazing game in the genre of action / horror from the developer Madmind Studio.
There is pain and agony on almost every single frame of this film as the couple engages in a cat and mouse game with Vicki, the teenage girl that they've chosen as their latest victim.
The Guardian was the only daily paper to endorse the Lib Dems at the election, after much internal agony on the paper, and decades of backing Labour.
It's agony on one side by hip bone and I'm kind of using my hands to support the weight of baby as I walk.
Throughout television, movies, and other popular culture, birth can be depicted as a horribly painful event that involves a lot of medication, screaming, and agony on behalf of the mother.
The ball span out for a corner, leaving Brodie writhing in agony on the floor with a shattered kneecap.
The emptiness, the lack of desire, the pure agony on the players faces.
«Those drops of blood I shed for you,» Pascal hearsthe Lord say to him during the agony on the mount of Olives (cf, Pensees VII, 553).»
I believe that video games comes into the creagoty of Psychiatric yes most people believe that video games are aggressive but i believe that video games can teach humans lots of things for egif u allow a killer to play the game he wont commit any murder coz that person is not mentally well and he'll use all his agony on the game
One of my healers was a not fully trained hearing - aid dealer — a kind, caring man who went the second mile for me many times, I still remember the agony on his face when he sought in mine signs that I could hear.

Not exact matches

We have all suffered from the agony and torture that is writer's block, but attempting to write a business plan while staring at a blank page puts the suffering on a whole new stratosphere.
Hello Hipmunk ranks options on a descending «agony scale» and, refreshingly, aims to have you off their app as fast as possible.
«It was 25 years of agony and pain on my family.»
Some shots also showed the brutality of the movie, including one of men in agony as they hung on crosses.
And the ink was barely dry on his creations when the crazy monarchs of Europe stumbled into World War I with the carnage and the poison gas and the agony and stupidity.
For God so loved the world, he cursed mankind with bitter labor and womankind with the pain of childbirth, drowned almost everybody on the planet in a flood, then came down and ra.ped a young girl so she could have his son, so he could make men torture the son to death so they would thank him for being awesome like that, and he'll come back later and kill everybody who didn't worship the son and send them to burn in agony in fire forever.
It is a vicious circle and Satan delights in it as it doesn't reflect well on them and it of course makes you a ball of agony and self - recrimination.
24 «And he cried out and said, «Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame.»
Willing to go to Calvary, Laying his glory aside, Willing to hang there on the tree; Willing to bear the agony, Willing to die for you and me, Jesus the crucified.17
The christ - on - Naked Pastor's cross doesn't represent the «beyonding» vision of universal community but the ironic & awful agony («love everybody») of mistake and error.
I have chapters on Paulus's «agony of doubt» and his great ability in logic.
And now the elder went over the many agonies: to suffer hunger and cold, to all but kill oneself through overwork, to be kicked by a cruel driver, to be abused by unskilled persons whom not a single step you take will satisfy, yet who blame and punish the horse for their own blunders, and then at last some winter, when old age has come on, to be driven out into the bare woods.
Now I have a question for those who choose to believe that Jesus had a wife: If he had a wife; why was not Jesus» wife standing before him, and / or kneeling in agony at his feet when he was on the cross.
In effect, Jesus on the cross experiences the agony of being temporarily forsaken by the Father, while the Father in the same moment experiences the anguish of being separated from his Son, hence of losing his own identity as Father.
So we're saying God killed himself on the cross and yelled out to himself when he was in agony?
Our civilization is founded on the shambles, and every individual existence goes out in a lonely spasm of helpless agony.
24 So he called to him, «Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.»
(I'll maybe pull back on the whine and agony accusations — but you test me with your zombies.)
How that old firmament above us has been scanned on starry nights with all the agony of prayer!
Prisoners have a head start on this, he says: «God has done so much of the work already through our agony that we need only finish the job during silent inner prayer.
Mastodon with mastery, monster with an ache At the tooth of the ego, the dead drunk judge: Wheresoever Thou art our agony will find Thee Enthroned on the darkest altar of our heartbreak Perfect.
God can create the universe... hear our prayers... and lets children with no sin hurt so bad they can do nothing but writhe in agony when not on major pain killers?
We can make Christ» s agony in the garden, or his submission to divine will on the cross, as the hallmark and pattern of achieved human freedom rather than its supercession.
After I sat down, being all in confusion, like a drowning man that was just giving up to sink, and almost in an agony, I turned very suddenly round in my chair, and seeing part of an old Bible lying in one of the chairs, I caught hold of it in great haste; and opening it without any premeditation, cast my eyes on the 38th Psalm, which was the first time I ever saw the word of God: it took hold of me with such power that it seemed to go through my whole soul, so that it seemed as if God was praying in, with, and for me.
The backdrop of legend, which in the ancient world made life's history on the earth seem a matter of centuries, has for us been lifted, revealing a vista of uncounted millenniums of organic life, suffering unfathomable agony long before man was here to sin at all.
As he hung on the cross, dying slowly from sheer agony, he said, «Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.»
In spite of the unquestionable fact that saints of the once - born type exist, that there may be a gradual growth in holiness without a cataclysm; in spite of the obvious leakage (as one may say) of much mere natural goodness into the scheme of salvation; revivalism has always assumed that only its own type of religious experience can be perfect; you must first be nailed on the cross of natural despair and agony, and then in the twinkling of an eye be miraculously released.
On the one side, Christians were to exercise undiscourageable goodwill toward evil men, even praying for those who slew them when no other manner of expressing goodwill remained; but, on the other side, the new faith retained the hopeless torture chamber of Gehenna, where punishment was supposed to go on in endless agony long after moral purpose in the torture had been losOn the one side, Christians were to exercise undiscourageable goodwill toward evil men, even praying for those who slew them when no other manner of expressing goodwill remained; but, on the other side, the new faith retained the hopeless torture chamber of Gehenna, where punishment was supposed to go on in endless agony long after moral purpose in the torture had been loson the other side, the new faith retained the hopeless torture chamber of Gehenna, where punishment was supposed to go on in endless agony long after moral purpose in the torture had been loson in endless agony long after moral purpose in the torture had been lost.
«When they see the child moving in the womb on an ultrasound, when they hear the heartbeat of the unborn child, when they know there are people and programs available to help them with a new baby and new circumstances, when they see what dismemberment abortion does to these precious children, the pain and agony that is involved in every chemical abortion, they look for life - preserving solutions that are better for everyone involved.»
On the very night of His betrayal when the agony and distress were powerful, He offered this food that the disciples might know their unity with Him.
When he was to bear the sins of the world on the cross His agony was one of knowing separation from God was coming.
Even as a young man you feel this but, as you grow older and see more and more of what Keats called «the giant agony of the world,» you will feel ever more deeply the seeming contradiction between Christian faith and the hideous, tragic evil on this earth.
Tell that to Mother Theresa and all the people that lay in agony without painkillers in her Houses for the Dying, denied so much as a familial visit as they waste away on tiny cots in unsanitary conditions.
Not a church member, he was a diligent student of the Bible and as President during the agony of the Civil War meditated profoundly on the bearing upon it of the purposes of God.
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