Sentences with phrase «agreeing more»

«We couldn't agree more
While it may smack as blasphemy to seasoned presenters, research has shown that individuals exposed to a graphic representation of a message pay more attention to it, agree more with it, and better recall it compared with people shown a bulleted list of text.
Total's International University Relations Project Manager couldn't agree more: «We absolutely must listen to what students have to tell us.
As a real estate guy myself, I couldn't agree more.
Motorola designers believe a proper watch should be round, not square, and I couldn't agree more.
I couldn't agree more, personally.
Sacca continued to express high optimism for Uber's impact on drunk driving in an email to Inc., adding in a statement, «Everyone agrees more studies are needed and welcome.
The study of 400 students concluded that «those who have used Facebook longer agreed more that others were happier, and agreed less that life is fair, and those spending more time on Facebook each week agreed more that others were happier and had better lives.»
I couldn't agree more with Norm Brodsky's column about Brian Kelly's reluctance to hurt his business partner's feelings [Street Smarts, December].
As someone who admittedly hates carrying around her laptop in a reusable shopping bag, and who occasionally forgets her house keys on her dresser, I couldn't agree more.
I couldn't agree more — most of the time.
I for one couldn't agree more, making your customer feel special and giving good service is in my opinion the highest priority of a business.
Great Article and couldn't agree more — ««Two heads are better than one»: When both client and agency are working their link building and online promotions magic, everyone wins!»
I couldn't agree more Rafay.
Couldn't agree more with the hourly vs salary mentality.
Couldn't agree more for young investors.
I, for one, couldn't agree more.
And, I couldn't agree more — an editorial calendar is key for online publishing!
Could not agree more, Robert.
Couldn't agree more about HSAs and expense ratios, but your whole comment is filled with solid advice.
I couldn't agree more and have experienced these feelings first hand.
I couldn't agree more about getting past the fact that Facebook is no longer free and using its sponsored stories to build audience and reach.
And although we don't know how this is all going to end up we do know one thing and I'd like to steal a quote from Bill Gates whenever he said block chain technology is a tour de force and we couldn't agree more with Bill Gates on that.
Could not agree more on Canadian banks.
I was just reviewing D today and couldn't agree more.
Jeske: Yeah, I couldn't agree more.
Building A Snowball By Dividend Mantra In this article, Jason has beautifully explained building a growing snowball and could not agree more as I've been talking about Snowball effect since long time, where a small ball of snow (a small initial dividend buys more shares) that is rolling down hills, gathers more snow (increasing dividends due to more shares) with ever - growing speed (due to growing earnings) and becomes a self - sustaining machine that can support your rich lifestyle.
Couldn't agree more Michael.
True Wealth Ventures could not agree more with the opportunity to spark more innovation by shaking things up, gender-wise, on both the investor and inventor side of the equation.
I couldn't agree more, the tips shared are useful ideas to double the visits on your site without doing internet marketing.
Happy New Year SoapBoxers I could not agree more with your analysis.
Yra: I couldn't agree more.
As Randy has said to me again and again, Canada needs more Edmonton... and I couldn't agree more.....
I couldn't agree more, these people were put on this earth to make day traders look wise.
I couldn't agree more on FB entertainment and giving way more than getting from the followers.
I can not agree more with your last point: «Be prepared for the investors not to come in and make certain you have your plan B in place.
-- Peter Drucker We couldn't agree more, especially in the business of stock trading; the more you learn, the more you earn.
I couldn't agree more that you're investing for income, not price appreciation.
-- I could not agree more.
Couldn't agree more, James.
Jake, i couldn't agree more.
This is why Esquire did a piece on «Comedians As Prophets» and I couldn't agree more.
It's off subject, but I couldn't agree more.
I couldn't agree more with you on this one.
@Morrison: I couldn't agree more and such people wouldn't stand a chance of being elected in most other western countries.
Keith J — your reply on the abortion issue is well said and I couldn't agree more.
Haha, I couldn't agree more.
couldn't agree more — it;'s a cover - up!
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