Sentences with phrase «agreement about the birth parents»

An open adoption is one in which the birth parents and the adoptive parents meet and get to know each other before the adoption, and, usually, in which the parties all come to an agreement about the birth parents having some degree of contact with the child after the adoption is finalized.

Not exact matches

For example, the Agreement may state how many times the child and the adoptive parents will send pictures and letters about the child's progress and / or visit with the birth mother until the child is 18 years old.
Success in an open adoption means to me that the adoptive parents feel entitled to be the parents of their child, honor whatever contact agreement they have made with birth parents, speak comfortably and with respect about adoption and birth parents and answer questions honestly that children ask, and respect the relationship between birth parents and the child.
Your registered adoption plan can be reviewed by the Supreme Court if the arrangements are no longer suitable and you can not reach an agreement with the birth parents about contact.
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