Sentences with phrase «agreements about»

That includes coming to agreements about how to both reduce and adapt to climate change, how to finance those measures, and how to share accountability.
Pending their severances, both have been placed under strict non-disclosure agreements about the terms of their departures.
I'm sure there are plenty of agreements about price drops on the store.
While parents are legally responsible for student loans they take out or cosign, many families have informal agreements about who is responsible for repaying student loans.
One or both parties must have local market knowledge, detailed rundowns on expected costs, and contracted agreements about who will do the work and what the distribution of the profits will be.
There seemed to have been agreements about other things, as well.
Many CMO - run schools operate on extended calendars, offering students longer school days and years.57 To establish a strong sense of community and culture of achievement, many grow slowly, building out a single grade at a time.58 And many focus heavily on creating strong relationships between students, teachers, and families by conducting teacher home visits, requiring parents to volunteer at school, and having families, students, and teachers all sign agreements about the expectations of attending the school.57
«The Gates Foundation required that Compacts be signed by key district and charter leaders and include agreements about specific collaborations.»
Applying your knowledge of these assumptions and agreements about education can lead to creative and effective communication between school leaders and parents, members of the local community, and other stakeholders.
Eventually, an earnest discussion led to agreements about ways to help one another, secure outside help, and stay on course.
What are the agreements about quality teaching at your school?
Agreements about how to use feedback need repair.
Teachers in some departments began an in - depth look at the literacy demands of their content areas and started to develop common agreements about what they expected students to be able to do.
Notably, he said «for now,» which implies that there's room for Spider - Man's place in the MCU to grow, should Marvel Studios and Sony come to future agreements about the property.
I first read The Four Agreements about two years ago and was blown away by the ancient Toltec wisdom contained in this manual.
The Bulletin panel found that despite hopes of global agreements about nuclear weapons, nuclear power and climate change in 2010, little progress has been made.
Cool It, a documentary based on his 2007 book of the same name, continues Lomborg's cry to rethink the world's responses to global warming: Abandon toothless agreements about carbon cuts and instead invest in renewable energy, along with geoengineering as a fail - safe.
That might then lead to nothing and a second election, to agreements about electoral reform, to other arrangements about supply / confidence, etc..
There are also international agreements about the range within which countries have sovereignty over territorial waters.
Agreements about openness need to come from a mutual understanding of the benefits to both the child and the adults involved.
The Code aims to improve transparency and clarity in commercial transactions within the supply chain by, in effect, encouraging the parties to include upfront provisions in their grocery supply agreements about a number of aspects of their relationship.
It has finally to do with agreements about what the church ought to do in the society, when and how, and the allocation of resources and the co-ordination of forces to put proposals into action.
It presents as common sense what is actually a historically rare notion: that the market is a self - regulating device whose rules exist independent of common agreements about the conduct of social life.
Nevertheless, we must try to take our bearings; try to formulate some of the nascent agreements about the character of that Church in which theological education goes on and for the furtherance of whose objectives the ministry is being educated.
From within such partnerships, we might reach any number of agreements about problems both within the West and within Africa about how sexuality is understood.
When one learns a language, he renews a set of agreements about how certain symbols shall be used for purposes of communication.
He does not see that in their agreements about the understanding of conversion and proselytism the churches «hardly go beyond this to strive to achieve mutual understanding and to carry out jointly a Christian witness more convincingly and effectively.»
While parents are legally responsible for student loans they take out or cosign, many families have informal agreements about who is responsible for repaying student loans.
In effect, Quorum has two layers of consensus on a single blockchain, meaning two ways of reaching agreement about its transaction records, both stored on one distributed database, or blockchain.
Cohen is a defendant with Trump in Daniels» other pending lawsuit in Los Angeles federal court, which seeks to void the nondisclosure agreement about the alleged affair.
Ahead of the deal, however, Nigeria's oil minister had insisted the group was «aligned» and was in agreement about extending the cuts, despite the risk of a strong comeback by U.S. shale oil producers.
For instance, while recent grads and business leaders might be in agreement about millennial preparedness, they differ some in defining what it means to be prepared.
«Collaboration» is a buzzword that garners a lot of attention, but no one is in agreement about it what it means.
Surprisingly, there is overwhelming agreement about what the United States needs to do to turn things around.
I often catch my clients putting people in charge of important, relatively complex projects without clear agreement about what will constitute success or how it is to be measured.
Adult film star Stormy Daniels is now suing President Donald Trump, saying the nondisclosure agreement about their alleged 2006 affair is void because Trump never signed it.
But the element of crucial importance to most observers about Daniels's story is that she was allegedly paid $ 130,000 by Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, to sign a non-disclosure agreement about the affair, days before the presidential election.
Daniels» attorney spoke the morning after she sued Trump in Los Angeles Superior Court, saying a non-disclosure agreement about their «intimate» relationship is invalid because the then - New York businessman never signed it.
The porn actress, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, filed suit against President Trump in Los Angeles Superior Court on Tuesday, arguing that a nondisclosure agreement about their alleged affair is invalid because Trump never actually signed it.
Daniels» lawsuit, filed Tuesday in Los Angeles, alleges that the non-disclosure agreement about her relationship with Trump wasn't valid because the then - Republican candidate never signed it.
A new report claims that Stormy Daniels threatened to void the nondisclosure agreement about the alleged encounter with Donald Trump days before the 2016 Presidential election.
I'm totally in agreement about the dividend income.
The pair came to a broad agreement about an ownership transition in late August, but the fine details weren't fully worked out.
As such, the papers could come to mark a major milestone for ethereum in that, while Casper has long been proposed as a better and greener way to keep the global network in agreement about the blockchain's transaction history, the industry has been waiting for details to be put on paper.
The latest school shooting tragedy in Parkland, FL, has left the nation wondering once again why Congress can't come to any agreement about how to prevent these horrible events.
The fact is, the history is fine, and the multiple witnesses are in agreement about that, so history is a non-issue.
It is commonly realized that political agreement about covert operations has disintegrated.
It's easy to forget in an age when screaming protestors claim that the President is from Kenya while the Speaker of the House dismisses half the country as «un-American» for daring to disagree with her, but at the core of the healthcare debate there is broad agreement about what would constitute improvement of the system.
It seems to me that we are all in agreement about ego driven preachers.
This would involve working out at each session an agreement about what each of you is willing to do, during the coming week, to make things better for your spouse in exchange for changes on the
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