Sentences with phrase «agreements on issues like»

Jake Schmidt, international policy director for the Natural Resources Defense Council, said the key from Cancun will be agreements on issues like transparency, deforestation, technology transfer and financing that lead to some concrete implementation steps.
These range from full - fat free trade deals with countries like South Korea and Canada to smaller semi-skimmed trade arrangements with countries like the US and China, as well as other agreements on issues like energy, security and data protection.
You should be concerned that the guy you flak for — Dirty John Flanagan can get to agreement on issues like mimosa's for brunch, cat declawing, and other non-sense when his Senate Ethics Committee does not even meet.

Not exact matches

She worked at Yahoo for more than a decade, fighting off a copyright infringement suit from Sony BMG, helping the company navigate issues of online privacy and working on deals like a Microsoft search agreement (which was just revised this year).
«We want to make sure our playing field is fair on issues like trade agreements, but our relationship is very strong,» she said.
I'd like to thank Chairman Rosen for his efforts on this issue and the beverage industry for working with the State to achieve this agreement
Now it may not be, you know, the solution to climate change but I think that there will be probably some form of progress made here whether it's an agreement to kind of pre-agree on what a treaty might look like or if it's progress on reducing deforestation and other issues that the country seem to be a lot closer to agreement on.
Still, Ogden noted, a number of key issues central to the 2015 agreement remain unresolved — like what legal form the deal will take, how countries will prove they are making progress on mitigation targets and how much money wealthy nations will pony up to help poorer ones cut carbon and prepare for the impacts of climate change.
The letter goes on to discuss issues of possible agreement between the two organisations — «Like you, we do not im - port our primates from the wild» — before concluding, gently: «I wonder if your extremely efficient database might need just a little refining?»
If a professional association has a report like those described in the previous paragraph, it can provide cover for scientists speaking publicly on the issues, assuming they speak in agreement with the report.
Government and nonprofit leaders in cities like Cleveland, DC, New Orleans, Baltimore, and even Detroit have been able to make progress on these issues via voluntary agreements on citywide systems for enrollment and information to help families navigate public school choice.
In patching together the fragile coalition of interests needed to successfully pursue its bid, the state approached negotiations like Middle East peace talks, seeking agreement first on broader issues and putting off fights and controversies over specifics.
I get it that there are agreements like that in place but those publishers affected should quickly address this issue on a go - forward basis or risk losing out in the future where social media becomes even more important to book discovery.
If you find something unsettling about the house (like the foundation is crumbling or the roof needs to be replaced), you can go back to the seller and come to an agreement on how these new issues will be addressed.
On the other side, while there will undoubtedly be high costs to any serious attempt at mitigation, this would also require something like a global agreement (covering at least the rich world, India and China, and probably other states with large and currently poor populations) which would inevitably have to bring in issues other than greenhouse gas emissions — such as those you mention — if only because these states will say, reasonably enough, that they can not bring their populations on board without serious help in those other areaOn the other side, while there will undoubtedly be high costs to any serious attempt at mitigation, this would also require something like a global agreement (covering at least the rich world, India and China, and probably other states with large and currently poor populations) which would inevitably have to bring in issues other than greenhouse gas emissions — such as those you mention — if only because these states will say, reasonably enough, that they can not bring their populations on board without serious help in those other areaon board without serious help in those other areas.
The problem with this prescription for responsible journalism, particularly on complicated intertwined issues like climate science and energy policy, is that it can backfire if the journalist fails also to «find the agreement
As a result, President Obama has said the United States can't accept a legally binding agreement and is failing to come forward with any new commitments on important issues like finance, technology and capacity.
So senior U.S. climate negotiator Harlan Watson was on very firm ground when he stated this week in Montreal that, «I reject the premise that the Kyoto - like agreement is necessary to address the issue
«If France really wants to remain the guardian of the Paris Agreement,» added Lucille Dufour, policy adviser for Reseau Action Climate in France, «it must bring forth all of its political weight to drive forward progress on key issues like adaptation and loss - and - damage.»
This post concerns a bit of a Dutch thing, namely the «position» of the Dutch National Competition Authority ACM on an agreement by electricity producers active on the Dutch market, but it is interesting more generally for those who are interested in the relation between (EU) competition law and other issues like sustainability.
If the issues in your matter are reasonably straight - forward and you have agreed on all the issues arising from the breakdown of your marriage with the opposing side and would like an uncontested divorce in Nova Scotia, we expect to charge between $ 1,500.00 — $ 5,000.00, plus disbursements & HST to complete the written agreement and the court application.
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Once the issues are resolved, using the negotiation process, and relying on outside experts like financial planners and child psychologists for property and custody plans, the case is reduced to an agreement that the court then enters as a judgment of divorce.
1) the Court argument is different: it goes «If the Treaty has a rule on whether a matter is subjuct to judicial review or not, you can't take the issue outside the Treaty» - it stems from EU being not a mere Intl org (where your argument would apply) and it is more like a constitutional limitation (i.e. To modify the rule you have to change the Trety, you can't do that with an intl agreement).
Instead of coming to some sort of agreement on the issues it was more like a childish argument that resulted in one kid taking his ball and going home.
A business lawyer has to provide counsel on the various aspects of business operations of a company, create and review legal documents, negotiate with other companies on behalf of the client regarding any agreement or contract, handle disputes arising due to any legal complications and other cases like bankruptcy, licensing, trademark, copyright issues and so on.
As such, you should both enter into divorce settlement talks in good faith and make an honest attempt to reach an agreement on central issues like distribution of marital assets and time - sharing arrangements for your children.
If you can come to an agreement with your ex-spouse on major issues like child custody and settling assets, you may be able to file for an uncontested divorce, which will be much cheaper.
Because issues like custody, prenuptial agreements, child support, spousal support or separation can be emotionally charged and tough to address, we coach you on how to navigate the constantly changing currents of family law.
If you're amicable and in agreement with your co-parent on many issues but would still like some guidance in handling specific issues, you could consider trying mediation or collaborative practice.
However, co-parents who work together well for the sake of their kids have reached a basic level of agreement on the most important things — like issues pertaining to their children's health, discipline, education, and spiritual upbringing.
But agreement on this point is not universal: Some scholars do not believe that attributes like attractiveness should exhibit sex differentiated effects on romantic evaluations (see here and here for our back and forth with David Schmitt on this issue).
The parties can experience feelings like anger, denial, anxiety, and depression that make it hard to reach agreement on the real issues like the financial settlement and a parenting plan for the kids.
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