Sentences with phrase «agricultural residues»

The term "agricultural residues" refers to the leftover materials or waste from farming activities. These can include crop residues (such as straw, leaves, stalks) after the harvest, or animal by-products (like manure or leftover feed) from livestock farming. These residues can be used for various purposes such as fuel, compost, or to make products like paper or animal feed. Full definition
This book discusses the important issue of the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of agricultural residue burning, common in agricultural practices in many parts of the world.
The burning of agricultural residue causes severe pollution in land, water and air and contributes to increased ozone levels and climate change in the long term.
Other studies of nearly decarbonizing the power sector by mid-century show that more efficient, advanced biopower technologies using low - carbon feedstocks, such as agricultural residues and energy crops, could provide a modest contribution of up to 15 percent of U.S. electricity generation (NREL 2012, UCS 2013).
Clariant, a leading global specialty chemicals company, together with Mercedes - Benz and Haltermann Carless, a well - established HCS Group brand, tested the use of sustainable cellulosic ethanol from agricultural residues in a fleet test with Mercedes - Benz series vehicles over a period of 12 months for the first time in Germany.
«Because biochar can be produced from various waste biomass, including agricultural residues, this new technology provides an alternative and cost - effective way for arsenic removal,» Gao said.
Whether its a municipally run landfill, agricultural residue in the form of mountains of coffee husks, oilfield cuttings and tailings, or acre upon acre of decomposing trees from pinebeetle infestation, it all represents an enormous global storehouse of energy.
These best case figures Don't include processing the full range of biomass waste products available, from landfill biomass, sewage, food processing residues, forestry and woodworking residues, other agricultural residues, and industrial biomass residues, etc..
Heather studies the molecular reactions that can convert non-food biomass — like agricultural residues or energy crops — into renewable energy and chemicals.
The high - vacuum model removes agricultural residues from citrus oils commonly used in beverage flavouring.
In 2005, it became focused on a process that made diesel fuel using fatty acids and oily agricultural residues that included palm oil.
As a retired farmer, I know that the information in «Grassoline at the Pump,» by George W. Huber and Bruce E. Dale, about agricultural residues is false in a most dangerous way.
This has left biofuel — a low - carbon alternative usually made of leftover agricultural residue — as the industry's most realistic option.
3.2.2 Within an estimated 10 to 15 years, wood and low - cost agricultural residues derived from the production of various cereals will likely be used to produce economically competitive second - generation liquid biofuels.
The pilot plant will use some 75,000 tonnes per year of forest and local agricultural residue to produce about 23,000 tonnes / year of second - generation biofuel (diesel, kerosene and naptha).
James Lovelock, one of England's leading environmental scientists, in an online interview in New Scientist, Jan 23 in NS's environment section pointed to converting agricultural residues to charcoal using pyrolysis as the only meaningful way to get control of GW.
Socioeconomic and Environmental Implications of Agricultural Residue Burning: A Case Study of Punjab, India (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)
In addition, technological developments are expected to increase future interest in more efficient «second generation» liquid biofuels, which are not derived from food crops, but from plant materials such as agricultural residues, forestry residues, and wood from forest plantations.
Ontario Power Generation, the province's power utility, issued today a «call for expressions of interest» to potential suppliers of biomass fuel, which could include agricultural residues, dedicated non-food crops, and forest waste.
In the PhosFarm project valuable soil improver and mineral fertiliser salt products are recovered from agricultural residues.
But, with the advent a completely biodegradable material derived from fungi and the roots of agricultural residues that has the same performance as polystyrene, the death of Styrofoam may finally be at hand — so say the two inventors of the EcoCradle.Efe Eben Bayer and Gavin McIntyre, both graduates of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, say the idea for the eco-friendly material was inspired by observing wild fungi roots.
While biofuels from crops, grasses, wood, agricultural residues and other materials emit less carbon than fossil fuels over a crop - to - vehicle life cycle, recent studies have questioned the availability of material to make fuels on a large scale.
These agricultural residues represent a huge additional reservoir for phosphate recovery: Annually, more than 1,800 million tonnes of manure are generated in the EU and the amount of digestion residues is still increasing.
Eligible feedstocks for biomethane are pre-landfilled waste - based biomass sources including but not limited to agricultural residues, woody biomass and forest residues, animal manures, food waste, and municipal solid waste (MSW)(if using MSW as a feedstock, only the biogenic fraction of the waste stream is eligible).
• Member states should set a 0.5 % non-binding target on so - called «advanced» biofuels (most often derived from straw, household waste, forest and agricultural residues), while giving «due regard» to certain safeguards (such as waste hierarchy).
The American Lung Association does not support biomass combustion for electricity production, a category that includes wood, wood products, agricultural residues or forest wastes, and potentially highly toxic feedstocks, such as construction and demolition waste.
Despite the robust adoption projections for total biomass and waste, the mix of electricity - generating technologies (co-firing or dedicated biomass, pure electricity or co-generation) or fuels (wood pellets, agricultural residues, municipal solid waste, synthetic gas, biogas), and the share of perennial crops used, bring significant levels of uncertainty.
Currently, only a small share of such residues is available for energy generation but, as bioenergy production increases, agricultural residues may become more important biofuel feedstocks.
Agricultural residues are likely to be among the lowest - cost liquid biofuel feedstocks.
The UCS report, The Promise of Biomass: Clean Power and Fuel — If Handled Right, evaluates the four primary non-food sources of biomass — energy crops, agricultural residues, waste materials, and forest biomass — and details the amount of each type of biomass that could be sustainably produced and utilized in the United States without compromising the fertility of agricultural soils, displacing land needed to grow our food, or threatening the health of our farms and forests.
But when pressed, Lovelock said he does believe there's potential in «biochar» — that is, converting some of the world's biomass (e.g. forest slash, agricultural residues, fast - growing grasses grown on depleted soils, farmed algae) into charcoal and sequestering the black mass in soil or under the ocean.
Most studies project that second - generation liquid biofuels from perennial crops and woody and agricultural residues could dramatically reduce life cycle greenhouse gas emissions relative to petroleum fuels.
The wider region will benefit from energy production, improved disposal options for food - processing waste and agricultural residues, and reduced emissions from avoided lagoon methane and power generation.
These «biorefineries» will convert widely available, inexpensive, organic materials such as agricultural residues, high - content biomass crops, wood residues, and cellulose in municipal solid wastes into ethanol.
In order to be sustainably produced, agricultural residues can only be removed at a rate that allows soild to maintain their organic matter, which is a key contributor to long - term soil productivity.
This UCS analysis focuses on the four primary non-food sources of biomass — energy crops, agricultural residues, waste materials, and forest biomass — and details the amount of each type of biomass that could be sustainably produced and utilized in the United States without compromising the fertility of agricultural soils, displacing land needed to grow our food, or threatening the health of our farms and forests.
These resources — which include cellulosic fuels like perennial grasses, forest and agricultural residues, and waste — tend to have fewer and more easily - managed impacts.
The largest sources of ethanol are corn kernels in the United States and sugarcane in Brazil, though an increasing amount of advanced ethanol is made from non-food sources such as tree trimmings, agricultural residues like wheat straw, and fast growing grasses.
We are pushing European and U.S. policymakers to shift to more renewable energy resources, such as smart - from - the - start wind and solar, and to limit bioenergy incentives to more sustainable, low - carbon forms of biomass like sawdust and agricultural residues.
These «biorefineries» will convert widely available, inexpensive, organic materials such as agricultural residues, high - content biomass crops, wood residues, and cellulose in municipal solid wastes into valuable and renewable end products.
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