Sentences with phrase «aid system also»

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Movidius makes system - on - a-chip (SoC) platforms that are designed to aid computer vision applications, and also has algorithms for things like deep learning, navigation and depth processing.
Wariness about Lucent, Rite Aid, Raytheon, Tyco, and a host of other big names has left investors not only rattled but also questioning the very integrity of the financial reporting system.
This is reflected not only in the emergence of consumer - directed health insurance benefits, which are designed to give consumers more «skin in the game,» but also in an array of direct - to - consumer outreach efforts, many of which aid patients in navigating the health care system and managing their own health and wellness.
It seems that human beings do best when we objectively study our environment, ourselves and create systems that foster stability but also allow for the flexibility of complete change if and when it seems to aid our peaceful co-existence..
It is also true that we must work hard to ensure that the laws which govern our own system protect the public health and welfare and provide aid for those who can not make it on their own.
Lancaster indicts African governments but also faults the aid system, pointing to serious but ultimately secondary matters, such as the absurdity of expatriate aid workers doing jobs that Africans could do themselves if their governments could afford to hire them.
It's also high in fibre to aid in detoxifying the digestive system.
Each SB3 stick contains 13 billion live probiotic bacteria — probiotics are the «good» bacteria that act as the body's defense — they support the immune system by fighting the «bad» bacteria and also help to aid digestion too.
Ginger is also a mighty little health benefits machine, offering everything from helping boost your immune system to reducing inflammation to aiding digestion.
The lemonade cleanse is intended to help you flush toxins from your system, while also effectively aiding weight loss.
EN 16001 provides a set of standardised requirements for an energy management system and also the framework for energy management best practice to aid organisations.
Produced since 2008, oat «dairy alternative» also contains complex carbohydrates for consistent / stable energy and plenty of insoluble and soluble fibers known to aid in satiety and promote a healthy digestive and cardiovascular system.
Of course, while Kanté and Matic are flourishing despite a numerical disadvantage, they've also been aided by Conte's system.
They also note that a state system for automatically enrolling federal aid recipients in the free lunch program, a process called direct certification, has not been perfected.
It also has probiotics which aid in proper digestion and help in maintaining the digestive system.
It also has probiotics which aid in the baby's overall development and proper functioning of the digestive system.
It was also very helpful to recall all of the health benefits of breastfeeding (decreased risk of obesity, aids in building baby's immune system just to name a few) as well as the financial advantages (breastfeeding is absolutely free while formula can cost around $ 200 a month).
In addition, it also aids in increasing white blood cells by stimulating your immune system.
Progesterone, Oestrogen and Testosterone: All helpful in aiding the growth of mammary tissue for breastfeeding and also useful in helping regulate postnatal bleeding Iron: The placenta is rich in iron and can contribute to relieving the symptoms of anaemia, such as tiredness and depression Vitamins B6, C, D, E, K, B Complex, all help to boost the immune system.
Moreover, fennel seeds are a great mouth freshener, also aid in the digestive system for both moms and babies.
Also, cumin seeds aid in improving the digestive system and giving a quick relief for acidity, bloating and constipation.
He also referenced the fact that New York is now one of three states placed on a watch list for losing hundreds of millions of Race to the Top dollars by US Education Secretary Arne Duncan because it has «hit a roadblock» on significant policy provisions of qualifying for the aid, including establishment of the peformance evaluation system and creation of a database to track student records across school districts.
He also promised to continue to enact the Dream Act, to offer college aid to children of immigrants in the country illegally, hold down the state's near highest in the nation property taxes, and to make New York's education system the best in the nation.
The governor is also expected push for a tougher teacher evaluation system by linking some, if not all, of the promised 4 percent increase in education aid while also overhauling the state pension system — two moves that will put him on a collision course with powerful labor unions.
To get this victory — and the governor will no doubt be touting it far and wide as a victory — Cuomo had to compromise quite a bit, jettisoning his efforts to shift Medicaid and higher ed costs onto New York City (thanks to the Assembly Democrats, who dug in their heels on NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's behalf), and also bowing to the Legislature's refusal to reauthorize the so - called «rational» tuition plan for SUNY and CUNY, providing the systems with an additional $ 85 million in aid plus $ 300 million in capital funding.
He also oversees the operation and maintenance of the County's Mutual Aid radio system.
Only a few weeks after the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the McLibel two suffered from not having access to legal aid, a new judgement has also questioned the system.
Hochul also emphasized with the residents Governor Cuomo's efforts to increase training for home healthcare aids and his work in streamlining the state's Medicaid system.
The loss of aid would also affect public transportation systems in Buffalo, Rochester, Albany, New York City and smaller cities in New York state such as Utica, which is served by Centro.
Skelos also sought to aid his son in helping him procure title insurance work related to the refinancing of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bonds for an unnamed Long Island Hospital system, a refinancing that required the approval of the Nassau County Industrial Development Agency, a public authority.
The stocks are helping the development of new countermeasures such as drugs, vaccines and diagnostics in case smallpox should reappear, and may also allow researchers to explore the impact of smallpox on the human immune system, providing insights into other diseases such as AIDS.
HIV also hides in cells and continues to undermine the host's immune system despite antiretroviral therapy that has improved the outlook of those with AIDS.
Such insights will also aid researchers in their quest for new treatments to repair damage to the nervous system.
Plants engineered to have bigger root systems could also help address food shortages and aid in efforts to grow crops in a warmer, drier climate.
He also informed all [his other] lecturers that they would need to use the radio hearing - aid system
They also attribute the decline of AIDS to the nation's universal health care system, which provides affordable, effective, and well - tolerated treatments for HIV infection.
The system also helped calibrate global positioning services we now rely on as navigational aids in our mobile devices.
Lemon is very alkalizing, therefore helps you balance the body pH. It also aids in digestion, helps boost the immune system, is high in vitamin C, citric acid, calcium and magnesium.
They're similar to tamari or soy sauce but are gluten - free, soy - free, and have a slightly more syrupy texture and sweet flavor that makes this snack truly feel indulgent (they're also rich in amino acids, which aid in muscle repair and brain and nervous system function).
This formula contains 80 milligrams of caffeine per serving, not just to support energy and focus levels, but also to aid bodily defense systems in resisting the damage of oxidative stress.
Aloe vera leaves can also be consumed (remove their spines and blend them in a smoothie, or juice them like Shay Mitchell) and are thought to aid in hydration, digestive function, and boost the immune system.
It also reinforces your immune system, aids in controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol, and helps protect you from cancer.
Because whey is a complete protein and also high in branched - chain amino acids, it will aid recovery from exercise and improve your immune system.
They are also important for maintaining a healthy nervous system, aiding with vision, and enhancing the integrity of the skin and hair.5 In addition, nutritional yeast contains fifteen different bone - and muscle - building minerals, including iron, selenium, zinc and potassium.
This also helps the lymphatic system release toxins and aids in digestion and kidney function.
A proper alkaline diet balanced with nutritional supplements is not only the safest, but also the most inexpensive way to helping our body prevent and fight efficiently chronic diseases either by using its defense systems (this includes the immune system) alone, or with the aid of the medical prescriptions.
It supports the immune system, connective tissues, and blood vessels, while also aiding other antioxidants such as vitamin E. Foods with vitamin C also generally have high levels of bioflavonoids which work together to support eye health.
It is not only helpful in aiding the purifying of the blood through the liver, but it also helps our spleen and the glands in our lymphatic system.
Preliminary studies show that the pranayama, or breath regulation, practice Nadi Shodhana, also known as alternate - nostril breathing, can decrease blood pressure and aid in creating a sense of ease and calm by igniting the parasympathetic nervous system.
Exercise also activates the lymphatic system by facilitating lymph flow and aids in the elimination of toxins through the lungs due to improved oxygen delivery.
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