Sentences with phrase «aim at the discovery»

«To do this, we will need to change the way we have been doing neuroscience and aim at the discovery of basic principles of brain operation,» Schwartz says.
The scientific strategy of the CNM unites three crosscutting and interdependent scientific themes that collectively aim at the discovery and integration of materials across different length scales studied at the extremes of temporal, spatial, and energy resolutions.

Not exact matches

The Disruptive Discoveries Journal is a blog aimed at stimulating debate and pointing out opportunities emerging from the ideas discussed above.
At its best, science is a human enterprise with a superhuman aim: the discovery of regularities in the order of nature, and the discerning of the consequences of those regularities.
(2) His discovery of the concept «reverence for life» is a major addition to the contemporary literature aimed at deepening our concern for the cosmic biosphere's fragile balance.
I take it as established that, for Bergson, calculus is more than just a handy metaphor or analogy, but rather, he indeed aimed at framing an approach to the organicist world hypothesis that employs the calculus as its actual method of discovery (i.e., differentiation) and explanation (i.e., integration), and that every discovery is the inverse of an explanation and every explanation the derivative of a discovery.
It can put the weight of its educational program solidly behind the movement which aims at disbursing to people in general the precious discoveries of the social sciences in the area of healthy personality growth.
The entire line, which is referred to internally as the «discovery series» and has been redesigned to prominently feature various icons such as the bonito fish and a deep - sea divers helmet, is aimed at attracting new consumers, Sabia said.
Look at the sheer amount of money stolen and decisions taken that fuelled corruption, decisions taken just with the sole aim of cornering national resources... What catches our attention is the kind of discoveries we get and hear of daily.
With new tests to identify women who are at heightened risk of breast cancer, new drugs aimed at preventing allergies, and the discovery of new genes that are key to the progression of conditions like Alzheimer's - to give just three examples - we are at the dawn of a whole new era:
He also ventured away from fundamental science, participating in two start - up companies aimed at translating his discoveries (and the discoveries of others) into therapies.
A video, produced by AAAS, aimed at elementary school students highlights ways in which scientific discoveries have improved our lives, from disease prevention to heating and air conditioning.
Since pseudouridine modifications may affect various RNA molecules in different types of normal and malignant cells, «our discoveries pave the way for future avenues of research aimed at exploring the role of pseudouridine in human development disease,» concludes Cristian Bellodi.
She sees AAAS as offering many avenues for encouraging multidisciplinary approaches, including raising the visibility of such approaches through the Science family of journals and through meetings, making discoveries accessible to AAAS members from all disciplines through expanded highlights and previews of journal articles aimed at non-specialists, and gathering investigators from different fields around particular challenges or topics.
In particular, the discovery opened up a profound paradox that aims at the heart of why general relativity and quantum mechanics are so hard to reconcile.
To name a few, information about relationships between species can be used to guide the classification of biodiversity, inform conservation policies aimed at protecting threatened species, aid in tracking the spread of pathogens, and can even play a role in the discovery of new medicines.
The discovery could open the door for medical intervention in cancer stem cells aimed at the restoration of high levels of H1.0 in all cancer cells.
«In the first of three scheduled hearings, the Senate's health committee [that day] approved an initial set of bipartisan proposals aimed at speeding the discovery and development of new medical treatments.
But last week, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) proposed a new code of conduct aimed at curbing this legal wrangling and accelerating scientific discovery.
The discovery sheds new light on the origin of this deadly cancer, suggesting that therapies have largely failed because they are aimed at the wrong target.
There will be areas within the building where visitors will be able to conduct their own experiments, such as extracting their own DNA, and a discovery area aimed at children aged 5 to 12.
This new discovery, funded by multiple groups, opens up novel possibilities for future research aimed at developing vaccines against these viruses to prevent type 1 diabetes.
Our research facilities offer a dynamic multidisciplinary environment that fosters collaboration and leverages discovery aimed at improving the health of individual patients across their lifespan.
They encourage research aimed at translating laboratory discoveries about the brain and nervous system into diagnoses and therapies to improve human health.
Our new discovery research strategy aims at enhancing our capacity for innovation and at encouraging scientific creativity for diseases with high unmet medical need.
However, patients are now able to participate in two research projects aimed at understanding this disease in order to make discoveries which may lead to better therapeutic options.
Much obesity - related research has been aimed at unearthing mechanisms that produce more of the good fat and less of the bad, with the recent discoveries of proteins, hormones and even environmental factors showing some promise in this regard.
Over the past two decades, the lab's discoveries have significantly advanced the knowledge base to the point that Dr. Hallett and her staff are currently exploring viable therapies aimed at both protecting vulnerable neurons and replacing those destroyed by disease.
Drive discovery and translational efforts to support projects aimed at optimizing the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into desired cell types
The discovery driven group, PETRO Case Consortium at Case Western University, a Park AFM user, investigates the area of molecular, macromolecular, and supramolecular synthesis and structure of polymers and nanomaterials capable of controlled - assembly to form ultrathin films and dispersions with the aim of finding new technologies and materials that improve and replace established oil and gas field formations.
Following the announcement of the discovery of Proxima b, the Red Dots campaign aims at detecting additional small planetary sized companions to Proxima Centauri.
This information can inform future drug discovery, or indeed help to target therapies now in development to those individuals who may benefit from medicines aimed at particular pathways,» said Kari Stefansson, CEO of deCODE.
The Institute is currently advancing multiple drug discovery programs aimed at delivering clinical candidates in a timely manner.
These discoveries led to the establishment of molecular research aimed at raising crop yields by engineering photosynthesis.
We aim at investigat... ▽ More Direct imaging has led to the discovery of several giant planet and brown dwarf companions.
The researchers also worked with the Open PHACTS Foundation, the outcome of a project funded by the European Innovative Medicines Initiative that is aimed at facilitating drug discovery.
Memory & Cognitive Disorder Awards encourage research aimed at translating laboratory discoveries about the brain and nervous system into diagnoses and therapies to improve human health.
This postdoctoral fellow is expected to develop and lead an interdisciplinary research project aimed at creating microengineered human «organ - on - chip» models and exploring their use for drug discovery applications.
He also aims at exploiting these discoveries in fundamental membrane biology research for the development of innovative cancer therapy strategies.
Our research aims at identifying the principles of neuronal interactions with signals from the cellular microenvironment and uncovering disease - relevant targets that can be harnessed to drive drug discovery efforts in neurological and age - related neurodegenerative diseases.
«The GRA support will help accelerate our drug discovery activities aimed at benefitting patients and hopefully have a positive economic impact on the research community in Georgia.»
This work establishes a useful molecular tool for scientific discovery of bifidobacteria and identifies targets for further studies aimed at characterizing essential functions not previously examined in bifidobacteria.
Jewitt, Luu, and Brown's discoveries were each the result of cleverly designed observational campaigns aimed specifically at detecting new classes of distant objects in the Solar System.
It will provide crucial financial support for efforts aimed at not only catalyzing biomedical discoveries, but also ensuring that those advances produce tangible health benefits through new modes of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
This classroom may include physical spaces for instruction and discovery as well as online, multi-scale platforms aimed at social learning and participation.
Boylan takes wicked aim at the college mystique, bringing together three adults and four high - school seniors for a whirlwind tour of swanky eastern colleges that turns into a journey of self - discovery none of them will ever forget.
These developments, aimed at accelerating discovery of genetic health markers and promoting better health for companion animals, will be continued under the new partnership.
Ever since its discovery by Hiram Bingham in 1911, Machu Picchu has been the focus of restoration work aimed at returning the site to its original condition.
Lara initially has two climbing axes to help her climb in treacherous conditions and a pistol to shoot spike trap mechanisms and enemies who are shooting at Lara with the intent to kill as they aim to remove their one obstacle from claiming the archaeological discovery.
If you see a creature / plant that you'd like to scan, simply pull the left trigger and aim at it, and a short process will commence that provides details on that particular discovery.
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