Sentences with phrase «aimed at tracking»

Growing Up in Scotland is a large - scale longitudinal research project aimed at tracking the lives of several cohorts of Scottish children from the early years, through childhood and beyond.
GUS is an important longitudinal research project aimed at tracking the lives of two cohorts of Scottish children from the early years, through childhood and beyond.
Summary: Exceptional technical and financial acumen aimed at tracking and managing patient cash flows, credit and insurance payments.
It sure would be nice if the budgets for satellite programs aimed at tracking conditions on the home planet were secure, given the importance of such data as the human growth spurt crests.
Luxury fashion is making inroads in wearable tech as more designers try their hands at developing smart, stylish accessories and clothing aimed at tracking performance and health, or simply making connected lives easier to manage.
A National Institutes of Health (NIH) program aimed at tracking down the causes of mysterious diseases is bearing fruit.
These findings underscore the need for research aimed at tracking its spread to the earliest points of origin in the brain, so therapies that target those areas can be developed.
A Muslim advocacy group launched a website Tuesday aimed at tracking what it calls anti-Muslim rhetoric, particularly among elected officials, two days before a congressional hearing that focuses on the American Muslim community.
But the Republican didn't mince words, taking aim at the track record of his primary opponent and predecessor, former Congressman Michael Grimm.
There's a temptation to think that, because the new 430 Scuderia is about 100 kg lighter than its F430 stablemate and is aimed at a track - bound audience, it's merely a stripped out pseudo-racer.
Alpine says it's mainly aimed at track driving experiences, where it might be nice to keep paying customers fairly comfortable.

Not exact matches

In June the Canadian government implemented a package of immigration reforms, known as the Global Skills Strategy, aimed at fast - tracking visas for skilled foreign workers — some can get processed in as little as two weeks — and providing a concierge service that will walk companies through the process of opening an office on Canadian soil.
Corrie is the first cardiology - focused app on the Apple CareKit platform — an iOS developer framework aimed at making it easier for consumers to manage and track their health apps.
Recent government plans are aimed at putting Kuwait on track to a more diversified economy but, until then, the public sector will remain the main driver of growth.
GCE tracks an index of US - listed closed - end funds, aiming for exposure to a high - yield portfolio of closed - end funds with big asset bases and high liquidity, and which trade at attractive discounts to NAV.
For instance, Contran 245 wants all new vehicles in Brazil to be equipped with tracking devices to help fight rampant car theft, while Russia has built infrastructure called the ERA - GLONASS, which is aimed at making the roads safer.
Considering the number of blues players that were lost at the end of last year, the women's blues have had a brilliant first half of the season and are well of track of achieving their aims for the year.
«One of our aims, which we are looking at with the FIA and the teams is that, for 2021, we want to have cars that allow drivers to really fight one another on track.
The Formula 1 drivers will be thwarted by a new double kerb at the exit of Turn 9 at the Circuit of the Americas, aimed at deterring them from exceeding track limits.
Though the capital plan does not specify how much is being earmarked for the four plans, Doig estimated that it includes $ 5 million to $ 6 million toward projects that include a permanent skating rink on the Midway, an in - line skating park at Burnham Park, lagoon rehabilitation and a running track at Jackson Park, and a golf facility aimed at children at the South Shore Cultural Center.
Coordinate a new national initiative aimed at evaluating youth sports program providers including following - up, tracking and communicating with all applicants to verify application information.
(Reuters)- A New Jersey water park apologized for using a pun on the Amber Alert system for tracking down abducted and missing children in a promotional email aimed at attracting customers.
The program, called PARK Kids, is aimed at providing elementary and middle school students with structured programs that offer more than traditional park fare, such as basketball or track.
It consists of an effort to reassure the electors Britain is on the right track, coupled with an attempt to set out a personal worldview aimed at reassuring his party he really is one of them.
Britain can not pretend to hold all the cards in the Syrian conflict but a clear strategic policy aimed at halting violence based on a commitment to the twin diplomatic - humanitarian track puts us on the good side of a bad conflict.
The 2019 executive budget allots $ 429 million towards the MTA's $ 836 action plan that's aimed at addressing both immediate and long - term issues with the subway, such as signal malfunctions and track maintenance.
A bill set to be introduced before the City Council on Wednesday seeks to codify the Department of Transportation's data tracking under Vision Zero, the city's program aimed at eliminating traffic fatalities and injuries.
The 2019 executive budget allots $ 429 million towards the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's $ 836 action plan that's aimed at addressing both immediate and long - term issues with the subway, such as signal malfunctions and track maintenance.
Fred LeBrun tracks the flip - flopping over the bill aimed at aiding Hoosick Falls resident sue over the PFOA contamination of their water.
The state Senate on Wednesday backed a bill aimed at fast - tracking ride hailing for upstate and suburban communities 10 days before the budget would have the provision take effect.
He said to fast - track the project, three group of workers will work on the project and they would work day and night, while upon completion, the project will be linked to the Oworonshoki reclamation project, which is also ongoing and is aimed at transforming the corridor to a major entertainment and tourism hub.
The land use committee of the City Council this morning unanimously approved local Council member Margaret Chin's legislation aimed at fast tracking certain applications before the City Planning Commission.
A bill approved by the City Council in October aimed at fast tracking certain land use applications became law this past Friday.
He noted the level of access to WASH facilities in the district was estimated at 33 percent for sanitation and 65 percent for water far below the national average and appealed to the partners to fashion out interventions fast - track the process to enable the district achieve SDG 6, aimed at clean water and sanitation.
Assistant Director of Media in her office, Mohammed Manga, in a statement quoted her as saying that training and retraining of federal workers is essential to the development of the nation and that the inauguration was part of efforts to achieve the recently signed Executive Orders by Acting President Yemi Osinbajo aimed at easing business and fast tracking budget submissions.
«With eye tracking, once you've discovered the target you are already aiming at it,» says John Paulin Hansen at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Youvan's team aims to build on that work, producing variants of GFP that will eventually enable as many as ten different proteins to be tracked at once.
To name a few, information about relationships between species can be used to guide the classification of biodiversity, inform conservation policies aimed at protecting threatened species, aid in tracking the spread of pathogens, and can even play a role in the discovery of new medicines.
But conservation groups took aim at one action in particular: restricting land clearing to curtail runoff in Queensland, which is listed as «on track or underway.»
In the next step the researchers are not only aiming at expanding the length of the route, but also plan more complex challenges on the test track.
Building the instrument required solving a host of engineering problems, ranging from dealing with a remote, barely accessible site, shielding the dish from radio frequency interference that would drown out the signals from cosmic objects, and developing a first - of - its - kind method to pull a portion of the spherical dish into a gradually moving paraboloid to aim at and track astronomical targets as Earth rotates.
«Flu evolves quickly and in complex ways,» so this will help the World Health Organization (WHO) track and aim at the right strains with annual vaccines, says co-author Derek Smith, a Cambridge epidemiologist and member of the WHO committee tasked with planning WHO's annual flu shot regimen.
The cell processing track aims at reproducible, safe and sustainable methods applicable in manufacturing settings for cell - based products intended for cellular therapy.
We will now be able to open a track specifically aimed at integrative analyses of complex data sets, where we will be part of the selected projects for an even longer period of time.»
In the software arena, we have developed enterprise resource software that track success, failures, and sample histories from target selection to PDB deposition, annotation and target management tools, and helper applications aimed at facilitating and automating multiple steps in the pipeline.
This is why ESA engineering teams are excited by a new initiative aimed at redeveloping part of Goonhilly Earth Station, an existing commercial station in Cornwall, UK, to enable it to provide Europe's first deep - space tracking services on a commercial basis.
Instead, aim to eat as healthy as possible at every meal, and when you get off track, just start over at the next meal.
Plan to eat a healthful breakfast each day, add more vegetables or fruits into your daily meals, aim to walk at least 15 minutes a day, keep track of how many jumping - jacks you can do in a minute, see if that increases over the months.
«Reducing smoking in movies probably helped to reduce rates of smoking in kids,» says study author James D. Sargent, MD, a professor of pediatrics at Dartmouth Medical School and the codirector of the Cancer Control Research Program at Norris Cotton Cancer Center, both in Lebanon, N.H. «We are on the right track aiming at movies, yet half of movies still contain smoking and more work needs to be done.»
Featuring over 100 licensed motorcycles to race upon a vast collection of real world tracks, Ride aims to be the seminal title for motorcycle fans, enabling you to race at breakneck speeds on two wheels without the risk of suffering a nasty road rash.
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