Sentences with phrase «air capture machines»

Could new air capture machines suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and store it underground so cheaply as to obviate the need to slow emissions?
Energy sources for the energy - intensive process must be continuous to maintain the process, rather like the air capture machine.

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In other words, a vast industrial infrastructure of air - capture machines would be required to remedy the effects of our vast, industrial infrastructure for fossil fuels.
«All Dyson Airblade hand dryers have HEPA filters that capture particles as small as bacteria from the washroom air before it leaves the machine.
From the long stretch of hallways created by the machines that fill the air with buzzes, pings and clicks of the flippers, it's a nostalgic rush that what's left of the disappearing public arcade scene can't seem to capture anymore.
Direct air capture (DAC) is one of those options, with DAC machines often described as «sucking CO2 from the air» or «artificial trees».
The two main types, she says, are solar radiation management, which mostly refers to injecting sulfur aerosols into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight and, hence cool the Earth; and carbon dioxide removal, which is best illustrated by direct air capturemachines that take carbon dioxide out of the air and store it underground.
But air - capture machines, installed anywhere on earth, could deal with the 52 percent of carbon - dioxide emissions that are caused by distributed, smaller sources like cars, farms, and homes.
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