Sentences with phrase «air dash»

The phrase "air dash" refers to a quick movement or burst of speed while being airborne, often used in video games or action scenes. Full definition
His super suit lets him zip around on the ground and air dash of the ground as well.
Where Super Meat Boy was all about the ultra-precise jump, Slime - san demands less in that aspect, in exchange for forcing you to balance your jumps with air dashes and wall phasing in quick succession while a wall of digestive acid threatens to melt you in every level if you don't act quickly enough.
The double and triple jump are more like air dashes, allowing you to quickly navigate across the screen and up long vertical corridors.
Areus is a sword - master who also has the ability to cast destructive spells, whereas Selene the Darkenith is slightly more agile, her finesse allowing her to double - jump as well as air dash.
To compensate, Sam is given a double jump and air dash for further mobility.
This will require you to super jump then mid air dash attack with a Jedi to reach.
You can dash by double - tapping a direction, run without concern for stamina, double jump like you typically would in a platformer or third person game, scamper up ledges like in DOOM, and even air dash too like, well, ReCore comes to mind having played that recently.
I have made quite a few eye rolls during my play time at the parody - level girls and their antics, but I felt like a true warrior once I figured out how to pummel 20 enemies into the air, run up the wall following them to add more to their beat down, then air dash after them to pound them back into the ground, ending their life and my 250 - hit combo.
For those who are either unwilling or unable to play on the default settings, it's possible to turn on a host of amenities — things like making Madeleine invulnerable to spikes, giving her infinite air dashes, infinite stamina for wall - clinging, and more.
There are instant air dashes, super jumps and combo extending vanish attacks to get to grips with.
I found myself deftly wall - jumping and air dashing through even the most tricky environments.
Air dashing plays with the concept of jumping in and attacking, though not all characters can do it.
Theres a secret passage in the wall and if you have full health but I do nt think full subtanks there will be a capsule where light gives you a chip that provides all 4 of the body chip effects, regen when standing still, a new weapon that lets you fire off fully charged shots for a bit, 2x air dashing and even better damage reduction.
Not only do these weapons exhibit different properties and grant additional combos, they also allow the use of different abilities, like Osiris» «Angel Boost,» a short air dash.
These moves typically include the ability to grind effortlessly on rooftop edges and phone lines, run across walls, jump off of cars and bouncy surfaces, and perform air dashes across space gaps on both land and sea.
Her standing move - set feels ready - made for Smash — all about precise air dashes which are essential to the Smash landscape, and throw in some assists from Mr. Oshiro, Granny, Theo, Dark Madeline, and some impossible strawberries, and we're halfway up the mountain.
Little things like a lack of transitions between loading screens, Sonic's Air Dash launching immediately instead of taking a moment to charge, and the returning Enerbeam mechanic trimmed down to swinging around all make Fire & Ice that much more fun to play.
Take the rail grinding of the Tony Hawk franchise, splice in the open world of Grand Theft Auto, toss in a sprinkle of Dead Rising's endless parades of enemies, pour in about half a cup of Ratchet & Clank's crazy weapons, season with the traversal system and air dashes of games like Jet Grind Radio and Gun Valkyrie, and then top it off with Saints Row's irreverent humor, the result would basically be this new Xbox One exclusive.
It's a fun fighter that will keep dedicated players practicing special - to - super cancels and air dashes for months to come while attracting new players to the genre.
Air Dash Attack — tap forward twice then attack in the air to rocket across the stage with Iron Man and hit enemies multiple times.
Where Super Meat Boy was all about the ultra-precise jump, Slime - san demands less in that aspect, in exchange for forcing you to balance your jumps with air dashes and wall phasing in quick succession while a wall of digestive acid threatens to melt you in every level if you don't act
King cab stretched with «59 Fleetside bed and»55 Bel Air dash.
Besides the platforming sections, which generally see you air dashing about the place and placing platforms, often under heavy fire and tight time limits, there are also some pretty creative and intense boss battle sequences (Although the final two bosses can jog on, as far as I'm concerned) and Zero - G sections that feel like a modern update on the Gradius formula, except «now with added dashes!»
When Super moves get pulled out the screen can quickly turn into a mess of hitboxes for you to avoid, but you can double jump, air dash, Instant Block, Faultless Defense... There are so many options available for you go against whatever your opponent has in store, so you rarely feel overwhelmed.
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet features an original story supervised by Sword Art Online creator Reki Kawahara, and offers an epic adventure filled with fast paced jumps, air dashes, wall - to - wall repelling and shooting gameplay.
In the end, stringing together a chain of double - jumps and air dashes to avoid danger then crashing down to the floor only to blast your friend with your only bullet is pretty enjoyable.
The standard compliment of moves are all present: dash, air dash, high jump, double jump, jump cancel, and defensive roll are here to allow you to quickly close the distance between you and your opponent and open up a large can of Whoop - a $ $.
PSB: Air dashing and wagering both seem to be fresh new concepts for fighters.
Expect a slightly darker storyline, air dashing, wall jumping and heaps of hidden collectibles to find.
No matter the layout of the stage, you will be air dashing, jumping off walls, and using the «Flashfield» to hover over wide gaps, all while tagging multiple enemies and shooting gigawats of electricity into them until they explode.
Every character can double jump, and every character but one can air dash.
Players will be able to explore the world of Gun Gale Online like never before, making use of double jumps, air dashes, and wall - to - wall repelling in order to guide Kirito & co. through an all - new adventure.
In between combat sections, I found myself having to double - jump, air dash and grapple my way from platform to platform with precision timing, which was as tricky as it was satisfying.
Toss on top of that a double jump, air dash and glide move and you've got the basics for some platforming fun as you chain together the different moves to get around the place.
As the main protagonist, you'll be double jumping, air dashing and mowing down enemies, often in mid-air!
Some are straightforward like the Great Sword, which is particularly effective when you charge it up and let loose a super-powered strike for high - damage; but others, like the Insect Glaive, with its air dashes and Kinsect companion, require a bit more finesse to use properly.
It's an hour of blisteringly fast paced run and gun shooting with slow - mo, multiple air dashes, bullet reflecting, boss crushing gameplay.
In Celeste, however, there's Assist Mode, which you can change various game rules — game speed, stamina, the number of air dashes, even your ability to die — and shape the game.
With the additions of air dashes and air recoveries, even players who have probed every pixel of Guardian Heroes will find a reason to revisit the technological / fantastical battlegrounds.
These range from the familiar to the surprising, sometimes even within the same weapon: The Charge Blade changes forms, like a «trick weapon» from Bloodborne... but it also requires you to manage a special resource called phials with a series of complex maneuvers; the Glaive let's you double jump and air dash... and to get the most out of it, you need to regularly shoot a special beetle at various parts of the monster you're hunting.
Where Super Meat Boy was all about the ultra-precise jump, Slime - san demands less in that aspect, in exchange for forcing you to balance your jumps with air dashes and wall phasing in quick succession while a wall of digestive acid threatens to melt you in every level if you don't act quickly enough.
You aim and fire with the right analog stick, jump with «ZL» (including in - air dashes and wall jumps) and switch weapons (dual wielding machine guns or rockets) with the «R» bumper.
The double jump, air dash, and cancel controls make for a fantastic degree of control, with only a few moments where a combination of small platforms and uncooperative camera angles resulted in frustration.
You'll air dash, wall run, and slide through levels with up to three teammates as you eviscerate hordes of android enemies in exchange for oodles of crafting resources.
You can superjump, supersprint, air dash and glide around virtual Steelport, making cars redundant and also giving the real world travel a very lethargic feel.
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