Sentences with phrase «air masses around»

These slim strips of strong winds have a huge influence on climate, as they can push air masses around and affect weather patterns.
The polar jet streams are narrow, fast - flowing rivers of wind high in the Earth's atmosphere that push cold and warm air masses around, playing an important role in determining the weather.
This migration drags wetter / dryer air masses around with it.

Not exact matches

While an active area of research, new studies show that Arctic ice may also influence weather patterns around the world by creating cold air masses.
The car's computer - controlled air suspension does a bewilderingly good job of keeping its mass in check — even after a bit of a diet the GT still weighs 2169 kg — and it's phenomenally poised when you do start to throw the car around.
If a larger mass of warm air has to pass through it, more energy is transferred, through the evaporator's fins (so that even the evaporator's design and, in particular, its exchange surface play an important part) from the air to the liquid refrigerant allowed inside it by the TEV or orifice tube so it expands more and, along with the absolute pressure inside the evaporator, the refrigerant's vapor superheat (the delta between the boiling point of the fluid at a certain absolute pressure and the temperature of the vapour) increases, since after expanding into saturated vapour, it has enough time to catch enough heat to warm up further by vaporizing the remaining liquid (an important property of a superheated vapour is that no fluid in the liquid state is carried around by the vapour, unlike with saturated vapour).
Radiographs reveal a solid mass of material in the stomach, often with a distinctive halo of air around it.
For example, the domain - wide peak maximum for SO2 occurs at 6:00 h, whereas the domain - wide peak maximum for H2SO4 is observed much later during the day, at around 14:00 h, but also at a different area of the domain as the air mass has traveled.
Or around 2 / 3rd the mass to make CO2 comes from the oxygen in the air.
The possible link between Arctic change and mid-latitude weather is the focus of the conference, and even if the researchers don't have all the answers yet, there is an emerging consensus that melting Arctic sea ice is fundamentally changing the the way air masses and weather systems whirl around the Northern Hemisphere.
Homeyer will use a trajectory model and information on winds in the atmosphere, then put particles or little air bubbles in places where the storms occur, move them around with the winds and watch as they move downstream to find locations where air masses from storms coincide with satellite observations.
The same can be observed around some Andean glaciers and of course the Antarctic peninsula: renewed advection of warmer air displaced by colder HP polar air masses descending to lower latitudes can melt certain regions yet it does not mean global warming, quite the opposite in fact.
The total mass of air above the urban area is 10,000 kg / m ^ 2, but the bottom 2000 ft contains less than 5 % of it, or around 500 kg / m ^ 2.
Rather than flow around the arctic in a circular manner, the movement of the cold air becomes wavier, bringing the mass further and further south (see the pictures above).
The air around being colder therefore denser and heavier, with more condensed volume, will sink; gravity having less of a grip on the hotter less dense rising expanding lighter volume with less mass than it does on the denser colder heavier with more mass.
The amount of liquid water in air is always very small, typically around 0.1 % of mass inside a cloud.
Namely, compared to dry air at the same temperature, a lifted saturated air mass condenses water and releases latent heat, and this heating expands the volume (decreases the density) increasing buoyancy relative to the dry air around it that has no such energy source.
The inertial motion of the Sun around the barycentre, or centre of mass, of the Solar System has been employed as the base in searching for possible influence of the Solar System as a whole on climatic processes, especially on the changes in surface air temperature.
More meridonal jet stream tracks flowing around the world between the climate zones result in longer lines of air mass mixing at climate zone boundaries.
Model studies suggest that a collapse of the AMOC could lead to a reduction in surface air temperature of around 1 - 3 °C in the North Atlantic region and surrounding land masses, but with local cooling of up to 8 °C in areas of increased sea ice (Vellinga and Wood, 2002; Vellinga et al 2002; Manabe and Stouffer; 1997; Jacob et al 2005).
Air has a known density (around 1.23 kg / m3 at sea level), so the mass of air hitting a wind turbine (which sweeps a known area) each second is given by the following equatiAir has a known density (around 1.23 kg / m3 at sea level), so the mass of air hitting a wind turbine (which sweeps a known area) each second is given by the following equatiair hitting a wind turbine (which sweeps a known area) each second is given by the following equation:
Correcting for lack of mass by sticking in another equation does not solve the problem — the problem is the maths still does not describe the actual real world around us because the scenarios created by AGWScienceFiction fake fisics are of a different world built out of the non-existant massless, volumeless, attractionless, non-condensable and not bouyant in air ideal gas — because there is no air in their ideal gas atmosphere, only empty space, they do not have any atmosphere at all.
My curiosity is built around the assumption that the warmer air mass must have transferred heat to the ocean (warmer to colder) and that raises the thought that the atmosphere would have to get colder than the ocean for it (the air) to be warmed by the sea.
While colder and warmer air masses are shifting around, cold air and warm are being «produced» at certain rates that globally averaged may not shift around quite so much.
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