Sentences with phrase «air molecules»

"Air molecules" refers to the tiny particles that make up the air we breathe. They are extremely small and constantly moving around us in the Earth's atmosphere. Full definition
A second detection system will make use of the faint glow caused by the collisions of shower particles with air molecules during cosmic ray air showers.
The rapid movement of an object (such as the speaker in my clock) throws surrounding air molecules into a frenzy.
The clay nanoparticles would spread out like sheets of paper scattered across a floor and keep air molecules from escaping, which kept the balls firm for an unusually long time.
The x-rays appear only in near - vacuum conditions, however — air molecules slow down the electrons enough so that they produce just a faint glow.
But rain and other forms of precipitation rub against air molecules too, and produce a tiny bit of friction.
This indicates to me that most CO2 molecules will absorb their fingerprint bandwidth of radiation energy from any source and pass that energy to the surrounding air molecules almost instantly.
Essentially the subject of how air molecules replaced steel molecules was off limits.
Although water vapour is a greenhouse gas it had no warming effect at the surface where the vapour simply acquired the same temperature as the surrounding air molecules.
This microscope can operate in extreme vacuum conditions eliminating the interference by air molecules and various other contaminations.
This plasma can ionize air molecules passing over a surface, speeding up the airflow.
When a «hot» air molecule collides with a CO2 molecule, it can also cause the CO2 molecule to vibrate faster, and the CO2 can emit this additional energy as a photon.
Fragments fly out from this collision and collide with more air molecules, in a cascade that continues until the energy of the original particle is spread among millions of particles raining down upon the earth.
In order to equalize the pressure difference between the the rising parcel and its new environment, air molecules inside the higher - pressure air parcel push out the sides of the parcel.
For example, 1730 ppb means that one billion air molecules contain 1730 methane molecules.
When the particle starts to drift out of the middle and into the bright laser beam, the force of heated air molecules bouncing around and hitting the particle's surface is enough to nudge it back to the center.
When a high - energy gamma ray from a blazar strikes air molecules in the upper regions of Earth's atmosphere, it produces a cascade of charged subatomic particles.
This new invention runs solely on air molecules, eliminating the need for explosive gas propellants.
In the greenhouse and in the atmosphere energy is partly transferred from the heated surfaces through collision between air molecules (conduction).
Scientists have to use a scanning electron microscope, which must peer at objects in a vacuum because air molecules absorb the electrons that the microscope depends on to take the picture.
From 240 miles above Earth's surface, lightning is visible as bright blotches, and city lights appear as yellow streaks; the atmosphere glows in bands of yellow, green, and red as energetic air molecules interact and emit light, a process (called airglow) that is difficult to see from the ground.
«THE TIME HAS COME» The leaden tones of Death causing nearby air molecules to shiver in fear and hastily get out of the way.
With warm waters in the west and cool waters in the east there is an upward air movement (low pressure systems) in the west and a downward movement (high pressure systems) in the east, leading to a lack of air molecules over the sea surface in the west and an overabundance in the east.
At the smallest level, air molecules continuously jostle against one another at hundreds of miles per hour, ricocheting like billiard balls.
Even though 310 miles up is technically outer space, a few air molecules still float around — not enough to make the slightest difference to astronauts on a space shuttle or the space station, which orbit considerably lower, but sufficient to slow the GRACE satellites perceptibly.
Air molecules hurled hither, thither and yon rub together and warm up.
They mostly appear as fleeting streaks of light lasting less than a second, but the brightest ones leave behind trails of vaporised gases and glowing air molecules that may take a few seconds to fade.
With each heat shock, small ice crystals melt, small air bubbles consolidate, and water and air molecules migrate through the serum.
Tessera's Silent Air Cooling Technology uses charged air molecules to create an airstream that removes heat without any moving parts.
Because opposite charges attract, the positive ions move toward the negative electrode, colliding with neutral air molecules en route.
As sunlight passes through Earth's atmosphere, air molecules refract the light, scattering blue light more effectively than red, leaving red to fill our planet's shadow.
Surrounding air molecules become ionized and accelerate through the electric field — which results in wind.
Volume is a key player in the glass shattering game, because the loudness of a sound is directly related to the extent it displaces air molecules.
That's because air molecules spread out more as the air warms.
If you've ever seen a meteor streak across the night sky, you've seen the column of blasted air molecules it has left behind.
When high energy cosmic rays enter the Earth's atmosphere, they interact with air molecules producing a cascade of secondary particles which propagate through the atmosphere in a so - called air shower.
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