Sentences with phrase «air pollution issues»

Though scoring highly in forest sustainability and provision of safe drinking water, this is offset by high greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollution issues.
Filling in all these details will make it possible to refine the accuracy of atmospheric models and help to assess such things as strategies to mitigate specific air pollution issues, from ozone to particulate matter, or to assess the sources and removal mechanisms of atmospheric components that affect Earth's climate.
Past work has examined conservation policies in Mexico and Costa Rica, air pollution issues along the U.S. — Mexico border, voluntary regulation in Mexico and Colombia, and voluntary efforts to clean up brownfield properties in the United States.
He has also worked on air pollution issues from regional to global scales, particularly related to impacts of acidifying deposition, eutrophying nitrogen deposition and gaseous and particulate pollutant impacts on crops, forests and human health.
Sixty - four percent want more action on «reducing urban air pollution issues like smog.»
For example, one of the fellows in Keating's «class» worked on a Senate staff and had been a physical chemist before coming to D.C. Out of the blue, she was assigned to investigate an air pollution issue that she knew very little about.
To say this is a temporary issue caused by Saharan dust shows a clear misunderstanding of the air pollution issue.
If urban sprawl just brings more commuting and therefore transportation and air pollution issues, not to mention eating up usable greenspace with more houses and big box stores, then the question comes as to how to construct new comes in a city that is already developed?
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