Sentences with phrase «air quality regulations»

Have air quality regulations reduced ozone levels in developed nations?
To get around the local pollution problems and to adhere to the new air quality regulations, the industry started building tall stacks to disperse the pollution instead of reducing it.
Before retirement from a Non-Regulated Generating company, I was actively analyzing air quality regulations that could affect company operations and was responsible for the emissions data used for compliance.
It actually meets or exceeds state air quality regulation, even in California which has some of the strictest laws in the US.
Strict air quality regulations set by federal, state and regional agencies protect residents» health, she said, and the company has made significant efforts to cut its emissions.
The study, «Uncertainty in the Cost Effectiveness of Nine Air Quality Regulations,» has been published in The Journal of Benefit - Cost Analysis (Spring 2015).
In other words, thanks to air quality regulations implemented in Europe, part of the masking effect of aerosol particles has been reduced, revealing the true warming of the Arctic by greenhouse gases,» says Annica Ekman, Professor at the Department of Meteorology (MISU) and Bolin Center for Climate Research, Stockholm University who also co-authored this study.
For trucks that spend thousands of miles on the road at fixed speeds, the fuel economy savings from diesel are worth the trade - offs and the extra hardware to make them compliant with air quality regulations.
Proposed Air Quality Regulations for Oil and Gas Activities on the OCS — The OCSLA requires BOEM to regulate air pollutant emissions from OCS activities to the extent they significantly affect the air quality of any State.
But around 1970, the U.S. Clean Air Act and other air quality regulations started curbing sulfate aerosol production.
The proposed rule would update BOEM's current air quality regulations, which were promulgated in 1980
«USEDA» (formerly know as the US Environmental Protection Agency) is proposing revisions to decades - old air quality regulations that will make it easier for coal - fired generation plants to obtain construction and operating permits for sites where air
In Salt Lake City, Rio Tinto operates strictly within the parameters of its air permits and complies with federal and state air quality regulations, which are based on rigorous standards for protecting human health.
EPA slamdown — Over the past two years the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed or finalized a number of air quality regulations that could seriously retard the economic recovery.
Classified as Class 1B, the plant will be operated to meet the Air Quality Regulation 97 - 133.
The conclusion is the overall news is good: Air quality regulation has benefited aquatic ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada, and controlling air pollution is benefiting nature in California.
It's pretty obvious to anyone who looks back far enough that air quality regulations have had a huge impact, at least when it comes to pollutants other than greenhouse gases.
Center officials also objected to the unrestricted waiver of air quality regulations.
Under the «Air Quality Regulation» category, the Chamber promises to «Oppose efforts to regulate greenhouse gas emissions through existing environmental statutes, including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act.»
Before retirement from the electric generating industry, I was actively analyzing air quality regulations that could affect company operations.
Representative Darrell Issa, Republican of California and new chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has asked lobbyists and trade organizations to identify the federal rules they would most like to see overturned, and the E.P.A.'s air quality regulations were high on the list.
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