Sentences with phrase «air rises»

It also may be contained in warm air rising from appliances.
When the firing was complete, the vents in the hot plate were opened and hot air rose from the pile of stones into the room to be heated.
The second cell consists of air rising in the middle latitudes — about 30 to 60 degrees north and south — and then falling again near the poles.
As air rises it expands — because the pressure decreases with height in the atmosphere — and this causes it to cool.
This warm air rises from the cookie to be replaced by cool air.
Go for floor standing rather than ceiling fans to ensure the heated air is distributed at the correct level and to avoid wasting energy in the form of heated air rising to the ceiling.
We all learn in school that warm air rises because it is less dense.
And white roofs can reduce precipitation as well, by reducing the amount of warm, humid air rising and, thus, the number of clouds and eventual rainfall.
At the equator: direct solar energy; warm temps; low pressure air rises and moves towards the poles.
The atmosphere is nothing like that because there is nothing to prevent hot air rising via convection from the ground to a substantial height.
When several bubbles of air rise up and pop in the pancake, that's a good sign that it's time to flip.
With other types of heating, the hot air rises quickly up toward the ceiling, warming the parts of a room where people rarely go.
Because hot air rises, putting a cage on a floor can also mean a cage that's too cold for your hamster.
First, a mass of air rises, causing it to expand (because of the lower atmospheric pressure).
As warm air rises, it expands and cools.
At night, when skies are clear and the temperature drops, warm air rises up the slopes while cold air is pushed down the hillside into the valley below.
Because of it, a simple single cell system (Figure 2) with heated air rising at the Equator moving to the Poles, sinking and returning to the Equator, breaks up.
As moist air rises over a range like the Sierras, falling temperatures cause water vapor to condense into droplets, giving rise to clouds.
And your third and final question, which I could've given to you as a third grader, is that wind comes from hotter air rising above cooler air, thereby making a current.
These winds start with hot, dry air rising into overhead thunderstorms, Henson explained.
That's because clouds form where air rises and dissipate where air sinks.»
In early winter, when the ground is still warm, heated and moistened air rises through the snow and cools into a layer of spiky, recalcitrant, depth - hoar crystals — pretty to look at, but weak as kittens.
The moist air rises until cooler temperatures and lesser pressure cause condensation.
When hot dry air rises, it cools at a lapse rate of 9.78 °C / km - this is known as the dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR).
«Deserts generally form in the subtropics because of the Hadley circulation, through which air rises at the equator and descends in the subtropics,» Nigam said.
Rapid vertical mixing in the convection areas that exist everywhere over the warm ocean and in which the warm air rises takes care of the rest.
Thunderstorms are due to convection: Heating of Earth's surface by sunlight and infrared radiation causes water to condense as buoyant air rises.
Hurricanes and other tropical cyclones take energy in by evaporating warm ocean water, and eject it at a colder temperature after air rises and water condenses in the eyewall.
The fire that raged during the bombing made superheated air rise with such force that it created a vacuum on the ground, ripping trees out of the ground, sucking people into the fires, and suffocating those spared the flames.
Once these have developed they are maintained, at least for a while, through the liberation of heat consequent upon the formation of rain as the warm damp air rises.
Ice crystals form where the air is coldest: on the crests of atmospheric waves, which are created far below as moving air rises and falls over mountains.
Levels of nitrogen dioxide in European city air rose throughout the 2000s but seem to have reached a peak in 2010 — suggesting Europe might get cleaner air sooner than expected
Hail forms inside powerful thunderstorms, often when warm, moist air rises rapidly in the atmosphere.
Soon - to - be-published findings suggest that a natural mechanism that filters air rising to the top of the sky may not work as well as previously thought.
(Hot air rises exhausting through the roof vent and pulling fresh air into the attic from the soffit vents.)
Whereas the Walker Circulation (or «Walker Cell») refers to an air flow parallel with the equator — all in the tropics — the Hadley Cell involves air rising in the tropics (follows the solar equator and gives rise to the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) which then flows polewards before sinking in the subtropics.

Phrases with «air rises»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z