Sentences with phrase «air surrounding something»

The leaves are changing, the cool crisp air surrounds us, and everyone is sipping their favorite pumpkin spice drinks.
The strong temperature gradient created by fires — between the hot flame and the cooler air surrounding it — can create a vortex; if the air currents and wind conditions are just right, the fire can travel upward in a whirling column.
One potential source of energy could be the heat of the human body, or more accurately, the difference in temperature between the body and the ambient air surrounding it, and while heat harvesting isn't a brand new technology, researchers at North Carolina State University have developed what they say is a much lighter and more efficient wearable thermoelectric generator (TEG) that can generate «far more electricity» than previous versions.
An infrared (IR) sauna uses a specific type of heater that creates infrared waves to heat your body directly, instead of just by the air surrounding you.
Nullius: «A parcel of moist air will rise if it is moister than the air surrounding it — but why would it be?
A parcel of moist air will rise if it is moister than the air surrounding it - but why would it be?
For example, unusually warm temperatures can affect the vapour pressure deficit (VPD)-- this is the difference between the water vapour contained in the leaf's interior and in the air surrounding it.
Plants, of course, release oxygen and evaporate water, a process known as evapotranspiration, and act like evaporative cooling systems to make the air surrounding them considerably cooler.
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