Sentences with phrase «airplane wing design»

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There, he and his pals were well on their way to delivering scalable wind energy using airplane - size robotic kites inspired, in part, by the wings Griffith has been designing to power his kite - surfing hobby since college.
Some detail - oriented personalities want lists that make a simple project look as complex as designing an airplane wing.
The initial duty in applied science, research, or teaching is to do the job well: to design an airplane wing that will hold under stress, to find a valid equation for chemical equilibrium, or to help students gain sound understanding of metabolism.
Scientists increase the resolution of so - called topology optimization to improve design capabilities for airplane wings and more.
Already, the bridge's novel design, with a deck shaped like an airplane wing, is being used as a template for future bridges across the Strait of Gibraltar and the Bering Strait.
Geologist Jeffrey Moore has figured out a way to study the viability of the arches with engineering tools designed to test airplane wings and bridges.
For instance, it might be used to help design a better airplane wing.
Tenth - grade world history students interview Chinese immigrants and record their stories; ninth - grade physical science students design and strength - test mock airplane wings; junior English students research, write, and illustrate children's nonfiction picture books; algebra students of all grades investigate a public - transit problem and propose solutions to city officials; sophomore geometry students build scale models of museums they've designed; students across the grades in an environmental - stewardship class raise public awareness of a polluted river — all are examples of academically challenging projects that also manage to engage the minds, hands, and hearts of most high school students across a wide range of abilities and interests.
(Uh, not me — not in a car named after a desert wind but designed to act like an airplane wing.)
60 Wind Generation Historically Small wind turbines used for Wind Generation Historically Small wind turbines used for agriculture use — pump water Provide electrical needs for isolated homes Extracts ~ 3 kW of power with wind vanes no larger than 1m long Modern Wind turbines with vanes larger than 50 m can extract megawatts of power from the wind Blades designed to function similar to airplane wings utilizing lift created by the wind flowing over the surface to turn the blades — more efficient Turbines mounted on tall towers or at sea can take advantage of higher winds.
Blades designed to function similar to airplane wings utilizing lift created by the wind flowing over the surface to turn the blades — more efficient
This launch vehicle is a 747 - 400 airplane designed to hold a rocket beneath its wing.
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