Sentences with phrase «airport bookstore»

An indie author can't place a book in airport bookstores and supermarkets; a large traditional publisher can.
You also know that if somebody has enough platform, like yourself, you could probably negotiate your own bookstore and airport bookstore access.
Perhaps neither was quite suited for this material as Berg's skill with non-fiction doesn't translate to her first narrative film and Holofcener's gifts with character are smothered by the twisting and turning requirements of airport bookstore thriller fiction.
And he has an interesting quote from Love about how «Novelists are afraid of being seen as not serious, or cheapening what they are doing, so there is hesitancy toward entering what can be seen as airport bookstore territory.»
Paradoxically, while e-readers seem purpose built for travel, airport bookstores continue to thrive, in part because of high foot traffic and bored travelers.
I used to carry 5 paperbacks with me on business trips, and I had to buy more at many airport bookstores.
It's bad enough that most airport bookstores are stocked to the ceiling with «Twilight» books and Dan Brown novels, the least they could do is cater to the active traveler and offer a full range of travel guides — Kickback or not.
I recently listened to a podcast where an indie author did manage to get his book in airport bookstores — Michael Bungay Stanier, on Tim Grahl's Book Launch podcast (there were three episodes, and I can't remember which episode discussed his distribution strategy).
Amazon's new store are more like local versions of airport bookstores, except with better selection, prices, and stories you can't find anywhere else.
Really good advice in this podcast, especially to do impromptu book signings at airports when traveling (using Twitter to get the word out) and going into non-traditional book stores such as airport bookstores, spas, hotels and other places that sell books and talk to the manager.
He never stood in an airport bookstore and wondered which of its seemingly interchangeable business titles would truly revolutionize his company and unlock the secret to happiness, and he never tried to make sense of the bizarre spectacle of a Jim Cramer rant.
No editor said, «Sorry, Robert, but your writing is too feminine - sounding, and you know that just doesn't fly off the shelves in the airport bookstores
Another cool thing has been brought to my attention by friends all over the country: The Clockwork Dagger is being sold in airport bookstores.
So when you walk by that airport bookstore with your sights set on People or US Weekly, just keep on walking.
I'm running a bit late (as I often do), frantically looking up at the monitor and searching for my gate, when out of the corner of my eye, I see my own face looking back at me from the airport bookstore.
«One night, on a business trip to London, by chance he picked up philosopher Martin Buber's thin book, The Way of Man, at an airport bookstore.
But one day in an airport bookstore, I found myself carrying it to the register.
They tell nothing about the story line or plot, they're almost all the same length, they're all overexcited and peppered with exclamation points; even more interesting is the fact that they are all «Verified Purchase,» as if no one received a copy of the book as a gift or bought it at Walmart or even an airport bookstore.
Quantity sales you'll try to generate, including association purchases, airport bookstores, and corporate bookfairs
It worked for him, but that was because he was selling a book about personal coaching, which is the type of book people in airport bookstores are looking for — short, and business / professional.
Publishers have been extremely helpful in getting distribution into book stores and airport bookstores; those are all really good things.
«Just take a look at the bulging shelves at any airport bookstore.
I don't have the marketing arm of a publishing company behind me to buy my way onto a display stand at the front of an airport bookstore.
It ends up being more consultative, than «what should I buy while I'm standing at the airport bookstore» type urgency.
Maybe Amazon will buy the airport bookstores.
Typically, I can't fit all the books I want with me in my briefcase, I can't read them when they turn the movie on or I can only select from the books in the airport bookstore.
First let me pour water on your parade: it is difficult if not impossible to sell to airport bookstores, Costco, and big box stores if you are a first time or self - published author.
By moving away from solely an e-publishing and Print on Demand (POD) model, she will now have distribution via physical retailers like Barnes & Noble, Wal - Mart, Costco, independent booksellers, airport bookstores, etc..
Barnes & Noble, Wal - Mart, airport bookstores, Walgreens, others — wouldn't have put me on their shelves.
The same ones you see at the airport bookstore, which will often only be stocking those books: people like John Grisham and James Patterson and Nora Roberts.
I've always been interested in investing and I picked up a book called The Automatic Millionaire, by David Bach at the airport bookstore.
It's a reading challenge designed for those who love travel — those who have a curiosity about the world around them, those who are always looking for their next great read (whether picking it up in an airport bookstore or finding wi - fi to download to their Kindle), those who want more ideas about what to read, and those who want to explore the world in person or through a good book.
Imagine, if you will, Leo Leduc passing time in an airport bookstore in 1990 when he sees Dr. Seuss» last book Oh, The Places You Will Go, just after it is published.
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