Sentences with phrase «airway cells»

"Airway cells" refers to the specific type of cells found in the tubes called airways, which are part of our respiratory system. These cells help in moving air in and out of our lungs by producing mucus and tiny hairs called cilia. They play a crucial role in keeping our airways clean and protecting our lungs from harmful substances. Full definition
When Liesman infected human airway cells in the lab with this re-engineered virus, she saw infected cells ball up and puff out of the airway epithelium.
Researchers observed viral replication in airway cells from mice with genetic deficiencies in the immune system sensors that detect virus and in the antiviral response.
The two types of airway cells in the alveoli, the gas - exchanging part of the lung, have very different functions, but can morph into each other under the right circumstances, the investigators found.
«Novel method for generating airway cells from stem cells: May lead to possible cures for lung diseases including cystic fibrosis.»
By turning the pathway off, she guided the immature lung cells into becoming airway cells.
There aren't many genes in RSV, and by generating mutant viruses in the laboratory, Pickles» team found that a specific RSV gene — the NS2 gene — was responsible for the balling up of RSV - infected airway cells.
Using this finding, researchers implemented a new way to use stem cells made from any individual, including cells from patients with cystic fibrosis, and turn them into airway cells, which they then grew into three - dimensional spheres.
«Our study suggests that epigenetic changes to cells treated with cigarette smoke sensitize airway cells to genetic mutations known to cause lung cancers,» says Stephen Baylin, M.D., the Virginia and D.K. Ludwig Professor for Cancer Research and professor of oncology at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center.
They found that STAT6 - IP prevented RSV - induced changes to airway cells called alveolar macrophages, which can promote asthma - like responses both during and following viral infections.
The researchers found to their surprise that the airways of these dectin -1-deficient mice were more prone to inflammation after exposure to dust mites compared to otherwise identical mice whose airway cells expressed dectin - 1 normally.
The experiments indicated that when dectin - 1 recognizes tropomyosin in house dust mites, shrimp or other common allergy - triggering species it suppresses airway cells» production of an immune molecule, IL - 33, which otherwise would promote an allergic response by immune cells.
However, Wills - Karp expects that other receptors on airway cells recognize these ubiquitous plant - derived allergens and she hopes to find them in future research.
Using fluorescent antibodies designed specifically to light up the receptor in mice, the investigators observed it on vagus nerves, which serve as a main biochemical connection between airway cells and the brain.
Initial tests on mice showed the hybrid virus was very efficient: the gene it carried was active in 24 per cent of airway cells after two months, a far better proportion than achieved by other delivery methods (New Scientist, 10 March 2001, p 19).
ICELL8 can isolate up to 1,800 single cells, ranging from 5 μm — 100 μm in size on a single chip, including cells from solid tumors, brain cells, pulmonary airway cells, and multiple cell lines.
The organoids serve another purpose, as well: scientists can grow them into more mature, specific cell types — like airway cells or alveolar cells — that are critical for lung function.
Encouraged by the study results, the team suggests that it may now be technologically possible to screen for cancer by checking expression levels of bronchial airway cell genes.
In laboratory imaging experiments with human upper airway cells, researchers showed that acute exposure to aflatoxins slowed down and impaired key defense mechanisms in the airways, including mucosal ciliary clearance (MCC) and ciliary beat frequency (CBF).
They show that RMC - 1 treatment prevents overproduction of mucous - generating goblet cells in the lungs of mice with asthma and in human airway cell cultures.
Building on that project, the researchers have now designed a machine that smokes cigarettes in a very human - like manner, and hooked it up to organs - on - chips lined by human lung small airway cells so the smoke interacts with these cells in a realistic way.
McCauley, looking at the earliest stages of the disease, wanted to take Hawkins» purified lung cells to the next step and figure out how they became airway cells.
They heightened the efficacy of the antimicrobials secreted by human airway cells, the body's natural immune response, as well.
«Limber lungs: One type of airway cell can regenerate another lung cell type.»
Vaz and Baylin say the results suggest that early epigenetic changes triggered by chronic cigarette smoke exposure can build up over time and make the airway cells increasingly sensitive to responding to mutations that initiate cancer.
Scientists at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center say they have preliminary evidence in laboratory - grown, human airway cells that a condensed form of cigarette smoke triggers so - called «epigenetic» changes in the cells consistent with the earliest steps toward lung cancer development.
The analysis found that cyclists had 2.3 times more soot in their airway cells.
In both human airway cells and mouse nasal cells, the researchers observed corrections in the targeted genes.
«Both reactions reduce the airway cells» ability to react appropriately to a subsequent viral or bacterial attack,» explains Marianne Geiser.
The airway cells seen through a microscope, including the cilia that transport mucus (Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University)
Inside the system, human airway cells are exposed to the smoke in a way that mimics the natural interaction between them (Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University)
Mapping the expression profiles of all genes one cell at a time revealed unexpected heterogeneity in the stem cell - derived lung cells, and the research team at the CReM used this information to improve the airway cells engineered in the lab.
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