Sentences with phrase «al se»

«Yes, or - al se - x is se - x, and it can boost cancer risk - Here's a crucial message for teens (and all se - xually active «post-teeners»: Or - al se - x carries many of the same risks as va - ginal se - x, including human papilloma virus, or HPV.
Looking back on my adolescent years, I definitely worried about «or - al se - x».
However my «or - al se - x» worries were strictly based upon the possibility of not receiving any!
Here's a crucial message for teens: Or - al se - x carries many of the same risks as va - ginal s - ex, including human pap - illoma virus, or HPV.
«Adolescents don't think or - al se - x is something to worry about (even though is becoming a major cause of throat cancer),» said Bonnie Halpern - Felsher professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco.
And from: «Adolescents don't think or - al se - x is something to worry about (even though is becoming a major cause of throat cancer),» said Bonnie Halpern - Felsher professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco.
«Adolescents don't think or - al se - x is something to worry about,» said Bonnie Halpern - Felsher professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco.
Here's a crucial message for teens (and all se - xually active «post-teeners»: Or - al se - x carries many of the same risks as va - ginal se - x, including human papilloma virus, or HPV.

Not exact matches

If its supposedly money they are worried about then how about castr a tion of their priest that cost millions every year for se xu al assault of little b o ys.
I'm a closet ho - mo - se - xu - al, and it makes life harder and makes me bitter.
Do not be deceived: neither the se - xu - ally im - mor - al, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice h - omos - exu - ality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.»
ho - mo... whether ho - mo sapiens or ho - mose - xual, etc. t - it... const - itution, att - itude, ent - ities, etc. an - al... ban - al sh - it fu - ck... who - re tw - at... as in wristw - atch, (an unexpected one) pr - ick sl - ut c - lit va - g... as in extrava - gant, va - gina, va - grant, va - garies hor - ny ar - se... yet «ass» is not filtered!
Explain where God is in the parents that are told to reject their ho mo se xu al children, or in the huge sanctuary full of people that spend their time gossiping about and insulting one another.
ho - mo... whether ho - mo sapiens or ho - mose - xual, etc. t - it... const - itution, att - itude, ent - ities, etc. an - al... ban - al sh - it fu - ck... who - re tw - at... as in wristw - atch, (an unexpected one) pr - ick sl - ut c - lit va - g... as in extrava - gant, va - gina, va - grant hor - ny ar - se... yet «ass» is not filtered!
What I find to be so hypocritical is that pr - og - ay groups are so strongly against those of us who choose to voluntarily, and with informed consent, undergo se - xu - al re-or-ie-nt-at-io-n.
«Hoy canto al Dios del Pueblo en mi guitarra, un canto de mujer que se libera» («Today I sing to the God of my people with my guitar, I sing a song of a woman who liberates herself»), sings Rosa Marta Zárate.
In consideration of recent public exposure concerning ped - ophiles (in most cases these are pederasts, i.e., active ho - mo - se - x-uals practicing an - al (or oral) i - nterc - ourse with teenagers) in the Church the following passages from Scripture are referenced.
Even among hetero s - e-x ual couples, some of the practices that male ho - mo - se - xu - als engage in, are considered dangerous, un-clean and fil - thy by HONEST health professionals.
Or a child of one of the two ho mo se xu als involve in such an aberrant arrangement.
To force (another person) to submit to s e x acts, especially se x u al intercourse; commit r a pe on.
If the students are «good catholics» (lower case usage intentional, tyvm), they won't need to use the coverage for «contraception, sterilization, and abortion - causing medications» because they won't be engaging in pre-marital se x u al activity.
Quiero agradecer al Staff Técnico, al equipo médico, a todos los compañeros con los que compartí muchas cosas lindas para el club y en especial a todas esas personas que no se ven en las portadas, pero que sin ellos nada seria posible, que son los que te preparan la comida y te cuidan día día, los que nos mantienen los zapatos limpios y campos de fútbol en las mejores condiciones para entrenar.
Most of the other determinants of pregnant women's smoking were SES related (Lu et al, 2004).
Bed sharing mortality has been linked with markers of lower socioeconomic status (SES), including overcrowded households, adolescent mothers, economic deprivation, and low levels of maternal education (e.g., Carpenter et al 2004; Fleming 2006; Ostfeld et al 2006).
«The se are the court users like, both of the Higher and Lower Benches, Lawyers, the Police, Prison Officers, UN-unconnected Donor agencies, Social Workers, Litigants, Legislators, Law Students and al other stakeholders in the justice sector.
Rockman et al conducted a three - year study of the impact of the online, Supplementary Education Services (SES) provided by Educate Online, Inc. (EO), funded by the Star Schools Program of the U.S. Department of Education.
Research published in the article «Lasting Consequences of the Summer Learning Gap» by Karl L. Alexander, et al, charted how a student's socio - economic status (SES) plays a role is summer learning loss:
We don't have pensions per se, so we have been maxing out our Group RRSP's (and outside mutual funds et al) and have $ 320K in our portfolio.
... Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar.»
I see there is a recent 304 paragraph decision in B.C. — Newman et al v. Halstead et al, 2006 BCSC 65 — in which the court awarded damages totalling $ 681,000 against an individual defendant (who did not appear at the trial, hence there was no defence per se) for her liability in making defamatory statements on her website, chat rooms and email about various teachers in which she made allegations of misconduct and allegations that the School Board mishandled or covered up this activity.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z