Sentences with phrase «alarm bells among»

A post on the U.K. - based InfoRiskAwareness blog might be setting off alarm bells among BigLaw firms, both here and across the pond.
No human cases have been reported so far in Nigeria, but the news set off alarm bells among public health officials.
The trend has raised alarm bells among conservation groups and global warming advocates, who have banded together to press the Indonesian government toward reforms.
while far from conclusive, has raised alarm bells among some in the youth sports community and prompted at least one leading concussion expert, Dr. Robert Cantu, MomsTeam's concussion expert emeritus, to recently recommend that kids not play such sports until middle or high school, at least under current rules.
The idea of a leaderless organization set off alarm bells among Uber's major investors, especially Benchmark's Bill Gurley who serves on Uber's board.

Not exact matches

These findings — though not unique among the countries surveyed by Pew — could raise potential human rights alarm bells as both countries begin the long process of rebuilding their systems of jurisprudence in the wake of the U.S. exit.
In This Article Antibiotics Usage And Its Effect on Breast MilkBreast milk provides good bacteriaHow can be Antibiotics be harmful for babies?Findings of the studyImplications of the study Antibiotics Usage And Its Effect on Breast MilkA recent study has found that use of antibiotics among babies can minimize the benefits of breastfeeding for babies.The babies treated with antibiotics while they were breastfeeding were more susceptible to infections and obesity.This has set the alarm bells ringing among the medical fraternity and... Read More
This has set the alarm bells ringing among the medical fraternity and parents, as use of antibiotics is quite common and prevalent.
It was not long before data showed dramatic increases in the use prescription opioid medicines by teenagers, Volkow said, and set off alarm bells that «we had a problem with prescription medicines,» a 2003 discovery that was later underscored by a steep increase in overdose deaths among all users.
Alarm bells went off among Mayor Greg Ballard's staff Dec. 3 when Virginia - based Imagine Schools issued an arcane press release announcing its Imagine - West charter school in Indianapolis would be overseen by Trine University rather than by Ball State University.
Capcom has made interesting changes in the name of accessibility - that dirty word - and I'm sure they'll set alarm bells ringing among the fighting game community.
Public health experts who work on the «shale fields» among impacted citizens have been ringing alarm bells: «I don't know if I have ever seen a problem as widespread as this with as little information collected about it, and as relaxed an attitude in terms of the sense of urgency, in the sense of responsibility on the part of the state and federal governments, and for that matter, the drilling industry,» cautioned a seasoned public health toxicologist David Brown from Southwest Environmental Health Project in my interview for Gas Rush Stories.
A bigger market for eco-friendly products would set alarm bells ringing among those manufacturers who continue to tax the Earth.
When I see similar patterns of comments among different posters, the alarm bells go off.
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