Sentences with phrase «alarming measure of success»

Not exact matches

The number of unemployed clergy and empty pulpits is alarming to those who measure success in traditional terms.
It's directed to sparkle with cruelty and irony in equal measure by Lucy Bailey, and the production's array of alarming characters is key to its success.
Typically, our anaesthetized patients are monitored with the following: Capnograph (measures expired carbon dioxide and breaths), Apnea alarm (alarms if breathing stops), Pulse Oximetry (measures Oxygen levels in the blood), Scrolling EKG (measures electrical activity of the heart), Blood Pressures (using a Oscillometric Cardell Blood Pressure unit), Thermometer (keeping the patient warm is critical to success) and of course a dedicated technician monitoring other parameters (like depth of anesthesia, pulse pressures, etc) continuously throughout.
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