Sentences with phrase «alarmist climate scientists»

In fact, most feedbacks in our physical world are negative, but alarmist climate scientists tend to assume very high positive feedbacks.
And so, while most scientists change the hypotheses to fit the data, alarmist climate scientists prefer to change the data to fit the anthropogenic warming hypothesis.
Over the past decade alarmist climate scientists — including the top figures in the field — have been deliberately misleading the public on many climate issues.
And so, over the decade, alarmist climate scientists tried to fool the public by stonewalling («it's the warmest decade on record,» which doesn't mean the decade was warming), denying the facts («the allegation that annual global mean temperatures stopped increasing during the past decade has no basis in reality»), or outright lying («the world is warming even more quickly than we had thought»).
At least, this is what alarmist climate scientists like Hansen want the public to believe.
One might even say alarmist climate scientists have developed a culture of deception, a culture that is very clear in the «Climategate» emails.
But then again, I think that's probably wrong, at least for the alarmist climate scientists:.
But it's baffling that alarmist climate scientists are so certain that additional carbon dioxide will produce a climate disaster, even though there is little empirical evidence to support this view, and much evidence against it, including a decade of non-warming.
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