Sentences with phrase «alarms hit me like»

Not exact matches

I was also off work for 2 weeks and this 5:30 alarm clock is hitting me like a ton of bricks too!
And by «me» time, we mean those extra 10 minutes of shut - eye in between when we hit the snooze button and when we rouse feeling like a sentient being and not the homicidal creature that first silenced our blaring alarm.
Trick yourself to get up at the first alarm by putting your phone or alarm clock across the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off, or using an app like Sleep Cycle that wakes you up when you're at the lightest point of your REM cycle so you won't feel groggy and tempted to hit snooze.
The increased frequency of attacks like these is truly alarming, not only for clients, but also for the solicitors who can take a huge hit to their reputation in seconds.
If your alarm is going off, this simple wave gesture is like hitting the snooze button.
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