Sentences with phrase «albeit one who»

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People who don't have Costco memberships will be able to shop there, albeit at prices that are a bit higher than what members would get.
«Language Line had been doing the same thing for a very long time,» says Klein, who had held CEO and executive posts at several medium - sized companies before retiring, albeit briefly, in 2010.
Those have included testing kale (soon after McDonald's mocked people who favor that trendy vegetable), trying out lobster rolls (a home run in the Boston area, according to Easterbrook), and, on the marketing front, bringing back the Hamburglar, albeit in a modern guise.
Most people think Russia is responsible, but one cyber-security figure points in a different direction: According to James Bamfield, who has written extensively about U.S. intelligence agencies, the latest leaks suggest someone inside the NSA — a second Edward Snowden in other words, albeit one with different motives.
But the situation is getting more costly for Saloner, with his hiring of Edelman, and for Phills, who has also brought on a PR firm, albeit a much smaller one.
That's on top of other Republican senators who have recently warned against a hasty Obamacare repeal sans a replacement (albeit for a range of reasons) like Kentucky's Rand Paul, Arizona's John McCain, Arkansas» Tom Cotton, and Tennessee's Lamar Alexander, who heads the influential Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) committee in the Senate.
Senate Democrats tracked down a career Justice Department employee named J. Gerald Hebert, who testified, albeit reluctantly, that in a conversation between the two men Sessions had labelled the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) «un-American» and «Communist - inspired.»
When the speeches — along with performances by Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and others — were finished, and the crowds began to disperse, the Stoneman Douglas students became tourists again, albeit ones who had moved thousands.
In response to albeit leading questions posed to many of the integral players in the company who were on hand for the premiere of General Magic, most focused on climate change and lack of diversity in tech (not of the ideological kind) as major problems.
It's a critical role, albeit one that still must report up to Teller and his core team, who carry more weight on X initiatives.
That movie, for all it's exhilarating presentation of youthful life on the road as you experience those who make music which can speak to large audiences, is nonetheless all about how you ought to get sucked into the rock «n roll way of life (albeit eschewing the drugs and sex part of it) because somehow rock «n roll is supposedly important.
My son Stephen and I spent an unusual, albeit unusually moving, Independence Day: We attended the golden wedding anniversary celebration of my friends Piotr and Teresa Malecki, which began with a Mass of thanksgiving in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of Cracow's Wawel Cathedral — the place where Piotr and Teresa had exchanged vows on July 4, 1964, kneeling before their old kayaking and hiking friend, the archbishop of Cracow (who, as Pope St. John Paul II, was canonized some two months before the Maleckis» jubilee.)
Having had the pleasure of knowing Hannah Arendt, albeit much too slightly, and moreover of having known more closely Heinrich Bluecher when I was his assistant in the World Civilizations program at Bard College in 1958 «1959, I can say there are few people who, in their writings and their persons, could face with such clear determination the heights and the depths of European civilization in the last century.
I was also a saved, born - again believer (albeit one who struggles with full assurance issues), but I was not prepared for the shock of finding myself in a Calvinist church.
The irony here is that this bill would have actually increased attacks upon religion, as many gays and lesbians, as well as their supporters and those who are not biased towards them, are actually also members of churches, albeit more liberal ones.
I don't think every pastor who succumbs to abuse of power on a relatively small scale is a clinical narcissist; and yet I do see very similar behaviour patterns playing out, albeit on a much smaller scale.
And lest anyone think this scenario is limited to Julie, it isn't — similar (though not as extreme) methods of gaslighting, shaming, dismissing, etc. have been applied to anyone who challenges the holy hipster male missional crew albeit Mars Hill, Outlaw Preacher, Emergent Village, etc..
Those who have been abused sexually, or those who have for whatever reason engaged in casual, albeit consensual, sex, still deserve the love and respect of others.
For evangelizing, in its essence, is taking the authentic Christian gospel (albeit with the limitations of human understanding) through word or deed to those who need it and are at least prepared enough to take a look at it.
The film will chart the true story of just how the housing bubble burst, and Bale, Gosling and Pitt will all portray real - life (albeit, more handsome) characters who helped engineer the disaster...
In the latter regard, H. Paul Santmire whose study of the history of Western attitudes toward nature is one of the best available, provides perspective when he writes: «The theological tradition of the West is neither ecologically bankrupt, as some of its popular and scholarly critics have maintained and as numbers of its own theologians have assumed, nor replete with immediately accessible, albeit long - forgotten ecological riches hidden everywhere in its deeper vaults, as some contemporary Christians, who are profoundly troubled by the environmental crises and other related concerns, might wistfully hope to find» (Santmire, 5).
What Marxist materialism conies down to, then, is that it is man who creates his own history, albeit always in a context in which the situation deriving from the past must be taken into account.
Sadly the only winners are the ones who followed their instinct and realized, much like Willow Ufgood did, albeit too late, that the power is in your own finger...
It has exposed me to great people of faith who wrestled with the very same questions, albeit in entirely different contexts.
Therefore, he is still a Christian, albeit one who is questioning his faith.
This statement, albeit in somewhat different language, could have been made by Karl Barth, or Rudolf Bultmann, or Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Suzanne de Dietrich or any number of others who have spoken to us of these matters during the century.
It is an integral aspect of our creatureliness, and its problematic, as with every other dimension of our «finite freedom in anxious self - awareness» (Tillich), should elicit foremost in the disciples of Christ compassion: com - passion, Mitleid — that is, the with - suffering of those who share, and recognize that they share, the same possibilities and ambiguities as they find in others, albeit perhaps in different configurations.
If it is kept small enough and relevant enough to its members needs, it can be a wonderful (albeit not without problems, us humans being who we are) experience.
Those who deny his lordship or serve idols and other deities are not beyond the sovereignty of Christ but are, albeit unknowingly, his subjects.
Of course, strictly speaking it is still possible, albeit implausible, that those who are urging a «light footprint» counterterrorism strategy are right and the uniformed military leadership and the experienced warfighters are wrong.
Some might find it more accurate to say that Paul teaches so - and - so albeit recognizing the problems reconciling his words with James and even Jesus himself.Also, many have come to think that because the words attibuted to Jesus in the fourth gospel are so unlike the synoptics that it's highly unlikey to be his actual speech (via translation) and what were likely reading is John's interpretation of who Jesus is.
Greider does his best to highlight hopeful, albeit mostly small - scale, efforts by «pioneers» who are attempting to reform the economy, people in for - profit and not - for - profit organizations as well as academics.
I portrayed them, correctly I think, as remaining obsessed — albeit negatively — with the classical god of metaphysical theism, while I was talking about Someone Else, the mysterious and elusive Other of the prophets and Jesus, who — like Jacques Brel — was very much alive although living in unexpected quarters.
So, taking that a somewhat facetious, albeit honest step further, are the godly the ones who say they don't need Christ?
In many cases they are the only representatives of a school's religious tradition, and in some cases they are the only individuals a young person will encounter who will say proudly (albeit subtly) that they believe in God.
One who can not listen long and patiently will presently be talking beside the point and be never really speaking to others, albeit he be not conscious of it.
We are personally acquainted with several people who went overseas on similar «missions,» albeit for more than the usual week to ten days for the «missionaries» sent to San Diego / Tijuana.
I got the distinct impression (from older of your blog posts I believe) that you and New Directions took a fairly solid «side B» stance, that same - sex acts were sin, and that a large portion of your ministry was devoted solely to gay Christians who took a firm decision on the celibacy route (albeit with a much greater amount of respect and acceptance for those who chose to partner.)
He notes that his book has hundreds of references to post-Enlightenment authors, albeit evangelical authors who reject the Enlightenment.
I don't like atheists because they bring pointless law suits against old lady's who work in government buildings that put fake little xmas tree's on their desk or hang up pictures of Santa, or who wear really ugly albeit festive sweaters during the holidays.
Nothing less than God — albeit God in the mystery of his being as Father, Son and Holy Spirit — is the object toward which Scriptures, Church and Jesus Christ himself direct those who begin by loving them.
Neither of us, I think, was quite certain just what contribution I might be making to the enterprise, but I was a reasonably educated and reasonably pious» though hardly properly observant» Jew who had worked for many years as an editor, and since Religion and Public Life had recently begun publishing First Things, I suppose it was thought that I was qualified to add some, albeit hardly scholarly, expertise to the enterprise.
And perhaps these men, who were contemporaries, did share some of the same concerns; write on some of the same situations, become obsessed by some of the same themes — albeit they seem about as different as two writers can be, from the standpoint of style and geography.
On the other hand, memories are short, as witness a young author who apparently sees nothing terribly problematic in advocating what might aptly be described as national socialism or socialist nationalism, albeit with benign intentions.
Rather, they figure as reasons to oppose it - albeit reasons that are defeated in these circumstances by the protections it affords to victims who would otherwise be left even more vulnerable.
@Mass Debater «Hitler believed himself a devout Christian who did what he did based on his religious beliefs, albeit from a drug adled syphilitic brain» @Chad «Raymond Aguilera thinks he is God, does nt mean he is.
I was definitely a foot soldier, albeit one who paid his dues in a southern jail.
Tell yourself whatever you need to get through the night, but you know thats total bullshlt so cut the act, Hitler believed himself a devout Christian who did what he did based on his religious beliefs, albeit from a drug adled syphilitic brain.
If you watch the TV show Parks and Rec (and who doesn't), you'll know the main character is Leslie Knope, a passionate albeit quirky director of her community's park and recreation department.
Product labeling for animal - free dairy is new regulatory territory, acknowledged Pandya - who is having conversations with the FDA on this as we speak - but it's actually not as complicated as you might think, given that Perfect Day is making «dairy» proteins (albeit using a different process) that are well understood and widely consumed.
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