Sentences with phrase «alcohol absorption»

Protein is also very effective when it comes to reducing alcohol absorption rate and raising its elimination rate.
Drinking on an empty stomach usually means that someone will get drunk faster, given that food helps to absorb alcohol, slowing down alcohol absorption into the bloodstream.
The sparkling has been shown to increase alcohol absorption.
The question is, does carbonation slow the rate of alcohol absorption?
Sugar, too, may help, but in the opposite way: instead of slowing alcohol absorption, it increases the rate of alcohol depletion.
A computer program then compares the level of absorption to statistical information that has been compiled regarding anticipated ethyl alcohol absorption at different levels.
«You can [also] get drunk faster when you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, since food slows alcohol absorption
The authors speculated that adding sugar to alcoholic beverages may significantly decrease the rate of gastric emptying (nutrients passing from the stomach to the upper intestine, the main site of alcohol absorption).
It's crucial to have food in your stomach before you drink, so as to slow down alcohol absorption.
Our lawyers have made a careful study of the science of breath testing and alcohol absorption, and we have worked with many experts over the years.
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