Sentences with phrase «alcohol tolerance»

"Alcohol tolerance" refers to the body's ability to handle or cope with the effects of alcohol. People with higher alcohol tolerance can consume more alcohol without feeling drunk or experiencing the same negative effects as those with lower alcohol tolerance. Full definition
If the drugs lower alcohol tolerance in people as well, they could be used to treat alcoholism.
The limited alcohol tolerance of those on a low - carb diet is easily avoided by decreasing alcohol consumption.
Only adults with alcohol dependency showed higher alcohol tolerance levels than adolescents.
However, your pet has a much lower alcohol tolerance, and even very small amounts can cause alcohol poisoning in both dogs and cats.
The search for new pathways in fruit flies could offer new clues about alcohol tolerance in humans, Montooth added.
Aldon's blood alcohol level has to be be judged in the context of how much alcohol tolerance he's developed.
It also may improve alcohol tolerance and reduce the negative effects of alcohol by inducing aldehyde dehydroenases.
Alcohol tolerance varies widely among people, so it is very important to know what will trigger a problem for you.
Abstract: Objectives: Based on the Magdeburger Alcohol Tolerance Test for adults (MATT), a respective questionnaire version for adolescents was developed (J - MATT).
Methods: TheMATT (version with 50 items) was supplemented by 30 items addressing alcohol tolerance and consumption in adolescents.
Dogs have a much lower alcohol tolerance than most adult humans, which means that it does not take very much beer to cause permanent damage to their organs.
The amount of alcohol needed to subjectively perceive an effect was 62 g. Adolescents had higher alcohol tolerance than medical students and adults without alcohol dependency.
My alcohol tolerance is pretty low too:P Well, about a special person in my life... I can't mention my soul mate.
Nine months is a long time (for me, at least) to go without a relaxing glass of wine or a cold beer on a hot day, so one thing I wasn't necessarily prepared for postpartum is just how low my alcohol tolerance would be.
«Gastric bypass surgery lowers women's alcohol tolerance
In scenarios such as this, alcohol tolerance may in fact lead heavy drinkers to judge that they are not impaired and attempt more difficult tasks.
Meanwhile, moving the Australian flies to a chillier 15 - degree environment boosted their alcohol tolerance from 12.3 % to 15.2 %.
Work with drunk fruit flies suggests that the same molecular mechanisms that help control the body's response to temperature are also involved in alcohol tolerance.
When the Tasmanian flies basked in 26 - degree climes, their alcohol tolerance — the percentage of ethanol in solution needed to kill half of them within 48 hours — dropped from 13.2 % ethanol to 8.8 % ethanol.
Human growth hormone is not to be dosed to people based on their weight — alcohol tolerance and resistance to anesthesia are at times measured that way because a heavier person has a larger volume that can dilute the alcohol / anesthesia before it hits the system in a way to effect changes in the capacity for normal body function — changes that will only last for a set number of hours.
When keto - adapted, you may notice your alcohol tolerance is dramatically lower than normal, so please adjust intake accordingly particularly if you're driving.
Another point to make is that ketosis lowers your alcohol tolerance and you have to be aware of it.
These include dehydration, mood swings, low alcohol tolerance, leg cramps, frequent urination, and constipation.
Friends may think it's endearing to have the mouth of a sailor and the alcohol tolerance to match, but drunken photos and profanity - ridden posts will only turn off hiring managers.
Three factors of the J - MATT (alcohol tolerance / functional tolerance, physical performance, environment / function of alcohol consumption) correlated with consumed amounts of alcohol.
The goal was to help identify adolescents with respect to the extent of their alcohol tolerance in order to allow an earlier detection of problematic alcohol consumption.
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