Sentences with phrase «alcohol use by»

Parental factors such as parental monitoring and parental involvement are associated with delayed alcohol initiation and lower levels of alcohol use by offspring (Ryan et al., 2010).
Trajectories of Adolescent Alcohol Use by Gender and Early Initiation Status.
In addition, we lacked information regarding ongoing alcohol use by mothers and were unable to access paternal information, which may have affected outcomes.
The Union filed a grievance about the policy and the Labour Arbitration Board ruled that the policy was justified based on evidence of drug and alcohol use by Suncor employees (at paras 3 - 4).
A: Some common causes of truck accidents include inadequate / improper training as to driving technique, safety issues and defensive driving; driver fatigue; a truck's characteristics and capabilities (such as limits associated with acceleration, braking and visibility); distracted driving; failure to account for weather or road conditions; drug or alcohol use by the driver; speeding; mechanical failure; defective parts; and improper loading or overloading the truck.
The appeals court rejected Sienkowski's argument, holding that under Indiana law a party can not attack the validity of a verdict by juror testimony about jury deliberations unless it relates to (1) drug or alcohol use by any juror, (2) the question of whether extraneous prejudicial information was improperly brought to the jury's attention or (3) whether any outside influence was improperly brought to bear upon any juror.
The 2013 - 2014 National Roadside Survey found that while alcohol use by drivers during weekend nighttime hours decreased by about 30 percent since 2007 (80 % since 1973), the use of illegal drugs increased by about 22 percent (marijuana use was up almost 50 % since 2007).
(UDET) Center is to create healthier and safer environments in States, local communities, and Federal entities engage in environmental prevention and enforcement practices that proactively and effectively limit youth access to alcohol and significantly reduce harmful consequences associated with alcohol use by underage youth
The rate of alcohol use by seniors reached 80.7 percent, marking a continuing increase since 1993.
Once it settles down, the script contains scenes of cigarette and alcohol use by numerous characters including a soused jockey.
«The discordant twin design minimizes a number of potentially confounding factors that may explain the association between childhood verbal ability and subsequent alcohol use by «controlling» for differences on variables [such as] socioeconomic differences or family factors that, if excluded, could cloud the interpretation of findings.»
In addition, Rotheram - Borus, who was the study's first author, and colleagues found that having mentor mothers visit reduced alcohol use by mothers during pregnancy, based on self - reports by the mothers.
Light to moderate alcohol use by a breastfeeding mother is fine.
If a child is caught and disciplined for drug or alcohol use by authority figures outside of the league (parents, law enforcement, school faculty, etc.) in an environment not related to the league, then the league should not discipline the child.
The Partnership at mission to help parents prevent, intervene in and find treatment for drug and alcohol use by their children depends on donations from individuals, corporations, foundations and the public sector.

Not exact matches

The increase in use disorders may be partially explained by an increase in the potency of cannabis products, said Beatriz Carlini, of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute at the University of Washington in Seattle.
User Content that references alcohol irresponsibly, such as references to overconsumption or use by minors;
(i) a woman's right to choose; (ii) teaching evolution in school; (iii) medical immunization of teen girls against HPV; (iv) assisted suicide; (v) gay marriage; (vi) my right to view art and theatre deemed «offensive,» «blasphemous» or «obscene» by theists (vii) basic $ ex education for older school children; (viii) treating drug abuse as principally a medical issue; (xi) population control; (x) buying alcohol on a Sunday; (xi) use of condoms and other contraceptives (xii) stem cell research.
Religion isn't nullified by abuse any more than the use alcohol is nullified because it can be abused.
Because you play on stage, you have a thousand or 10 thousand people giving all this love, then you're in a hotel by yourself; then you're on a bus and then you're using alcohol or drugs or sex, these things that are very temporary mood enhancers and then they go away.
In my formative years, I saw excessive use of alcohol and tobacco by adults who were self - absorbed, bored with life, and, in fact, not very interested in their children.
Alcoholism is a sinful habit acquired by the sin of using alcohol.
He must realize that alcohol addiction is only a symptom of basic defects in his thinking and living, and that the proper use of every talent he possesses is impaired by his enslavement.
The weight of evidence, then, seems to he on the side of those who hold to the view expressed by Carroll A. Wise, of Garrett Theological Seminary «The belief that the excessive use of alcohol is simply a matter of habit is no longer scientifically tenable.»
Of the 15,747 college students surveyed by Yale, 74 percent use beverage alcohol.
(For a comprehensive discussion of the use of alcohol as a religious substitute, see «Philosophical - Religious Factors in the Etiology and Treatment of Alcoholism,» by H. J. Clinebell, Jr., Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol (Fall,alcohol as a religious substitute, see «Philosophical - Religious Factors in the Etiology and Treatment of Alcoholism,» by H. J. Clinebell, Jr., Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol (Fall,Alcohol (Fall, 1965).
He is now using alcohol as a self - prescribed medicine to cure the symptoms induced by previous drinking.
you can actually make vanilla extract go «forever» by simply topping off your bottle of vanilla with your alcohol of choice (vodka, rum) every time you use your vanilla.
We support the target in the WHO NCD Global Monitoring Framework of «at least 10 % relative reduction in the harmful use of alcohol» by 2025.
By using technology, we hope to usher an effective, transparent and sustainable digital ecosystem for the beverage alcohol industry.
In consuming this highly - processed snack, individuals seek a sensation of pleasure or alleviation, similar to the relief experienced by humans who use and abuse alcohol, nicotine and cocaine.
For a syrup, I make a fruit compote by using frozen mixed berries or frozen strawberries, put them in the microwave for a minute or so and add a sweetener, I use z sweet which is a sugar alcohol and taste like sugar.
Fermentation is triggered by lactic acid bacteria — or lactobacilli — and yeasts, which use the carbohydrate fuels from the cereal grains to produce ethanol (alcohol), carbon dioxide, lactic acid and acetic acid.
Its limited release Rye on Rye on Rye combines a 14.6 percent alcohol - by - volume rye ale that is aged in first - use rye whiskey barrels before being transferred to another set of first - use rye whiskey barrels to continue absorbing flavor.
Falanghina has been approved as a recognized varietal by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau for use in the United States.
Brachetto has been approved as a recognized varietal by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau for use in the United States.
Young people develop a taste for cigarettes, coffee, and alcohol by repeatedly using these substances because they want to be included and identified with a certain group, either family or peers.
This Site is intended to be used and accessed by people who are of legal age to purchase and consume alcohol.
Add to this already volatile mix the use of alcohol, marijuana and video pornography, all used by some molesters to further erode inhibitions, and the seduction can occur with surprising ease.
While you didn't show an entire crowd your middle finger, much like the chain - smoking, no - condom - wearing, cocaine - using belligerent teammate of yours did last month in Manchester, you should have known that by flashing what you did to your rival gang members situated in extremely close proximity to you was going to make those under the influence of alcohol react they way they did.
* Editor's Note: This article is an excerpt from Life Over the Influence, a new program created by Kimberly Abraham LMSW and Marney Studaker - Cordner LMSW, therapists and experts in helping families whose members are struggling with alcohol or drug use.
Jason mentions having dinner together and how doing that 3 times a week or more can reduce alcohol and drug use by half.
Once someone develops alcohol use disorder, chances of responsible cutting down are virtually nil — the person has become dependent on alcohol to a point beyond their control, and the only recourse is treatment at a professional alcohol detox center, followed by a future of total abstinence.
Some mothers have been told that Gentian Violet is dangerous due to its alcohol content and should not be used by nursing mothers.
► Keep hands clean by washing thoroughly with soap and warm water or using an alcohol - based hand sanitizer routinely.
A major concern is enforcement of the state law prohibiting tobacco and alcohol use on school property, according to school board member Nancy Binion, who said parents attending events sponsored by youth athletic associations often violate that prohibition.
Alcohol is the most used drug by teens and the biggest drug problem our teenagers face today.
They conclude that risk reduction messages to prevent sudden infant deaths should be targeted more appropriately to unsafe infant care practices such as sleeping on sofas, bed - sharing after the use of alcohol or drugs, or bed - sharing by parents who smoke, and that advice on whether bed - sharing should be discouraged needs to take into account the important relationship with breastfeeding.
It is not uncommon for teens to use drugs and alcohol to cope with symptoms of OCD, particularly if their OCD symptoms are accompanied by depression.
Raising Your Spirited Child: A Guide for Parents Whose Child is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka Substance Abuse BUZZED: The Straight Facts about the Most Used and Abused Drugs from Alcohol to Ecstasy.
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