Sentences with word «alexithymia»

Our results evidenced an important role of maternal alexithymia levels on their children's psychological profile, in particular on anxiety symptoms.
While a growing body of literature analyzed the influence of maternal psychological symptoms on children's headache (39, 46), few studies explored the importance of maternal alexithymia in this disorder (33, 34).
The twenty - item Toronto alexithymia scale — II.
You might be one of the 10 percent of the population with alexithymia, a psychological condition in which people have difficulty processing the emotions they experience.
Similarly, low interoceptive awareness is associated with moderate depression [54] and has been reported in a number of clinical conditions involving negative affect, such as anorexia [37] and somatoform disorders [38], as well as alexithymia - a disorder characterised by an inability to identify and describe one's emotions [55].
When we cast God as an angry and abusive father whose actions we don't understand as loving because our sinful minds are incapable of grasping true love, and when we say the logic of this paradigm should trump our intuitive revulsion to it, we're veering into «orthodox alexithymia» territory fast.
An extreme inability to describe and convey emotions is called alexithymia, and the condition affects around 7 % of the population.
The effects of perceived social support and alexithymia differed with respect to the subsamples.
In a 1995 study by American Psychological Association President Ronald F. Levant, the term «normative male alexithymia» was coined.
Patients with SPD show a remarkably reduced QoL and alexithymia appears to play a significant role for low QoL.
These effects were mediated via alexithymia.
Research in adults indicates that high IS is linked to greater emotional arousal [38, 39], less alexithymia [40], and, interestingly, also better downregulation of negative affect via cognitive reappraisal [41].
Difficulty in identifying feelings, distinguishing between feelings and the bodily sensations of emotional arousal, and describing feelings to other people (sometimes referred to as alexithymia).
There is a fine line between autism and alexithymia — feeling emotions but being unable to identify them
The repression part is still debatable, but Eastwood has found that students who scored high on scales of alexithymia — difficulty in describing or identifying feelings, distinguishing between bodily sensations and feelings, and an inhibited inner emotional and fantasy life — also tended to be bored.
Now I'm married to a man who most likely has alexithymia.
Child maltreatment, subsequent non-suicidal self - injury and the mediating roles of dissociation, alexithymia and self - blame.
Our cross-sectional study aimed to assess the effects of perceived social support, alexithymia, mental rumination, and social sharing on depression in CKD patients and controls.
Perceived social support and alexithymia are psychosocial variables identified by previous studies as predictive of depression in normal controls and CKD patients.
Lane, R.D., Sechrest, L., Riedel, R., Shapiro, D.E. and Kaszniak, A.W. (2000) Pervasive emotion recognition deficit common to alexithymia and the repressive coping style.
Depression was influenced by perceive social support, alexithymia, and the cognitive elaboration of emotional troubles associated with the disease.
Lowered activity in these areas have been associated with states of detachment (e.g., numbing), reduced emotional awareness, traits of alexithymia (difficulties in identifying and describing feelings), and reduced emotion regulation.
Clinicians need to pay careful attention to alexithymia with regard to diagnosis and treatment planning in SPD patients.
Such women may be vulnerable to clinical conditions associated with poor interoceptive awareness, such as anorexia, alexithymia and somatoform disorders.
Oscar for Happiness: Shrink Kevin Spacey plays a psychologist who writes books about happiness but has lost the wisdom of his words with the loss of his wife, propelling him into self - loathing, alexithymia, and drug abuse.
PTSD is presented as a biphasic syndrome, necessitating treatment approaches that address both physiological arousal and alexithymia and numbing.
Chemical Coping was significantly correlated with an increased intake of pain medication (P ⩽ 0.01), defiance of medical intake instructions (P ⩽ 0.01), and highly associated with experienced withdrawal symptoms (P ⩽ 0.001), fear (P ⩽ 0.05), hypochondria (P ⩽ 0.01), psychosocial distress (P ⩽ 0.001), and alexithymia (P ⩽ 0.001).
In our patients, maternal alexithymia levels were associated with separation anxiety, anxiety related to school and children's feeling of guilt.
However, we found that maternal alexithymia is associated with patients» attachment style and psychological symptoms (anxiety and feeling of guilt).
This is the first study to explore the correlation between maternal attachment style, alexithymia, and children / adolescents» psychological symptoms (anxiety, depression, and somatization) in a group of patients suffering from migraine.
On the other hand, we found that alexithymia traits show a correlation with children / adolescents» attachment style.
In a recent study, Cerutti et al. explored the relationship between migraine and alexithymia levels in adolescents and their mothers, as well as the influence of this link on possible psychopathological symptoms (both in patients and their mothers)(33).
Keywords: children, attachment style, migraine severity, psychological factors, mothers, alexithymia
Differences in alexithymia and emotional awareness in exhaustion syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome.
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