Sentences with phrase «alien concept in»

Yet remembering and commemorating Australians who have suffered in the past is by no means an alien concept in this country.
Political maturity is an alien concept in BC.
So you make people aware of it so you're not surprising anyone with anything, because that's a completely alien concept in apps — that you can be talking to someone who is using a different app.
The idea that this phone is a living thing that becomes more useful over time is a very alien concept in a mechanical world.
Many of these principles have become tenets in Silicon Valley's laid - back, risk - taking atmosphere, but Bushnell believes they remain alien concepts in most of corporate America.

Not exact matches

This time of year many of us pause in our personal lives and give thanks, but when it comes to American business, giving thanks is pretty alien concept.
If an alien species manipulates objects, interacts with its peers and combines concepts, the cognitive approach therefore predicts there might be enough mental architecture in common to make its language accessible to humans.
This is an alien concept to most people in America today who believe Whatever.
Then too, the very idea of theology, many Jews contend, is a Christian concept and alien to Judaism, which is grounded in commandments (mitzvot) and peoplehood.
The concept of nature as evil and alien to humanity began basically in late apocalyptic and gnostic thought in the Christian era.
Metaphysics for Bergson strives to minimize the mediation of all symbols (like words and concepts), and although metaphysics «claims to dispense with symbols,» it can not dispense with them entirely.13 Hence, since it requires reflection and articulation (in spite of being based on intuition) metaphysics will always be required to genuflect at the door to the sanctuary of the intellect (even though the immediacy of Being, analogous to the Holy Spirit in a Christian sanctuary is supposed to be present in intuition), and it is in the moment of genuflection that the idea of logical necessity infiltrates metaphysics and becomes an unhappy resident alien.
Bonhoeffer avers that the concept of the state is pagan in origin and is alien to the New Testament.
Nature (physis in Greek) in the sense of nonhuman self - existent reality does not occur in the Old or the New Testament; it is a concept alien to the biblical world.
Such a conception is in no sense, as compared with the viewpoint of these sayings of Jesus, further developed or more profound; rather it results from a wholly different premise, a wholly different conception of God and man; it is based on the concept of law, aesthetically applied, which is entirely alien to Judaism and to Jesus.
By emphasizing the temporality implied in the concept of paroikia the New Testament conveyed the alien nature of parish in its larger setting and the sojourning of Christian groups in the world.13 By patristic times, however, the spatial aspect of paroikia also proved useful because it designated the prolonged physical existence of Christian community in the world.
Far from the imposition of an alien rationalism, such a demand for clarity and comprehensiveness is therefore a necessary desideratum of any interpretive theory, whether in epistemology or in the history of ideas.17 Recognition of the need for such comprehensive and mutually exclusive concepts need not restrict, but can rather uncover possible, if perhaps neglected schemes for both historical and constructive presentation.
The concept of forgiveness by God may seem alien to many people in the modern world and there are those who feel that guilt is an unhealthy reaction.
The concept of the redeemed soul in the midst of an unredeemed world is alien to the Jew, profoundly alien, inaccessible from the primal ground of his existence.
In particular, she nicely develops the ways in which a concept of alien dignity protects us, because it is a dignity that does not have to be earned and can not be lost, and equalizes us, because it is bestowed by God upon alIn particular, she nicely develops the ways in which a concept of alien dignity protects us, because it is a dignity that does not have to be earned and can not be lost, and equalizes us, because it is bestowed by God upon alin which a concept of alien dignity protects us, because it is a dignity that does not have to be earned and can not be lost, and equalizes us, because it is bestowed by God upon all.
There he says, one, that the shift from the concept of «the State's role as providers of equal opportunities to every citizen» to that of providing education, health and other social services «to those who can afford to pay» is a U-turn in public policy which «has been made surreptitiously by administrative action without public discussion and legislative sanction»; two, that the total commercialization of social sectors is «alien even to free market societies»; and three, that «the ready acceptance of self - financing concept in social sectors alien even to free - market societies is the end result of gradual disenchantment with the Kerala Model of Development», which has been emphasizing the social dimension rather than the economic, but that it is quite false to present the situation as calling for a choice between social development and economic growth.
Cups is such an alien concept to most people in the UK.
In France or Italy, the idea of civic pride in despair would be an alien concept, and it's one of the few things now that can be said to be definitively BritisIn France or Italy, the idea of civic pride in despair would be an alien concept, and it's one of the few things now that can be said to be definitively Britisin despair would be an alien concept, and it's one of the few things now that can be said to be definitively British.
Eight years ago the paper launched its first attack on «the Trojan horse of culturism,» and in 1973 the Soviet Sports Ministry declared private body - building clubs alien to the Soviet concept of sport.
Oh and a top class manager like Mourinho or Ferguson would actually do the thing that is completely alien to Wenger and that is strengthen in the close season — strange concept I know but is a major factor in seeing your team improve.
We have all heard of the concept used in horror films of aliens invading our bodies and minds, such as in movies like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Here in India, homeschooling is really an alien sort of concept.
We know that political parties are rooted in the communities, yet we deliberately sidelined the grassroots and adopted concepts which are alien to politics.
Paul Davies is director of BEYOND: Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University and author of The Eerie Silence: Renewing Our Search for Alien Intelligence (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010).
Having taken a break you are in the enviable position of having time and space to think through the next phase of your career and find the right job — even though as a mother of two, time and space might sound like totally alien concepts at times!
I know a few people who love drinking coffee but dislike coffee in desserts -LRB-... it's an alien concept to me!).
I named my concept «We Come In Peace» and it combines immigration, aliens and hippies.
The alien race he portrays (Son «a) are such a generic concept with little to no imagination in design, their faces are simply plain grey just like all the uniforms of the Enterprise cre... zzzzz.
That's a scary premise in and of itself, but the first two Alien films explored that concept so splendidly and thoroughly that everything else just looks sad next to them.
Secondly we've got a new «concept - to - game» featurette which discusses the Alien Hive in more detail:
Winstead's wide - eyed cringing in the lead doesn't give the film much personality — particularly by comparison with Kurt Russell's shaggy swagger in the 1982 version — and the concepts and visuals that don't come from Carpenter instead come from Ridley Scott's Alien, or David Cronenberg's body - horror films.
The concept of energy - based aliens in Darkest Hour is intriguing enough, if only because of all the questions it raises about how these creatures» abilities work (ex: Are there only certain forms of kinetic energy they can absorb?).
She was electrifying as an alien seductress in Jonathan Glazer's 2013 horror Under the Skin and is at her very best in Luc Besson's high - concept action thriller Lucy, which opened here yesterday, playing a women whose mind becomes explosively powerful after she's injected with a synthetic drug.
Apart from the initial concept of the human race crash landing on an alien planet called Mira, there isn't a great deal going on in the story of the game.
This is the lasting appeal of Jack Finney's novel, «The Body Snatchers» and why its concept has inspired countless science fiction movies throughout the years - from three versions of the novel itself (in 1956, 1978 and 1994 as Body Snatchers by director Abel Ferrara of Bad Lieutenant fame) to Heinlein's The Puppet Masters (finally in 1994) and the 1980s remake of The Thing - all of them dealing with people being surreptitiously taken over by alien presences.
In the world of Youtube and Soundcloud and Band Camp, the idea that an artist would buck the system and operate without a label behind her as she starts out being some shocking alien concept does not pass the smell test.
Cinema audiences however never got the joke as the whole «grindhouse» experience was as alien to today's young teenaged audiences that frequent today's multiplexes as were the concept of a drive - in.
The whole «Groundhog Day» concept isn't exactly new, and it's not even the first time that it's been used in a sci - fi movie, but it does provide a unique angle to the clichéd alien invasion premise that should please genre fans.
In May 1940, in his Reflections on the Treatment of Peoples of Alien Races in the East, Heinrich Himmler declared: «I hope that the concept of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of a large emigration of all Jews to Africa or some other colony.&raquIn May 1940, in his Reflections on the Treatment of Peoples of Alien Races in the East, Heinrich Himmler declared: «I hope that the concept of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of a large emigration of all Jews to Africa or some other colony.&raquin his Reflections on the Treatment of Peoples of Alien Races in the East, Heinrich Himmler declared: «I hope that the concept of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of a large emigration of all Jews to Africa or some other colony.&raquin the East, Heinrich Himmler declared: «I hope that the concept of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of a large emigration of all Jews to Africa or some other colony.»
Bearing in mind James (my Stepfather) is in his late seventies now, computers are still rather an alien concept to him, so converting his books into eBooks was not even on the radar in terms of his abilities which is why I offered to help out.
Rudimentary financial concepts such as «pay yourself first,» «build an emergency fund,» «automate your savings,» and «invest in low - cost index funds» were utterly alien.
Those who grow up with pets often say they benefited hugely from the experience and thrived in the environment alongside their four legged friend, yet the concept of dogs and children mixing without trouble has become an alien one to the media over recent years.
The latest trailer for Aliens: Colonial Marines charts Hadley's Hope from concept art to in - game footage.
Internationally acclaimed concept designer and visual futurist Syd Mead will sign limited prints of his concept art of the USS Sulaco, featured in the movie ALIENS and in the upcoming game Aliens: Colonial Marines, on Friday, July 13, from 3:00 PM to 6:ALIENS and in the upcoming game Aliens: Colonial Marines, on Friday, July 13, from 3:00 PM to 6:Aliens: Colonial Marines, on Friday, July 13, from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
As much as I loved the initial premise and the concept of a mysterious, unexplored alien world waiting for me to document its inhabitants, lands and secrets, I found the impressive scale largely doesn't factor in an epic tale.
Hopefully Vanquish will be the great game that it looks like it will be, and that it will create a renaissance in the West regarding the Men In Space Suits, Holding Guns, Shooting Aliens genre, maybe even something a bit closer to the original Western concept; when the West made Starship Troopers into a movie we kept only the fascism, while Japan kept only the robotin the West regarding the Men In Space Suits, Holding Guns, Shooting Aliens genre, maybe even something a bit closer to the original Western concept; when the West made Starship Troopers into a movie we kept only the fascism, while Japan kept only the robotIn Space Suits, Holding Guns, Shooting Aliens genre, maybe even something a bit closer to the original Western concept; when the West made Starship Troopers into a movie we kept only the fascism, while Japan kept only the robots.
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