Sentences with phrase «alien objects»

But have you ever wondered how it feels when you're warm and cozy one day then exposed to a plethora of alien objects the next?
You will then have to take into account that the smallest unpredicted alien object or force (debris and dirty driver moves compared with bad tackle and dirty players...) are unfortunate and unpredictable as they are supposedly not part of the game.
The book's main character is a black marketeer who breaks into the zone and pilfers alien objects such as a metal ring that defies the laws of physics and batteries that provide seemingly endless energy.
Spider - Man, up again, standing on top of the spinning, alien object thousands of feet up in the air is impressive in the trailer, just look at how they handled the CGI - heavy scene in Aiman's version.
Atkins updates Maurice Blanchot's paradox of the corpse — as the thing that both is and is not the dead person — for the HD - era: the more «real» and minutely detailed the digital image, the more remote and alien the object seems.
She has long excelled at taking things we think we know — umbrellas, apples, rodents, statuary figures — and twisting them through scale and color into alien objects.
When the hand ventured within eyesight, Emma either ignored it or stared with what I surmise was the infantile equivalent of surprise, as if at an alien object.
«Alien object «Oumuama was a natural body visiting from another solar system.»
Four years ago, Arnold published a paper in The Astrophysical Journal describing what the light curves of three alien objects might look like.
Your spaceship is sucked through a blackhole and crashes on the Entity, an alien object resembling a planet.
At once resembling vegetal forms and alien objects, the sculptures were brought to life through a series of performance.
It tells the story of a team of astronauts who try to follow the radio signals emitted by an alien object found on the moon.
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