Sentences with phrase «alien technology from»

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The most expensive and technically ambitious film ever made, James Cameron's long - gestating epic pitting Earthly despoilers against a forest - dwelling alien race delivers unique spectacle, breathtaking sights, narrative excitement and an overarching anti-imperialist, back - to - nature theme that will play very well around the world, and yet is rather ironic coming from such a technology - driven picture.
The God (s) of history were aliens... «any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinquishable from magic» with credit to Arthur C Clarke
The technology we'd have a better shot of making first contact and getting a personal force field from aliens than developing it on our own.
«Recombinant DNA technology», «DNA cloning», «molecular cloning» or «gene cloning» all describe the process of transferring a DNA fragment from one organism to a self - replicating genetic element (a cloning vector) such as a bacterial plasmid, enabling the fragment to be propagated in an alien host.
Perhaps we haven't heard from alien civilizations because we're listening in the wrong place or with the wrong technology, he said.
Located in Nevada, 300 miles from Edwards, Area 51 (officially referred to only as «the operating location near Groom Lake») is an Air Force installation that conspiracy theorists insist holds alien technology recovered from a UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
Now this comes from a, this piece of it comes from a 2003 paper by a planetary scientist named Jack Wisdom at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and what he discovered is that you can move, as you [were describing] through curved space by moving, [let's] say, your arms and legs, or if you're an alien as it is described in the article, a tripod alien — just for the simplicity of demonstrating how the movements are with, sort of, heavy feet and a ball at the end of the tail that helped to move the [weight] around, just to make it kind of simple to look through — you can move through curved spacetime without pushing against anything, and this is the key here.
The technology of VR is (and will continue to be) more advanced than Robotics, and as VR is not limited to the physical constraints of the atomic world, those inclined to non-traditional sex will prefer VR that runs the gamut from «real» partners to the outright «alien» with all sorts of hybrid possibilities in between.
He said that an advanced alien civilization would eventually develop the technology to harness energy from its star.
The bill amends the Immigration and Nationality Act «to authorize certain aliens who have earned a Ph.D. degree from a United States institution of higher education in a field of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics to be admitted for permanent residence and to be exempted from the numerical limitations on H - 1B nonimmigrants» (H.R. 1791).
I believe Morbius wanted to prevent the human race from gaining the alien technology and similarly losing control wiping themselves out, plus he and his daughter have it pretty sweet on Altair and he didn't want that disturbed.
The small nation of Wakanda is a protected valley enclave in east Africa, hidden from outside eyes by some very advanced technology fueled by the alien metal vibranium, which arrived via asteroid millennia ago.
Here it's Wakanda posing as a poor third - world country but actually rich in energy and technology thanks to a powerful alien mineral known as vibranium which they keep hidden from the rest of the world.
Extras: «Road to Justice» journeys alongside DC comic creators as they explore over 50 years of the Justice League, from comic books to animated adventures to their cinematic debut; «Heart of Justice» in which the cast and filmmakers share their admiration for DC's iconic Trinity: Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman; «Technology of the Justice League»: From Batman's arsenal to Cyborg's alien tech, interface with the Justice League database to learn their most advanced secrets; «Justice League: The New Heroes»; «Steppenwolf the Conqueror»; «Scene Studies: Revisiting the Amazons»; «Scene Studies: Wonder Woman's Rescue»; «Scene Studies: Heroes Park»; «Scene Studies: The Tunnel Battle»; «Suit Up: The Look of the League.&rafrom comic books to animated adventures to their cinematic debut; «Heart of Justice» in which the cast and filmmakers share their admiration for DC's iconic Trinity: Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman; «Technology of the Justice League»: From Batman's arsenal to Cyborg's alien tech, interface with the Justice League database to learn their most advanced secrets; «Justice League: The New Heroes»; «Steppenwolf the Conqueror»; «Scene Studies: Revisiting the Amazons»; «Scene Studies: Wonder Woman's Rescue»; «Scene Studies: Heroes Park»; «Scene Studies: The Tunnel Battle»; «Suit Up: The Look of the League.&raFrom Batman's arsenal to Cyborg's alien tech, interface with the Justice League database to learn their most advanced secrets; «Justice League: The New Heroes»; «Steppenwolf the Conqueror»; «Scene Studies: Revisiting the Amazons»; «Scene Studies: Wonder Woman's Rescue»; «Scene Studies: Heroes Park»; «Scene Studies: The Tunnel Battle»; «Suit Up: The Look of the League.»
Ray Fisher will star as Cyborg whose suit will be made from alien technology.
The latest episode of The Cinecast sees the destruction of four things: Los Angeles (or a back - lot set) from invading aliens, in Battle: LA; Dartmouth Nova Scotia gets bloody and graffitied up, exploitation style, from gangs going to war with a Hobo With A Shotgun; Catherine Hardwicke's career with the flirts - with - camp - total failure of Red Riding Hood (Gamble took one for the team on this); and finally the end of Robert Zemekis's Mo - Cap technology with the Disney mega-bomb Mars Needs Moms.
This effort has resulted in the development of a highly complex defense system that utilizes alien technologies secured from the past onslaught along with the latest in human ingenuity.
Twenty years after the events of the first film, the international community recovers and builds up Earth's defenses using technology salvaged from remains of the alien forces.
Premise: Twenty years after the War of 1996, the international community recovers and the United Nations creates the Earth Space Defense (ESD), a united global defense program that serves as Earth's early warning system and the main defense force using technology salvaged from remains of the alien forces, with some military forces assembled on the Moon.
Stellaris, the new strategy game from genre veteran Paradox, lets you take control of humans or an alien race who embarking on their first forays into the universe, guiding them through the process of setting up a galactic empire, building a military, colonizing new planets, researching powerful technology, handling diplomacy and declaring way.
Sadly the alien gear barely differentiates itself from the human technology other than doing some more damage and firing green bolts.
A rogue organization, EXALT is setting out to disrupt earth's last defense from the inside, and in order to do so, they're stealing alien technology to further their plans.
There are several gun manufacturers in the game that will have different abilities ranging from Western style weapons to alien technology based guns with tons of elemental effects.
The monstrous forces in both Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter and Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter are led by Mental, a god - like being stirred from hibernation by the human race's incessant curiosity with an ancient alien technology.
As your technology improved — once your soldiers started bringing home alien guns and grenades for your scientists to reverse - engineer, once your workshops began turning out armour made from the same material as UFO hulls — the situation did grow less dire, and by the endgame, the balance shifted decisively in favour of a human player who brought an «A» squad loaded with the game's most powerful weapons.
Become a member of A.N.T.I. — a squad of super-human soldiers powered by alien technology — and fight to reclaim Earth from the alien invasion known as E.B.E!
Under the authority of President Lincoln, you are to defend the planet from aliens using steampunk technology.
«It's the first sequenced genome from something like an alien,» says neurobiologist Clifton Ragsdale of the University of Chicago in Illinois, who co-led the genetic analysis, along with researchers from the University of Chicago, the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Heidelberg in Germany and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Japan.
, reports this event will be the initial interaction in a process leading to mankind's acceptance of the alien reality and technologies for the removal of poisonous gases from the earth's atmosphere in 2015, if not sooner.»
Modern smartphones seem like a technology from an alien civilization when placed next to the original cell phones.
Internet of things is no more an alien subject; it is definitely the next big wave in the world of technology where every device, from television to microwave to light...
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