Sentences with phrase «alienated students»

The original vision of charter schools in 1988, when the idea was popularized, was that they would be created by venturesome public school teachers who would seek out the most alienated students, those who had dropped out or those who were likely to do so.
They are then, sadly, surprised when alienated students begin wearing black trench coats and shooting one another.
So is the general political culture — our most persuasive teacher to our most alienated students.
But is this moral authority exercised in a manner that alienates students from American life and prevents them from becoming loyal American citizens?
Therefore, educators (whose goal it is to improve science literacy) should not alienate students by presenting science and religion as dichotomous.
This type of response can alienate students when they are already feeling vulnerable and augment existing feelings of isolation.
Will a high school teacher ashamed of his whiteness alienate students from white college teachers and employers not so ashamed?
Giroux caricatures the traditional classroom as one where «students sit in rows staring at the back of each others» heads and at the teacher who faces them in symbolic, authoritarian fashion»; «events are governed by a rigid time schedule imposed by a system of bells and reinforced by cues from teachers»; we «glorify the teacher as the expert [and] dispenser of knowledge»; «social relationships... are based upon power relations inextricably linked to the teacher's allotment of grades»; and tracking «alienates students from schooling.»
This system necessitates the growth and expansion of standardized tests into more subject areas and grades to provide more data for evaluations, further narrowing the curriculum and alienating students.
Our concern is that so - called «random wanding» alienates students, discourages them from attending school, creates a negative environment that undermines trust and respect, runs counter to restorative justice practices, and effectively treats children as young as 10 years old as criminal suspects.
Rather than asking what we are doing (or not doing) in schools that so alienates some students that they eventually leave (or are pushed out), schools are often content with implementing «bullying prevention» programs or «positive discipline» initiatives that treat selected symptoms but never get at the root causes connected to problematic, unequal, unproductive, prejudicial conditions and relationships.
In the long run, I think they are hurting themselves by alienating students and school staff.
The charge before the court has been that the way «theme» is taught confuses, discourages, and alienates students; that it misleads them about what authors are trying to do, and about what is to be enjoyed and cherished in literature; and that it actively reduces the possibility of their focusing on what's valuable in a literary work.

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Is it any wonder students are alienated?
While I don't doubt that this is a difficult time for many LGBT students, staff, and others who feel alienated right now by InterVarsity, it seems obvious to me that they stand to benefit from this move.
Seminary education must inculcate such critical abilities, inclinations, and knowledge of our tradition that students leave seminary listening to people — within the visible church and those outside it, especially the most alienated.
In short, the student reads and feels that sensation that Emerson describes so well at the beginning of «Self - Reliance»: «In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts; they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty.»
A group representing parents and former students at ultra-Orthodox yeshivas accused the de Blasio administration of dragging its feet in investigating their schools, out of fear of alienating a constituency that the mayor has assiduously courted.
Even if inviting a speaker onto campus does distress and alienate marginalised students, it's considered less damaging than censorship.
Campbell said among the activists campaigning in Eastleigh were substantial numbers of young people, including «students, quite a few of whom, of course, have felt rather alienated because of our decision on tuition fees».
Without hands - on direction, students given just the outline of a research topic to work on often feel lost and alienated.
He'd entered Amherst College with interest in science, but was alienated early on by an unforgiving introductory chemistry course that was aimed at weeding out wannabes from the throngs of potential premed students.
Because it is so easy for a minority student to feel different from the other students and alienated from the graduate program, it is critically important to reinforce a sense of belonging at every stage of the graduate career.
Although he found it awkward at first, he realized that if he didn't respond, he risked alienating other students.
Many studios in your community also offer donation based or sliding - scale classes, to welcome all students instead of alienating them.
This sedate stroll through Salinger's life covers his abbreviated days as a Columbia writing student through the prickly sequestration in rural New Hampshire where he reportedly wrote reams of still - unseen material and alienated a series of wives and girlfriends before his death in 2010.
Tom (Corentin Fila) is a loner and bad student with a difficult life, alienated from his family for being adopted and from his farming community for being black.
Why do some students feel so alienated and so angry?
For classes that are taught mostly online, this kind of communication can be a real game changer, making it easier for students to connect with their teacher on a more personal level and bringing a human element to what can sometimes be an alienating experience.
Building an identify safe classroom offers a deliberate strategy to reach students who feel alienated from school because of repeated failure, heavy - handed discipline, or negative stereotypes.
Does penalizing students for a laundry list of common infractions — both minor and more serious — instill self - discipline, or lead some to become alienated from school?
Some of the boilerplate curricula I was handed and instructed to implement while in the classroom I should have flatly refused to use or I should have at least advocated for its modification; it was so alienating of my students — a true disservice to them (I wish I could go back in time).
The House's Student Success Act (SSA) barely made it through on a 218 - 213 vote, and any House - Senate compromise is going to include Senate provisions that will alienate some House conservatives.
But in fact, by suppressing the student's natural tendency to make — and to want to make — moral judgments; by relentlessly denigrating the student's core western cultural heritage; and by pandering to the supposed victim status of some cultures in relation to others, this ideology is a recipe for further alienating a generation already too comfortable with a fashionable distrust of authority.
In addition, if they describe a plan for generating student - level scores as workable, they risk alienating the organized interests in California who relish the prospect of a year without test scores (even if it's not a year a without testing!).
When the school opened, according to Berkowitz, students were politically alienated by the Vietnam War, racial segregation, and traditional schooling.
She asserts that white, liberal educators who value student - centered pedagogy and soft, conversant, negotiated power end up alienating and confusing children who are used to explicit instructions and assertive, strong authority figures, a parenting style more common in the black community.
One such student is Tony Lorentz, an alienated upperclassman and modestly talented poet who in his three years at Prior Lake has made high craft of cynical slacking, going so far as to codify his behavior with rules such as «show up for class and pay any semblance of attention.»
In addition to the dearth of resources this far from the city, Umesh says, the rote learning and streamlined messages of the government schools can alienate rural students from themselves.
Give students a greater choice in what they read: Demanding that poor readers, who are overwhelmingly boys, read texts that they may find too challenging — and maybe uninteresting to them as well — may alienate them from reading altogether.
When a student violates the underlying principles or acts in a way that is either self - destructive or hurtful to others, time must be taken to unpack the behavior in a way that respects the community and its principles and doesn't alienate the individual.
And if their education isn't tailored to meet their developmental needs, the students may become alienated and disengaged and mark time until they are old enough to drop out of high school.
We have language for these poetic occurrences, but it can be overwhelming — and alienating — for students to learn this jargon all at once.
Findings from the study reveal that while the media makerspace helped some students develop, expand, and mobilize audiences and resources using new tools and networks, the making practices of the lab sat in uneasy alignment with the institutional arrangements of school, particularly for students who have been historically marginalized, disenfranchised, or alienated in schools.
The Coherence Camp can plausibly argue that its path is the surer route to higher student achievement and more consistent classroom practice — but it risks alienating thousands of teachers who feel hamstrung by a curriculum they don't like and millions of parents who want something different for their kids.
Since some research has shown that school shooters, as well as school bullies, often feel alienated and isolated, programs use strategies to help students understand more about themselves, regulate their emotions, and also heighten compassion and empathy within schools.
Have teachers shared with each other their effective practices of building relationships and engaging students who are alienated, disengaged, or behind?
When schools offer courses to teach leadership, they can be steeped in traditional leadership models and teaching styles that alienates many students and limits important connections.
If testing remains, as it has been under No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top, the primary measure of a quality education, then once again it is the students, their families, communities and ultimately the nation that will be saddled with the fallout of a narrow and alienating curriculum.
But she also alienated many parents with her reorganization plan, known as One Newark, which replaced the city's tradition of neighborhood schools with a universal enrollment system that assigned students by lottery to traditional as well as charter schools.
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