Sentences with phrase «alienating behaviors on»

«Having found that [defendant] father and son relationship has been damaged by the alienation of the child toward the defendant, the next logical step is to determine what the court must do to correct the situation... «[Father's motion to modify from joint custody to sole legal custody in his favor, granted; prohibitions of various alienating behaviors on the part of mother and her family; restrictions on mother's attendance at doctor visits and parent - teacher conferences.
So when NOW argues against recognition of PAS by the APA, it's arguing, among other things, against a mother's ability to prove alienating behavior on the part of her ex-husband and gain for her more power in the ongoing custody battle.

Not exact matches

Professor Meier's position on «alienation» as a factual behavior is not really at issue here — but she has long stated that «alienating» behaviors certainly exist (indeed, men who abuse women and children are often skillful and aggressive in their denigration of the other parent to the children).
Parental Alienation focuses on the alienating parents behavior as opposed to the alienated parent's and alienated children's conditions.
Children who are caught in the middle of alienating behavior have a different perspective than the parents, so work that focuses on the alienated parents provides a more thorough view of this unfortunate family dynamic.
Alienating strategies include bad - mouthing or denigrating the other parent in front of the child (or within earshot), 2,3 limiting the child's contact with the other parent, 4 trying to erase the other parent from the child's mind (e.g., withholding pictures of the child with the other parent), 2 creating and perpetuating a belief the other parent is dangerous (when there is no evidence of actual danger), 2 forcing the child to reject the other parent, and making the child feel guilty if he or she talks about enjoying time with the other parent.2 The impact of these behaviors on children is devastating, but it also often has the opposite intended effect; parents who denigrate the other parent are actually less close with their children than those who do not.3
She \ he is not aware of the beliefs and feelings that motivate her unintentional alienating behavior (internal) or of the effect that her statements and behavior can have on the child (interactional).
On the other hand, several studies have shown that young kids exposed to alienating behaviors, even in subtle ways, can have learning challenges, or develop physical conditions, or have worrying behavioral problems, according to the North Dakota Law Review.
Earlier this year, Nichols asked a Texas court to award her custody, claiming that Jones» bizarre behavior, both on and off the air — and his ongoing campaign to alienate their children from her — showed he was an unfit parent.
In this case, the testimony of Kristi's efforts to alienate her children from their father and the effect her behavior had on her children supports the trial court's findings that a material change in circumstances had occurred and the change in custody was in the children's best interests.»
But if you don't fight to put some limits on the HCP parent's behavior with the child, he or she may feel free to abuse the child or have a highly negative influence on the child's development and may actually alienate the child against you.
If PA is misdiagnosed, as with children who have not been alienated, or there is justification for rejecting a parent based on the rejected parent's behavior, expert testimony on PA may help a court in sorting these particulars out.
This book helps show the importance of understanding alienating behaviors and, without focusing on blame, but rather what to do now with many excellent suggestions.
I have seen cases where alienating parents are given slaps on the wrist or «asked» to not engage in a behavior and their failure to follow the rules is met with little or no consequences.
When medium level alienators get over their anger, these parents stop the alienating behavior and move on.
She had no insight into her role in alienating her daughter from her father and blamed everything on the father's aberrant behavior.
Detecting alienating behaviors and distasteful antics early on can lead to greater successful outcomes in a therapeutic setting.
Typically, as a result of these alienating behaviors, a physical, emotional and many times psychological divide is created between that parent on the outside and their children.
«On the other hand, there certainly are cases in which a very hurt and angry parent vindictively continues the alienating behaviors in a pervasive and ongoing pattern.
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