Sentences with phrase «alienation among»

In a recent book chapter entitled «Parental Alignments and Alienation Among Children of High Conflict Divorce,» Johnston and Roseby opined, «Rather than seeing this syndrome as being induced in the child by an alienating parent, as Gardner does, we propose that these «unholy alliances» are a later manifestation of the failed separation - individuation process in especially vulnerable children who have been exposed to disturbed family relationships during their early years» (10; p. 202).
Meanwhile, the most common symptom of parental alienation among children is a «child's rejection of a loving parent.»
The author — a psychiatrist and psychotherapist — has lent a voice to some victims of parental alienation among the many documented cases from his practice.
Speaking to my colleagues, Wylie suggested that Cambridge Analytica had «found a high level of alienation among young, white Americans with a conservative bent» well before Trump declared his intentions for the presidency.
The year before Trump announced his presidential bid, the data firm already had found a high level of alienation among young, white Americans with a conservative bent.
They have corrupted our social priorities and political structures, and have created a profound sense of alienation among young and old.
Add to this a more than receptive media, ever willing to make a clarion call for sweeping America's schools clean of ineffective teachers, and you have a recipe for increased alienation among America's hard - working teachers.
The year before Trump announced his presidential bid, the data firm already had found a high level of alienation among young, white Americans with a conservative bent.
The threats may be increasing because of the lagged effects of alienation among those second and third generation young people, French by nationality but North African by family origin, who feel that the country has not lived up to the ideals of fraternity and equality, thus depriving them of the opportunity to get jobs, decent housing — and respect.
Christocentrism could no longer cope with the challenge of religious pluralism; universalism did not grasp the depth of alienation among the poor and the marginalized; salvation history did not do justice to the plural histories of the world's many cultures and nations; the unity of the Church in Christ offered no power or guidance in overcoming sexism, racism and human exploitation.
Presumably, the complete destruction of all transcendent reality would mean total alienation among all individual centers of consciousness.
The reform of canon law is still far away... in short, there is nothing like a new Pentecost to be noticed, but rather quarrels and alienation among Catholics themselves, new unsolved questions in theology as well as in Christian living on which we had seemed to be agreed before the Council, the continuing silent apostasy of the masses, the rejection of faith, Christian morality and conviction in public life.
Overall the firm is said to have encountered widespread alienation among young, white Americans, The Washington Post reported.
The year before Trump announced his presidential bid, the data firm already had found a high level of alienation among young, white Americans with a conservative bent.

Not exact matches

Since the Christian Faith holds that as a law or an ideal, it is impossible of realization because of human alienation from God and that where it is realized even partially in history, it is realized as the result of the Divine Forgiveness freely given in Christ providing the motivation for mutual forgiveness among persons and peoples in their historical setting.
Among the arguments for and against school busing, we do not hear much about the fundamental issue of racial alienation.
I believe that the Christian contribution to a «secular» concept of humanity as essentially a Community of Persons can be best made if we maintain the message of the gospel that God became incarnate in the Person of Jesus Christ to overcome the alienation of humanity from God and to create a Koinonia in Christ around the Eucharist, a Community of divine forgiveness and mutual forgiveness acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, transcending all religious cultural and ideological divisions with a mission to build a wider Secular Koinonia of mutual forgiveness and justice among the peoples of the world, as witness to the ultimate goal of creation, namely the Kingdom of God.
For others among us the community to build is in the places where we work or go to school, for these have become the major arenas of alienation for many Americans.
«Social - republican property can be distinguished from the more conventional notion of capital ownership, which might be called «liberal private» property, by two features: first, transfer or alienation restraints that confine control of the property to active or potentially active participants in a community constituted by the property, and second, accumulation restraints designed to limit inequality among members of such a community.
The Democrats» gains signaled deep alienation from the Republican Party among the sort of upscale moderates who were once central to their coalition.
They are exploiting alienation from Westminster politics, particularly among the white working class.
In these linked stories, she tackles - among other issues - poverty, political oppression, corruption, violence, women's rights, the class systems of Zimbabwe and the United States, and the problems of alienation at home and in a foreign land.
Much of her writing, teaching, and lecturing centers around struggles of belonging and alienation with regard to faith, particularly among young adults and especially with regard to young women.
At the beginning of July, Alienation saw the addition of two widely requested features: local co-op and ranked leagues, among a variety of novelties such as extra weapons, bullet colors, and other minor improvements.
Louv believes that kids nowadays suffer from «nature - deficit disorder» — a term of his own invention that describes «the human costs of alienation from nature, among them: diminished use of the senses, attention difficulties, and higher rates of physical and emotional illnesses.»
His feelings of alienation and anxiety are unfortunately all too common among those encountering the compensation system.
Alienation of affection lawsuits are among the most talked - about topics in family law, not only because they occasionally involve soap opera - like fact patterns but also because they're rather ancient to modern society's way of thinking.
Alienation, lack of entry and promotion opportunities and disrespect are among the problems «racialized» lawyers say they face.
There is agreement among professionals that negative input from the allied parent is a major factor in alienation, but not all agree that it is a necessary ingredient for the complete rejection of a parent to occur.
Family lawyer Joanna Abrahams said parental alienation has long existed but the behavior among divorced parents is escalating at an alarming rate, while other parents are seeing the potential fallout and dangers.
In a letter to the editors of the publication, author Greg Reynolds pointed out how the family law in the nation supports and encourages the tragic reality of parental alienation, as well as the negative effects of divorce among children.
But now, the estranged couple is back in the limelight again as some experts believe their divorce might lead to the occurrence of parental alienation syndrome among their six children.
Since parental alienation has become a common scenario among families going through divorce or separation, Cafcass decided to launch a government - funded program called «Parents in Dispute.»
While some research shows that the father is more likely to be the targeted parent, other research demonstrates that parental alienation is an equal opportunity aggressor among men and woman alike.
Those topics may include parental alienation, child custody, false allegations, child support, child custody evaluations, among others.
The editors use their own expertise to cherry pick among the best guiding principles and writers to further illuminate the behaviors, results, and remedies found in parental alienation awareness.»
Based upon his review of the video recording of the CAC interview, Dr. Wilson opined that the interview «was in no way definitive that [the father] did anything sexually to th [e] child» because, among other things, the child had revealed the potential abuse only after repeated questioning and only after making several statements that the father was «mean» (which, Dr. Wilson opined, raised «red flags» about parental alienation).»
He was «appointed as an independent Family Assessor,... to among other issues assess any indication of the presence of Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy, the possibility of molest and the possibility of parental alienation of either parent.»
This is a follow - up presentation to an extremely well - received introduction that described, among other things, the attachment - system foundations that lead to parental alienation.
Among other things, the trial court found Mother had engaged in a pattern of parental alienation toward Father regarding the children, had not acted in the best interests of the children, and that allowing Mother unsupervised access to H.A.K. would not be in the child's best interest and would cause a serious immediate concern about the child's welfare.»
Yet favored parents» disavowal of responsibility for their children's rejection of the other parent continues to find support among advocates who claim that the concept of unjustified parental alienation is harmful to children.
The roots of alienation differ among children.
Although these study's findings further clarify important interrelationships among parental attachment, peer alienation and Facebook use in adolescence, several limitations must be considered when interpreting these results.
To conclude, among the players within parental alienation there is inextricably a link between them and a lack of empathy.
Psychological distress among adult children of divorce who perceive experiencing parental alienation syndrome in earlier years.
The authors surveyed 201 custody evaluators from 39 different states, finding that while there was a lack of appreciation among the evaluators for domestic violence, much decision - making weight was given to the theory of «parental alienation».
Some explanations for this findings offered by Riso and colleagues included a) the chronicity of the depression leads to alienation and distancing over time in the relationship, b) there are greater interpersonal deficits among the chronically depressed individuals or c) chronically depressed individuals are more likely to remain in distressed marriages and feel helpless to change their marital situation.
The planned centre is sure to set off a storm of controversy among those who consider Warshak and Rand's work cult - like «deprogramming» and question whether Parental Alienation Syndrome isn't just an excuse for bad, or even abusive, parents.
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