Sentences with phrase «alkaline soil»

Seems to come from water / soil contamination from ore smelting, oil refining, soluble in water but complexes with alkaline soil.
Acidic soils have reduced calcium and magnesium content, while highly alkaline soils affect iron, manganese, copper and zinc availability [29].
The sodium salt of the soluble iron complex, [Fe (III)- EDMA]-, is used in large quantities as an iron micronutrient in citrus agriculture, for plants that can not extract iron from alkaline soil in which the iron is insoluble.
The simplest way to minimize the effects of alkaline water is to grow plants that prefer alkaline soil.
The mixing also affects soil pH: the best - known earthworm in central Europe, the Lumbricus terrestris, carries alkaline soil upwards from deeper layers.
It prefers slightly alkaline soil and lots of sun.
For a more alkaline soil, add limestone or crushed oyster shells.
Leptospira bacteria like to live in warm moist environments with alkaline soil.
Highly alkaline soils are good for peonies and peas, while blueberries and azaleas love acidic soil.
A pH Meter allows you to instantly determine how acidic or alkaline your soil is.
«One thing that we can draw from our analysis is that the parts of the world that humans depend upon the most for agriculture sit on an edge between wet and dry climates and between acid soils and alkaline soils,» Slessarev said.
Ammonium sulfate is well - suited to alkaline soils, and is less flammable, but it offers fewer nutrients for its weight than ammonium nitrate.
Much of the western plains has alkaline soil, so consider the plants that grow natively in these regions because they are adapted to a high soil pH. Good choices include clematis, dianthus, nicotiana, iris, lantana, cotoneater, poplar and barberry.
The mold form of coccidioidomycosis exist in an arid climate, with alkaline soil, hot summers and low annual rainfall.
This disease occurs primarily in the desert areas of the southwestern United States and needs a warm arid climate with alkaline soil to survive.
Many members of Caryophyllales are adapted structurally or physiologically to extreme environments such as deserts, high - alkaline soils, high - saline substrates, and nutrient - poor soils.
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