Sentences with phrase «all about evil»

Whenever I hear folks whine about the evils of capitalism and corporate America — how corporations are not people — I wish they could understand that it's not the size of an organization that matters, but how well it maintains an innovative culture as it grows.
For years I've been telling people about the evils of shooting themselves in the foot on social media, email, messaging apps, whatever.
«Mr. Galliano has worked arduously in changing his worldview and dedicated a significant amount of time to researching, reading, and learning about the evils of anti-Semitism and bigotry,» ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman said in a statement.
At the end of the ten hours, I came in and he made me give him two pennies which was my contribution to the social security and he gave me two one Dollar bills and a long lecture about the evils of Democrats and the welfare state and the lack of self - reliance and it went on and on and on, so I had the right antecedents too.
Just listen to their rants about evil teacher unions on the radio.
What Hitchens wrote about the evils of religion was not so much a scholarly argument, but more a wave of righteous indignation that levelled everything in its path.
We often ask the question about evil, but we are asking the wrong question.
Religious leaders free themselves from the obligation of talking about evil, by pretending that it's only a matter of free will and people can choose what they want and the consequences are only personal («between you and God»).
Who would be the first people that might teach a child about an evil invisible spirit named Satan who is seeking to devour their souls?
How many people on this planet have AIDS because they believed the teachings about condoms; how many unwanted children have been abused because their parent (s) bought the argument about the evil of contraception.
Too bad you know NOTHING about the ancient Hebrews, what and how they thought about evil.
In recent years, some more candid evangelical Protestants have decried the «hypocrisy» of preachers who are silent about the evil of divorce, in many cases because they are themselves divorced.
Twenty years ago, the liberals were saying, «St. Paul was talking about the evils of pederasty in Romans 1, not the kind of loving, committed relationships we're advocating for.»
Right... so they didn't overtly «ask» you, however if you and the other members are living by «correct principles» then not a big leap to decide for yourself about the evils of gay marriage and contribute money yourself... which, in fact... many of you did, yes...?
What Jesus said about the evil shepherds and other individuals, who were using the flock for their own selfish gratification, could also be said today of many of our religious leaders and our political leaders.
One headline article after another about evil Republicans causing the dysfunction in DC, evil Newspeak spouting Christians... must sense an imminent overturning of the old order and are scared out of their wits...
But when I think about Evil in terms that you frame it then I see that perhaps the Church's job is to fight a battle that is being commanded by King Jesus.
I am repeatedly impressed how quickly I, and other well - meaning Christians, turn from impassioned statements about the evil of oppression and hunger on a global scale to talk of our need for better salaries, our hopes for economic security in retirement, and our boats or Summer cottages.
Obedience means that you pursue justice and you stand up for the oppressed and you stand up for the victimized, and you tell the truth about the evil of sexual assault and the evil of covering it up.
You mention trying to understand the «violent God» of the OT, but you say nothing about the evil, perverse, ways of wicked men.
Then there arises the problem known as theodicy, the question of how to justify the goodness of God when God either directly brings about evil or at least appears to permit evil to exist.
I know my theory about evil and the violence of God is new to most, but it is not new to me.
Posters who go on and on about the evils of capitalism are out of touch with the real world.
This self love is sin.God never forced chaos on us.we gave in to satan's lies about evil being an inherent necessity.Jesus said he was the way, the truth and life.He was the life (love) that everyone craves for, he is the truth which meant that his love was our only need and he exposed the lies of satan that we could attain bliss on subordinating people to our cravings.Sinning people don't accept a God who requires us to renounce ourselves because they are not convinced of God's love being enough for them and they are afraid to destroy their identity and live for the Glory of God.So, upon death, these souls realize that the physical world was just a shadow of God's love (the nature, food etc) and their own lies (violence, self love etc) and realize that love is their only need.They pursue it from other soul beings but are hurt that there's only hate and self love.They are afraid to approach the light because they don't want to renounce their identity as they have not recognized God's love before.
What, she asks, is evil, what is woman's relationship to evil, and what can we do about evil?
In «The God Delusion», he wrote a chapter on morality that he introduced with the words: «This chapter is about evil, and its opposite, good; about morality: where it comes from, why we should embrace it, and whether we need religion to do so.»
Wonder explains the heartbreaking honesty in a book like A Grief Observed, wherein Lewis returns to his past arguments about evil and suffering amid the pain of losing his own wife.
But if they're in your community collecting a salary, I can guarantee they're in it to win it baby and they will never preach about the evils of greed or else they'd be preaching damnation to themselves.
christians are often embarrassed about the evil found in the bible, so they makes excuses for it.
Jesus preached about the evil of humanity, but showed compassion and mercy.
If you want to discuss your nonbelief further, or if you want me to respond to your reasons for nonbelief, I'll happily do so, but I'd rather not do so here, just incase we sidetrack the debate about evil (which WAS about the Book of Job!)
This belief, says Noddings, explains why women haven't been heard in the moral debate about evil (to enter it they would have to become «conscious»).
I therefore believe its teaching about the evil of humanity and do so without inhibition.
But being omnibeneficent, all good, God does not seek to bring about evil but the good of each creature.
-- The point wasn't why I'm a Christian, Bob, it was why I believe in the Bible's teaching about evil.
to learn about the deeds of the false prophet mohammad you must read the hadith which tells you about the evil deeds of the filthy false prophet mohammad
Hart, who next year will be a visiting professor at Providence College, spoke with us about evil and its place in the world that God created and loves.
Yeah, Emmsy, they learn about other countries, and gay people, and even about that evil evolution stuff.
When I go to Church, I don't go to some building that someone built, listen to someone speak at me about the evils of the world, give up money for some out of sight missionary work, and then get berated for not doing things according to some interpreted version of a much disputed holy book.
I am talking about your evil and terrible Islam!
I find it interesting that the day after you wrote about the evil treatment of ministers in the United Methodist Church who are in favor of marriage equality in the church, you wrote this blog on how women could affect equality within the church.
A good example is Habakkuk's presentation of a dialogue between the prophet and God — the prophet's first complaint is against the sins of Judean society and God explains that he will be using the evils of the invading Chaldeans to punish Judea; the prophet responds by complaining about the evils of the Chaldeans which God then assures will not go unpunished — that they tyranny itself will lead to it's own punishments and that the punishment for Judea's sins is itself redemptive and God assures that he will be able to provide salvation.
At all times in Israel people spoke much about evil powers, but not about one which, for longer than the purpose of temptation, was allowed to rule in God's stead; never, not even in the most deadly act of requital by God, is the bond of immediacy broken.
Naturally, Zen also has much to say about the evil dualism of the transcendent and the immanent.
How many times do the gospels talk about the evils of hording wealth and how hard it is for a rich person to enter heaven?
Can anyone else remember what happened the last time we had a German national railing about the evils of other peoples religions?
In a few exchanges the same posted about the evils of all organized religions.
Carol is constantly up and down about the evil of doctrine, etc..
it talks about evil people corrupting the church and how to spot frauds.
Therefore, God is not saying we should be docile and passive about evil; but that we should be a vessel that makes hate / evil uncomfortable in us.
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