Sentences with phrase «all about an attitude»

Eventually Marcus Lemonis confronts him about his attitude and judgement of his wife.
Accomplishing its paper - saving mission, for this company, was less about tech and more about attitude.
Gun culture clearly isn't just numbers, it's about attitude.
Lindstrom's own methodology is a form of hands - on anthropological research, in which he visits people's homes and gathers information about their attitudes, behaviors, and desires that they may not be aware of or choose to articulate.
However high you've risen, it's still always about attitude and not altitude.
But research shows that the difference between loving and hating a job is often less about what you do and more about the attitude with which you do it.
While no one suggests this is a long - term solution to sleep complaints, the results add more evidence to the case that insomnia and exhaustion are more about attitude than most of us understand.
We need to teach them how you actually show up to work, about attitude and motivation.
What do you think Steve's owner would have thought about that attitude?
It's your job to provide the occasional reminders about attitude, work ethic, and priorities, so employees know you are invested in them.
Uncover innovative ways of learning about the attitudes, actions and intent of your customers, and sharing that insight to both your stakeholders and community members.
You need to be prepared and think about your attitude to risk before you consider investing.»
Most did, painting an overall positive picture about attitudes towards universities in the province.
It asks respondents about a wide variety of human - interest topics, from their participation in religious services and religious beliefs, to questions about their attitudes regarding marriage, divorce, cohabitation, and other family forms, to specifics about sexual behavior and experience of abuse and domestic violence.
I encouraged the Church to engage in a compassionate, respectful and honest conversation about our attitude and response towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and transsexual (LGBT) people; a respectful dialogue that might lead to our churches becoming beacons of inclusion.
The KJV translates this, «And the common people heard him gladly,» converting a reference to a particular occasion into a general assertion about the attitude of the common people toward Jesus.
Luke 6:20 - 26, which we are looking at today, are about your attitude toward life's circumstances.
«When evangelicals support Phil Robertson, it tells me less about their attitudes toward sexual minorities than their ongoing interactions with me do.
The main one, about the attitude of Jews, Jewish believers and gentile believers to each other, has had a lasting effect on Jewish - Christian relationships.
The sermon is entirely about attitude.
It's all about an attitude of the heart.
Luke 6:27 - 38 is about your attitude toward other people.
This instruction is not just about the title «father» (or Pastor or Reverend), but as with all the instructions from Jesus, about the attitude of the heart.
In answer to a question about the attitude of churches to the occupation, I was criticised for implying that I regard the Messianic churches as an abomination.
Sin is about attitude; it's about what flows out of the heart.
If this evidence is dismissed out of hand on the basis of rigidly reductionist standards, what does that say about our attitude toward the gospel?
But he has much to say about the attitudes and motives of men in their corporate life.
Um, Gary, censor and censure mean different things — the first is about suppression, but the second is about attitude.
About attitudes Wojtyla writes that they are a kind of «taking up a position» or «a being ready to act» in accordance with faith.
Luke 6:27 - 38, the section we are concluding here, is all about our attitude toward others.
This sermon in Luke 6 is all about our attitude.
Christ teaches us that living as His disciple is all about our attitude.
Dr Paul Borgman called for Christians to think more about their attitudes toward T.V..
Our research collected information about attitudes and behaviors related to practical matters like lying, cheating, stealing, pornography, the nature of God, and the consequences of unresolved sin.»
At that point I find that the reactions are more about the attitudes and personalities of the individuals who are actually having the encounter.
So for me this is about attitudes rather than any stand on belief or religion.
It is a symbolic way of talking about attitudes and values of actual persons who have been caught up in devotion to one in relation to whom they have found a new and ultimately satisfying kind of life.
Stumbling across Dr. Phil's relationship book where he talked about your attitude toward your partner was actually very helpful.
In The Art of Biblical Narrative, Robert Alter suggests a key to characters» inner thoughts and motivations which would be helpful even to the inexperienced reader of Scripture: first, external details (appearance, clothing, gestures); second, «one character's comments on another»; third, «direct speech by the character»; fourth, «inward speech... quoted as interior monologue»; and fifth, «statements by the narrator about the attitudes and intentions of the personages» (pp.116 - 117).
Because of their involvement in so many community functions, community clergymen possess a wealth of knowledge about the attitudes, feelings, and organizational structures present in the community.
Here we are talking about attitudes and beliefs.
It is talking about head covering in a spiritual manner (hair covers the physical head) It is talking about our attitudes towards each other and God.
They provide a workable way to think about our attitudes toward these questions amid to help evaluate what our attitudes should be.
Many revivalist Christians, for instance, who see the conversion of souls as their preeminent task are simply not thinking much about their attitudes toward culture, even though they have some very definite attitudes.
And using terminology like «morons» says far more about the attitude of the writer than about any of the specious practices and doctrines being addressed.
She was especially concerned about the attitude of young men.
Whatever else may have been wrong about the attitude, at least this can be said: for centuries human beings have been ready to recognize that they were mortal.
I'm talking about an attitude, not a method.
It's all about the attitude and condition of our hearts.
One of the things Jesus focused on in His Sermon on the Mount was our attitudes, which shows that He was just as concerned about attitude as He was with action.
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