Sentences with phrase «all about human nature»

You have uploaded them before, the various white - and - black Facebook pictures of the beach, filtered and blurred with in - depth and exciting quotes about human nature.
By simply allowing yourself to accept reality for what it is, instead of fantasizing about human nature in such a way that you could be «rescued» from your daily circumstances, you're making a tremendous step forward.
25:54 — Andy talks about human nature regarding investments: people want to sell when the market drops and buy when it goes up.
Some things about human nature never change.
They articulate a vision that shapes the way we think about human nature.
I believe this wise and nuanced document says something true about human nature; I'm afraid Mr. Smalling might label it «common bigotry.»
Neuroscience, Psychology, and Religion: Illusions, Delusions, and Realities About Human Nature By Malcolm Jeeves and Warren S. Brown Templeton, 168 Pages, $ 17.95 There was a time when people worried whether God existed.
Grisez - Finnis likewise begin with self - evident first principles that are not derived from any factual propositions about human nature.
Stop kidding yourselves about human nature.
The stories that inspire us most deeply have deep truths about human nature buried beneath the magic (and sometimes cheesiness).
In fact, working with Barbie has taught me a lot about human nature.
I'm not sure the research polls say so much about Christians as it does about human nature, and our tendency to rationalize certain behaviors.
Christian realism about human nature suggests that legally enforceable determinations of natural law should not be made in this way.
As Catholics, we are allowed to know the truth about human nature - and to rejoice in the fact that medical science is revealing more and more to us about it all the time.
And yet we must not be afraid of the «dualist» tag, rightly understood, when speaking about human nature.
One must be realistic about human nature: Human beings are capable of magnanimity and mercy; they can also be stone - cold killers.
Nevertheless, because the tendencies normally direct the capacities in certain directions, when we speak about human nature we are pointing to a certain grain in the expressed features, abilities, tendencies, and operations of persons.
It really is about time people stopped being so damned naive about human nature and the lengths to which people will go to protect money, power and status.
The second economic system, that of communism, is also unrealistic about human nature, but in a different way.
Using modern terms, we should say that the Bible records a development of thought about human nature in both its sociological and psychological aspects.
The remainder of this chapter will be concerned with three other kinds of human relations — economic, political, and familial — and with what the sciences centrally concerned with them tell about human nature and its transformations.
The thing about human nature is, that it doesn't change.
No illusions for us about human nature, no nonsense about innate goodness rendered corrupt only by experience or society.
For example, Genesis» «7 days» of creation isn't 7 days, or 7 ages, but an allegory about human nature as rational (Days 1 & 4 symbolized by the sun, moon, & stars), sensate (Days 2 & 5, symbolized by birds & fish), and physical (symbolized by plants and land).
One would hardly expect a discussion either of the life or of the significance of Jesus of Nazareth in such philosophically oriented studies of nature and history, or even in what little about human nature they have written.
Authentic religion reveals the truth about human nature and motivates believers to defend each human life and ensure that every person is protected and allowed to flourish.
What it invites is critique from theology; its claims about human nature and its status in relation to divinity call for elaboration.
And, if we know anything about human nature, we know we have a desire for certainty, a fear of being wrong, a tendency to difine ourselves by our beliefs and to identify those like - minded, the «us» of the them / us divide.
The Holocaust was, in largest part, the consequence of ideas about human nature, human rights, the imperatives of history and scientific progress, the character of law, the bonds and obligations of political community.
For both Augustine and Hobbes the bellum omnium is a marginal case, illustrative of certain truths about human nature but not, except in situations of exceptional breakdown, actually descriptive of normal human existence.
It is a view that takes authority to be a positive good rather than a necessary evil alone and in so doing preserves a truth about human nature and society that stands in danger of loss.
What then can a Christian say about human nature?
It is a merit of modern existentialist thinkers, including nontheists like Martin Heidegger and Jean - Paul Sartre, that they understand and insist upon this truth about human nature.
Economists are often criticized for their fictional assumptions about human nature, but Saving Adam Smith is intentionally fictional.
I will take Jesus» words and teaching about human nature over Ingersoll fishon
But neither does she shy from addressing hard truths, for she knows that democracy, far from being a machine that runs of itself, is contingent upon truth and truths - about human nature, the dynamics of power, and what we can reasonably expect from history.
Conflicts of doctrine about human nature between investigators in different disciplines must then be ascribed to errors in inquiry, or to an epistemological imperialism that arbitrarily limits the admissible perspectives, or to an incorrect analysis of the relation of the several perspectives to one another.
Such an account is inevitably conditioned by the historian's scale of values and by his fundamental convictions about human nature.
-LSB-...] Ordered liberty demands realism about human nature
A moment's reflection makes clear the reason for this ubiquity of concern about human nature.
He sees that he's being overtaken by sad, hard truths about human nature.
Since the doctrine of sin is the only element known by some of his critics, a common conclusion is that Niebuhr was too pessimistic about human nature, that he saw only man's sin, and that he offered no proximate or ultimate hope.
This optimistic approach to man's virtue and the problem of evil expresses itself philosophically as the idea of progress in history.17 The empirical method of modern culture has been successful in understanding nature; but, when applied to an understanding of human nature, it was blind to some obvious facts about human nature that simpler cultures apprehended by the wisdom of common sense.
It was, more precisely, based on a thinking through — although, in a way, a distortion — of Locke's fundamental premises about human nature by Rousseau.
Feuerbach was right about human nature, believes Jenson; we really do project our mundane wishes onto the transcendent.
The church members find dialogue difficult because they rarely question their presuppositions about human nature or how truth is known.3 Yet, these things are similar in many ways.
It was his conviction that only a Christian, informed and empowered by God's grace, could continue to struggle for a better world without illusions about human nature and the historic process.
During the last twenty years, changes in family life and in church demographics have rekindled interest in Christian nurture and in new progressive theories about human nature.
Dr. Pittenger gives eight affirmations about human nature from a process perspective.
A total pessimist about human nature might avoid scientific activity; a total optimist might have no cause for concern about its consequences.
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