Sentences with phrase «all about mass»

It's a trend one would rather see, than hear about another mass credentials breach.
With all the news about mass shootings and racial tension in the U.S. this year, Mexico's neighbor to the north seems just as dangerous, said Vancouver resident Clark MacPherson.
«Over the last three years the technology and performance has come down to the point where it's possible to think about a mass - market audience,» Paul says.
Specifically, the NRA's extremism makes many reasonable Americans, including, importantly, NRA members, seem like gun nuts who don't give a damn about the mass slaughter of children, teachers, and parents.
He doesn't have to worry about mass consumer appeal.
Almost 80 per cent of Western Australians have doubts about the mass media according to a recent study by the School of Marketing at Curtin Business School.More than two - thirds (77 per cent) of respondents said they had at some time heard or read a...
They aren't about mass brands.
It's the title, too, of a particularly cynical BoJack Horseman episode about mass shootings, in which beleaguered film producers find themselves rolling their eyes while they trot out the phrase, again and again, in response to real events as they try to get back to the «actually pressing business of making sure the movie gets made.»
To understand what's different about the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Sean Rameswaram speaks with Vox reporter German Lopez, Georgetown psychiatry professor Liza Gold, and Elizabeth Love, a Utah teenager who's a bit of a badass.
Many of the young people who showed up for the March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C., were concerned not just about mass shootings, but the kind of gun violence that draws fewer headlines.
Polls found in the aftermath of the Parkland shooting that Americans were concerned about mass shootings and more supportive of the government regulating guns than in the past.
Asked about mass shootings more broadly, the public says by a roughly 2 to 1 margin that they reflect problems identifying and treating people with mental health problems rather than inadequate gun control laws.
I don't know about the mass....
Forget about the book for a moment, what about mass murder, gross violation of human rights, illegal invasion, occupation and pillage..
I'm not crazy about mass emails, so I thought I'd give it a shot and see how many would enter without being informed via email, but just by visiting my site and discovering the contest.
They didn't mean the moon would turn red... they were talking about a mass killing of people i.e. Armageddon... red as in the fires of hell if you believe in all this bible fantasy crap.
Since there are only 10 to the 80th power baryons in the universe, this means that an addition of just 10 to the 21st power baryons (about the mass of a grain of sand) would have made life impossible.
But the first Catholic woman graduate will not be able to celebrate mass, even though she will know more about the mass than most priests do.
Do you think that the Maoris of New Zealand knew about the mass slaughter of American Indians in the early U.S.?
I would like some statistics about the mass murder bit, b4.
The US government is highly hypocritical also in elevating this case and being almost silent about mass persecution in China.
Haring speaks in this work about mass media (TV, films, advertising), but we also see here the early traces of a sensitive awareness of communication as interactive and dialogic.
I asked how do deaf people hear god and what about mass hysteria and you laugh about clouds.
On the other hand, Rolf Hochhuth's 1963 play The Deputy, which builds on the plausible assumption that the Pope did know about the mass extermination of the Jews from 1942 on, raised the question of why the Pope didn't publicly condemn what the Nazis were doing to the Jews.
Why are all of god's interventions about mass slaughter and evil?
These threats are brought into sharp relief by anxieties about mass immigration, especially in Europe.
What about mass planned communist starvations to reengineer the Soviet economy or Pol Pot's similar reengineering in Cambodia's killing fields.
We have still to find the reason not only for the triumph of Christianity over its many rivals for the allegiance of the Roman Empire and of the Hellenistic world, but also for the birth and growth of the Church, for monasticism and its continuing vigor, for the existence and quality of the New Testament, and for the power that could bring about the mass conversions.
A third risk is that we select out bits of the Bible that suit our ideas about mass media but ignore other parts that would challenge those ideas.
Yet not a single word has ever been found to suggest that Jews were ever slaves of Egypt, nor has there been a single shred of evidence about a mass exodus of the Jews from Egypt.
Historian Philip Jenkins in Hidden Gospels: How the Search for Jesus Lost Its Way has gone so far as to assert that the alternative gospels tell us less about the beginnings of Christianity than about «the interest groups who seek to use them today; about the mass media, and how religion is packaged as popular culture; and... more generally, about the changing directions of contemporary American religion.»
It is the commentators who have given life to the annals; taking the bare statements of fact, they have woven about them a mass of detailed exposition, including history, legend, and homily, which is not without interest or significance.
The rest of your post is fine but please think about this mass generalisations, as it is what bigots and racists do, though I DO NOT CALL YOU A RACIST, merely careless with words.
You wouldn't write the same paragraph about a mass murderer, we're all inching to the void, nothing matters, might as well go on a chainsaw massacre and wear your neighbors» skin.
Much of that scholarship and popular commentary on school lunches aspires to manage children's eating behaviors, or it descends to moralizing about mass foodways and skirts the ethnographic complexities of -LSB-...]
Congressional candidate Chris Cox's campaign released a curious statement shortly after 10 p.m. last night in response to some strong reporting by POLITICO's Maggie Haberman about the mass exodus from his operation by former advisors to Sen. John McCain.
There may indeed be a greater scepticism about mass immigration than we are used to hearing from senior Labour figures, but it is tied to a broader recognition of how fast and dramatic changes can destabilise and unsettle communities.
Rep. Claudia Tenney's controversial remark about mass murderers has turned into a fundraising pitch for New York Democrats.
Even as he voiced support for proposals generally backed by Democrats — including expanded background checks and raising the age limit to 21 for some gun buyers — the president peppered his remarks with inaccurate facts about mass shootings and gun policy.
However few other mainstream UK news outlets covered the story despite the revelations about mass surveillance by a British intelligence agency, the GCHQ.
About two dozen people attended the People's State of the State Address, holding signs that called for taxes on the rich and giving speeches about mass incarceration and the increasing lines at food pantries.
«It makes you wonder and think about mass incarceration.
The NSA has released an internal email from Edward Snowden to its general counsel's office that it says shows he didn't raise concerns about mass surveillance, contrary to his claims, but Snowden says this release is «incomplete» and doesn't include other correspondence about «indefensible collection activities,» Ellen Nakashima and Barton Gellman report for the Washington Post.
The armed Boko Haram member, who appeared with dozens of the girls in the background, accused the Federal Government of lying to the world about the mass abduction for the two years the girls had spent in captivity.
Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel and Florida Governor Rick Scott walk up to the media to speak about the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School / Getty Images
Poloncarz said he reached out to Collins after seeing the congressman's February 15 interview with Spectrum News about the mass shooting at a Parkland, Florida high school.
It came on the day that Labour's favourite think - tank admitted those concerned about mass immigration had been treated as «nasty, stupid and backward.
It suits too many of the 580 MPs in rock - solid safe seats not to bother much about the mass of non-voting young people and low earners.
She neither retracted nor defended the comment about mass murderers, but said it was taken out of context.
What struck me when looking back more than 10 years ago, and what I was reading now about mass shootings, was the familiar theme that firearm - related violence is a societal problem and that law enforcement can not solve it on its own.
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