Sentences with phrase «all accept the reality»

«In a way that's a shame, but you have to accept the reality of it.»
If you accept this reality from the beginning, rejection will be easier to swallow.
By simply allowing yourself to accept reality for what it is, instead of fantasizing about human nature in such a way that you could be «rescued» from your daily circumstances, you're making a tremendous step forward.
The latter have accepted this reality and recognized the different behavior it requires.
While it may seem hazardous for a retailer to sell on Amazon, many companies seem to be accepting the reality that the online retailer is an incontrovertible way to reach customers at a time it is behind about 50 % of the growing in U.S. e-commerce.
However, now that deficits are an accepted reality, I agree that we should try to improve the political discourse.
Thus my assertion at the top, that the story of how Microsoft came to accept the reality of Windows» decline is more interesting than the fact of Windows» decline; this is how CEO Satya Nadella convinced the company to accept the obvious.
They should never be defensive, and accept reality when core competencies are actually a hindrance to moving in a more promising direction.
Some Canadians might be unwilling to accept this reality; if they do, they may become more defensive economically, and politically sensitive to moves by others that remind us of our lessened influence.
But that can only happen if we accept the reality that innovation comes at a high price.
Gold - market analysts should accept reality and stop pretending that the supply of gold is limited to the amount that they can pinpoint.
Now that you've accepted the reality of why you are losing money in the markets (you have accepted it right?)
Lenders will see it as an opening gambit, but they need to accept reality, too.
Some new buyer behaviors, such as informational search, are no longer emerging but have crossed over into accepted reality.
Value investors accept the reality that no one can predict market behavior; instead, value investors work to control their own investment behavior.
That is, rather than accept reality for what it is, they continue to believe the same disproven beliefs.
Since I can't accept a reality where death conquers life, evil over good, and hate over love, I'm as good as dead anyway.
The problem is that instead of accepting reality understanding your true self you have to believe in a deity to keep that feeling of being special alive as an adult.
So now we just need the Muslim world to accept this reality.
preacherlady: you are a wise woman trey: listen to what she says & stop trying to get everyone to accept you Reality check 1: not everyone has to like or love you for you to be happy Reality check 2: as long as it is true for me I am going to say what I believe so I am going to have to let the rest of you do that too, even if I think you are wrong Questions: what part of «love one another» don't you guys understand?
----- — Because you refuse to accept the reality of your thinking process does not change the reality of what an opinion is.
Many many other places, but you won't accept reality I already know... you think the book is more than the product of men's imaginations, so trying to show you where it is false is something you are not willing to hear... you would rather believe the fake pearls men planted in your book.
I hope you find that peace that comes from accepting reality one day.
It makes sense and seems much healthier to accept reality and learn to cope with it, even when it's less pleasant than fairytales that make a lot of promises there is no reason to believe.
they just accept reality.
That would depend on whether you think it's better to believe comforting fairytales to avoid dealing with harsh realities to accept reality for what it is, even when it's harsh.
Can't accept reality of the naturally existing gay people And want to control and condemn them based on your interpretation of your ancient book.
Recognising my own fear and frailty — yes and accepting the reality that this IS how I am — does indeed help me to see the same stuff in others and be more understanding and accepting.
Maybe it is time for God's people to accept the reality that God has not called everyone to marry.
You will never accept reality because you cling so much to belief.
Proof is an accepted reality acheived when supporting evidence of a theory becomes demonstrative.
Death sinks into our lives, it slowly becomes accepted reality but we always carry a homesickness for the ones we have loved, the ones who created us in a million ways.
Now, in traditional elaborations and thinking about the reality of God, the basic presupposition has been that to accept the reality of God is also to accept his presence.
Religion is best served by accepting reality and REALITY IS BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION.
Life is much simpler since I accepted reality.
That Israel possesses a right to the land can not be doubted by those who accept the reality and trustworthiness of the God whose Word is found in the scriptures.
Its ok if you want to believe in an all powerful being, but you have to live in the world around you and accept reality for what it is.
I guess it's easier for you to believe a lie, Allen, than it is for you to accept the reality that you really aren't the special child of god.
Just accept the reality of pasta and beer, you can do it without hearing voices in your head, just go to a good sports bar / restaurant and indulge.
How about accepting reality for what it is?
Each partner must do his «grief work» — the work of his personality in letting go of the children emotionally, accepting the reality of their leaving and dealing with the varied feelings these events bring.
It is also a way to accept the unacceptable by stating it is god's will rather than accepting reality for what it is, usually random in nature.
Of course it is possible to say that such questions and many more like them are of the sort that the limited human mind can not properly discuss; we must accept the reality of the rising of Jesus and simply leave it there.
Nor for that matter can a faith accepting the reality of the Fall seek an unfallen sacred or a primordial moment of time.
Leon went on to discuss how John the Baptist's heralding did not first go as expected but that it was a good thing because it taught people to accept reality.
In such a case the church needs to accept the reality and the pain that separation and divorce bring to God's people, and to help redeem and transform that reality and that pain.
People who disagreed needed to shut up and accept reality.
Your hate makes it impossible for you to accept reality.
Nuland tells us this, not to shock or dismay us, but to enable us better to accept reality.
Sorry... I'll just have to accept the reality that christianity was created by men to control men just like all other religions.
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