Sentences with phrase «all great points»

You made great points here especially when you commented ``... most of us confuse our online lives with reality!
Nancy, these are great points.
You have highlighted great points in this post buddy.
That's a great point.
Over at AllThingsD, in outlining her three big takeaways from Nintendo's announcement, Tricia Duryee makes a great point that the new portable screen will almost certainly compete with Apple's iPad for face time, given its forward - facing camera, ability to browse the Internet, draw on the screen with a stylus, play standalone games like Othello, view photos and video chat.
After my traditional line of questioning and selling the great points about the career ahead for anyone lucky enough to get this position, I launched into my full disclosure and she sat staring at me like one does a child who is walking a fine balance atop a 4 - foot brick wall — with anticipation, excitement and a heaping does of sheer shock and wonder all mixed together.
Zenios: Matt makes a couple great points.
One of the greatest points of distinction between top sales performers and everyone else is average sale size.
Charitable giving is traditionally considered a great point of pride — and a civic responsibility — by presidential candidates.
The greatest point to remember is that your customer wants to feel like he won.
Alim Erginoglu, an employee engagement consultant at Towers Watson, makes a great point: «Successful companies connect with their Millennials not only during working hours but outside of work as well.
Microsoft rivalry aside, he had a great point.
• United Claim Solutions, which is backed by Great Point Partners, acquired INETICO, a Tampa, Fla. - based provider of health care cost containment services.
That's a great point, Paige!
«While these are really great points, what we should do is listen to what our clients want out of life and then provide advice that helps them meet their goals,» Lynch said.
You brought up some great points to help keep the big picture in mind: «Money is a tool... to achieve maximum happiness» and «When it comes to investing, hope is definitely not a strategy».
Great points of view being presented here.
Great point — buyers trust different sources depending on what stage they're in.
Perhaps the greater point is that some investment classes are good diversifiers, but they are not fundamentally good investments.
Nellie brings up a great point, the business entity you choose matters to many lenders, but it doesn't mean you won't need to provide a personal guarantee when your small business applies for a loan.
Of course, Branson has multiple homes — which actually makes a great point about a digital nomad lifestyle that may be achievable no matter your income level.
The more money you hold with the bank, the greater your point bonus becomes.
Great points especially part 2.
The greater point seems confused.
While this is higher than the fee on the Southwest cards, you have to weigh that against the greater point flexibility.
Nick makes a great point, in my State, a former star NFL player (Rae Carruth) is going to walk free from prison this year (October 2018) after serving roughly 17 years on charges & conviction of «murder for hire».
Write content and use keywords that target your business objectives — great point.
Great point about buyer persona development.
And yes, great points about risk premiums.
That is a great point how Amazon continues to post high service scores.
Great points to note on.
He highlights great points that many have analysts have brushed aside.
Not a very ordinary link building article, but from a great point of view.
Great point about the high start - up costs.
LoS: Great point Jacob — thanks for your time.
That's a great point DC.
Litecoin's greatest point of confinement is 84 million — four times Bitcoin's 21 - million utmost — and it has an exchange preparing time of around 2.5 minutes, around one - fourth that of Bitcoin.
Owners and operators of collaborative space should take note, as Victoria offers some great points which may boost your own marketing efforts.
I can't reply directly to PK's post above, but this is referencing the great point he made about many high earners needing to live in major metro areas to earn those high incomes, but not being from those areas, and thus not having family (or even friends) close by.
Furthermore, he made a great point that these complicated projects are planned out years ahead, so the revenues in Reservoir Description would not show any decline from the dropoff in Offshore until a few years after the drop in oil prices.
Alexandra Samuel, a technology researcher, a former colleague of ours here at Vision Critical and a special guest in our webinar, recently wrote a piece for The Globe and Mail about Cambridge Analytica, and she makes many great points.
You make a great point.
Later on the call, an analyst brought up a great point: Facebook has promised to bring its GDPR policies to all of its users worldwide.
The Confessions do not in the first place talk about God; Marion makes a great point of saying that the second grammatical person prevails here over the third person.?
I think that the cross is the great point at which all the suffering, sorrow, torture and sin and all that yuck of the world ends up on God's shoulders out of love for us.
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