Sentences with phrase «all over the word»

Don't stumble over your words.
When you speak too quickly, you may stumble over your words and appear nervous.
Where Spicer was prone to wobbling over his words, Scaramucci was smooth and limber.
Let's save us all some time, this is a repeated comment about the argument over word usage with last sentences omitted.
He read from a teleprompter, sometimes stumbling over words, and he kept a tight hold on the lectern.
Plus, aim for a more artistic symbol over words — like General Electric's clever blue monogram.
A good prospector has control over his words and the enthusiasm to keep the conversation moving in a pleasant tone and flow.
It feels nice seen Christianity spreading all over the word.
No longer is my soul disquieted over the words Catholic social teaching.
We argue over words, instead of opening our ears to sit at His feet...
Hahahah - we trip over our words and miniscule understanding of the ALL.
All this shows how much love and respect a muslim has over the word of God compared to other people to their respective scriptures.
I've been quietly mulling over these words since I first read them in Prototype, and am so very grateful for the wisdom of Pastor Jonathan.
Thank you for reading, for commenting, for our funny and deep and weird conversations on Twitter and Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram, for your emails and letters, for your support and critiques, for showing up to the events in churches and community centres where I stumbled over my words and hugged you a bit too tightly and likely cried, for buying my little yellow book, for your prayers for me and my family, for staying with me, really, for all of it.
He was stumbling over his words in his shock.
When ever we take a man's interpretation over the Word's own interpretation, it can be tricky.
Mr. Wieseltier falls into confusion when he stumbles over the word «absolute.»
You never have the right to put your hands on somebody over words.
As the great hour approaches, the dresses, the flowers, the guests, the gifts, the right tempo of the wedding march, how to get through the ceremony without stumbling over the words or dropping the ring seem a great deal more important than the blessing of God.
Putting any personal statement in the letters over the words of Jesus to underline a personal opinion about truth is the wrong chronology.
Even a recently warmed - over Word is still a leftover; and no matter if it were once cooked with gas or even radiant heat, it is still unfit for human consumption if the covers are closed around it now.
We can quibble over words, but can we not believe that we are infused with something basic at the core of reality?
It also drives home a point made in several places in the Bible about the futility of quibbling over a word here, or a comma there.
If even Peter isn't exactly correct, it may still indicate the young man's inflection when saying and Peter to the women, as if expressing some small but not unnatural hesitation over words he is commanded to speak.
Don «t frustrate yourself over the word, «church».
Not every plan to bring people to equilibrium is a commie plan to take over the word.
Many times, we would slave over the wording of mission statements and vision documents, and then try to figure out the best way to communicate it to the rest of the church.
I was stumbling over my words, upset at myself for having such a hard time, when all of a sudden I heard the pitter - patter of little feet sprinting in the darkness down the hall.
I have prayed over this word, it is a profession and Revelation, to you who reads, this is for you straight from Gods heart to YOU.
(2) Pablum Just in case some readers skip over words they don't know a miss something in the cartoon: Pablum means «something bland, mushy, unappetizing, or infantile, and thus (paradoxically) with little worthwhile content.»
And it was effective: «The Lord said to me... I am watching over my word to perform it» (Jer.
The Words of the Son of God is more than good enough for me any day over the words of any man.
I had to smile over the word «spiffy.»
But, still, a chance of controversy comes up over the word «divine,» if we take it in the definition in too narrow a sense.
If Aristotle's report carries over the words of Anaximander (and not merely some later inference), Anaximander, himself already so conceived his basic principle, the apeiron (the indefinite): «And this, they say, is the divine.
As children work over the words of this poem, they may begin to see something of the interrelationships of all growing things.
A friend and I are arguing over the word traditionalist as applied to Catholics.
Notwithstanding the recent Malaysian flaps over the word, «Allah» is the Arabic word for God.
In this regard, the parable is a key to the ways in which we ought to be communicating «the Gospel» story today, for the parable provides a necessary corrective to the increasingly verbal, stultifying, and just plain boring Protestant theology that has developed during the last two centuries — «a battle over words and what they mean.»
If I feel offended or upset over words, does it follow that someone has been abusive?
We kill and slander over words.
Why the hangup over the word marriage?
Is this just a mere quibble over words?
I hesitated over the word «vaguer.»
You come along and tell me I am not just deceived, but that I place my standards higher than God's, that I simply give lip service, accused me of not believing God, of being influenced by Satan, stated I am condemned by Jesus and the apostles, stated I have arrogant pride in myself over the Word of God, (need I go on?
over the word of God.
I absolutely abhore arguments over the words in the Bible.
At the risk of sounding like I am quibbling over words, the process relational vision may be described as a form of «soft determinism.»
I stayed up late into the night as my eyes traveled over the words; I couldn't read fast enough to reach the next sentence and I couldn't read slow enough to allow myself to fully savor the moment.
I get SO nervous and stumble over my words and shake like crazy?
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