Sentences with phrase «all powerful creator»

And as I pointed out in the previous post, books themselves are powerful creators of emotion throughout our culture.
To think that the most powerful creator being of all the universe is their personal buddy, WOW!
Why would the all powerful creator of everything set aside a tiny rock in the universe just to play a sadistic version of the bachelor?
He confesses that there is a possibility of the existence of an all - knowing, all - powerful Creator which is also loving and compassionate toward humans, but admits that the probability is vanishingly small.
For that definition, Barna provides these markers: «believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person can not earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all - knowing, all - powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.»
Whether it's reported in knots, miles or kilometers per hour, we can measure the wind as it is happening and whether or not it is windy at any given location and time is not as questionable as the existence of an all - powerful creator.
You're the all powerful creator of the universe, and you know everything, so you knew when you created the universe that I wouldn't believe in you, because that's how you made me.
I have, the powerful creator of the Ti.tans and Zeus and is a very powerful diety who has existed before time began.
I love that you seem to think that the larger the number of people that are in a group believe something somehow gives rise to an all powerful creator.
If you read your bible it will tell you that the all powerful creator of everything HAD to do that so he could judge us the way he wanted to when we die.
there is no logical path that one can take that would lead one to the conclusion that an all powerful creator existed outside of space and time... that claim is nothing more than a god of the gaps argument.
Chronologically, God who is the all powerful creator of the universe and earth, creates man like him.
You are not using «simple logic» to draw your conclusion that there must be an all powerful creator if the universe arose from a single point in space and time.
I can't think of anything more vain then there is an all powerful creator that created everything for you and loves you.
It is not a bit of a stretch but an act of total blind faith to believe in Evolution Dan, in fact it take more faith to believe in that than in an all knowing, all powerful creator God who said I created all things.
Until I physically see a single fossil record supporting macro-evolution, or a bird give live birth to a mammal, or a monkey hatch from a chicken egg (I am being ridiculous intentionally, because macro-evolution is literally that ridiculous), I will go with the FACT that the theory of macro-evolution is hogwash and just as imaginary as an all powerful creator of the universe.
God is the all knowing, all powerful creator.
Pretty much goes like this: «It's an all powerful creator, therefore everything is, by default, predicted, and therefore always right».
This is the all - powerful creator who provided every rule under which we understand our universe.
In this creation story, humankind was made in the image of this all - powerful Creator, able likewise to subdue the earth and exercise dominion over every living creature that lives upon it.
Religion makes people feel good to think they have a personal relationship with THE all powerful creator of the universe who takes a personal interest in them, loves them, and will protect them.
The all knowing all powerful creator is not interested in glory by definition of being the creator.
Then they will understand that God is a powerful creator after all, but that God's kind of power or creativity is not opposed to human freedom.
1) America was founded by deists (men who believed in an all - powerful creator but not the Christian god).
If God exists... to state that an all powerful creator of the universe can ONLY be found in the Christian bible, and ONLY speaks to us this way, is neither logical nor what the bible or even his own branch of the Christian faith teaches.
How is thinking you're special enough to be of interest to an all powerful creator God not arrogant?
As a powerful creator, your potential success only awaits the genesis of thought.
You will remember the powerful creator you are and feel able to easily move past any obstacles in your life.
An all - powerful Creator.
Take a glimpse into the history of this influential contemporary art collection and its powerful creators in north London this summer.
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