Sentences with word «allah»

is to conquer the world for allah.
This is my wish hope it fulfills in the near future may be this season INSHAA ALLAH who knows I just pray... And guys don't mind my english as this is not my mother tongue after all I m pakistani... Real Arsenal Fan... coyg!!!!!!
It is not the fear of retribution that prevents me and Muslims from doing anything bad, it is actually the awareness of the existence of ALLAH who created us and bestowed upon us all those blessings and bounties that makes me ashamed to do anything wrong while he is aware of what I do!
«Have been given the Scripture» are Jews and Christians, «believe not in allah nor the Last Day» are Jews and Christians, messenger = Muhammad, «Religion of Truth» = Islam, tribute = tax.
Why hasn't allah stopped dictators from killing his own people (ex.
By the way Allah must truly be a hateful figure, but since christians say allah means their god as well, then even christians are wrong.
This is my wish hope it fulfills in the near future may be this season NSHAA ALLAH who knows I just pray... And guys don't mind my english as this is not my mother tongue after all I m pakistani... Real Arsenal Fan... coyg!!!!!!
Whats wrong are the christians who think its ok to tell gay people they are going to hell, or the muslims who blow innocent people up because they think its what allah wants.
since bark odummy is a muslim shouldnt you ask if allah baba would support healthcare.
The quran tells «beleiver's «let not the unbeleiver take friend's or helper's (infidels) rather than beleiver's; if any do that, in nothing will there be help from allah.
Maybe American Muslims are a «tad» bit more tolerant if they were raised here, but when it comes down to it... insult their false prophet muhammed, and their false god allah, and see where it takes you.
Only ALLAH knows if you or others will die on the state of belief and conviction and whether I will go stray at later stages in life.
«Read his manifesto «quran» and you will notice it says stuff like «allah wants the heads removed of all non believers»» — And if that was true, then there wouldn't be such a term as «People of the Book,» or the dhimmi taxes established in the medieval eras
You all have to accept there is some super power which is running the world and that is ALLAH follow ISLAM if not you have to answer on day of Judgement
I want to share with you another verse from the Quran in which ALLAH talks about the efforts of people in this earth who think they are doing good while indeed their efforts are wasted (in the sight of the creator).
Sorry if that offended you, but i want to hear in EnglishN othing racist in that, i don't want to hear the pundit celebrate with the words BUM followed by allah.
You kill and murder what allah created.
They hear ALLAH AKBAR, then they hear BOOM!
«allah sucks hot dog» wrote: «burning the koran pollutes the air.
Same with a person in Saudi Arabia, had they been born into a xtian home in the burbs here in the US they would think allah was some made up bull.
Here comes another SATAN of MULLAHS, NOT THEEN ALLAH, filled with venom of hates toward Humanity, skunk of fake Islam.
allah like zeus, thor, yahweh et al are myths created by primitives who were trying to understand their world.
From Fidji to Newzealand Masjids (Mosques) are built with the permission of Almighty ALLAH.
No mighty allah didn't say that killing wives and childern is honor or accepted.
2) i could have sworn the definition of christian was a follower of christ, not a follower of god... so that means muslims are christian seeing allah means god and jews are christian seeing they follow god also.
suni people is true islam, although some are claimed to be suni, but suni is not terrorism or sheit, suni is that we do everything allah told us to do and forbiddent all things he forbided, and as his prophet mohamed says and did.
The word Allah comes from two words «AL» and ILAH» meaning The and there is not translation of «ILah» but the closest one could be «God Almighty», and then when you connect these two words, it comes ALLAH and this is the way Arabic language works...
likewise, we do not see ALLAH aka as Yahweh, GOD, RAB, Bhagwan but we believe HE is there as one who is JUST.
May ALLAH bring you joy, happiness, great fortunes and prosperity on this blessed occasions.
O ALLAH, shower rain of mercy on our state of Texas, and save us from Tornadoes, hail, storm and fire, and Hell fire., Amen.
Well rebutted, jazak allah khairan because I couldn't have collated such a response better (I know, I've been trying to put something like that together for two days now for someone else to read).
No doubt the terrorists who carried out the following acts of horror prayed to allah before their demise:
a God is supposed to be caring, just and most importantly LOVING: three qualities that allah lacks!!!!!
just to say one thing there's statment we say in egypt alway (what did nt kill us, make us stronger) thanks and hamas, hezb allah, qatar....
Please emotions aside, ALLAH used the best of speech to imply that they also used the bathroom!
We don't encompass ALLAH (God) for he is the Greater of all.
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