Sentences with phrase «allergies to pollen»

Allergies to pollen, dust and fleas are all very common and treatable, but if left untreated they can fester and become serious health concerns.
For a dog with allergies to pollen, keeping them indoors during the morning and early evening (times of peak pollen production) will alleviate some of the problem.
Consequently, we are starting to understand for the first time why allergies to pollen, foodstuffs and fungal spores actually arise in the first place.»
«A contact allergy is a different kind of reaction from allergies to pollen, pet dander or food,» said senior author Wayne M. Yokoyama, MD, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at the School of Medicine.
Once Reisacher realized he could merge immunotherapy treatment into a daily activity, he decided to test out the idea in respiratory allergies, like allergies to pollen or mold.
It is caused by an allergy to pollen — including tree pollen (released during spring), grass pollen (released during the end of spring and beginning of summer) or weed pollen (especially released late autumn).
Hayfever (also known as allergic rhinitis) is an allergy to pollen, which explains why it's so common in spring.
When the immune system in your body reacts to certain things in the environment such as you having an allergy to pollen, it causes an unwanted reaction.
Hay fever - an allergy to pollen - is a common trigger of asthma attacks.
I have to take an antihistamine against my allergy to pollen and in most of them is lactose monohydrate included.
The wife was suffering terrible seasonal allergy symptoms and she seemed to think it was just an allergy to pollen.
In humans, an allergy to pollen, mold, or dust makes people sneeze and their eyes itch.
Whether it be a food allergy or an allergy to pollens or plants, bathing is very helpful in washing off allergens from the skin and coat.
APOQUEL provides relief of both allergic and atopic dermatitis (an inflammatory skin disease associated with allergies to pollens, molds, and dust mites).
Food allergy and atopy (allergy to pollens, dust and mold), hypothyroidism and Diabetes Mellitus may also predispose a pet to chronic skin issues.
Hay fever is a term used to describe cold - like symptoms resulting from an allergy to pollen, dust, or other inhaled substances.
It could also be an allergy to pollen or other outdoor factors.
The most common is allergies to pollens in the air, but they can also have a skin disease (hyperplastic dermatosis) that is often confused with an allergy.
Even if your pet is one of the lucky ones, one who does not have a true allergy to pollen, you may still want to take these steps to protect your pet from the «green blizzard.»
Allergies to pollens, grasses, weeds and trees are very common, as are allergies to indoor sources such as dust, dust mites and molds.
For instance, allergies to pollens can be better managed when grass is kept short.

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«Longer growing seasons, along with higher temperatures and carbon dioxide levels, can increase pollen production, intensifying and lengthening the allergy season,» according to a 2014 report by the National Climate Assessment.
If you want to check the specific pollen counts in your area, you can take a look at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology pollen count website.
Although the alcoholic is not allergic to alcohol in the literal, medical sense (comparable to an allergy to ragweed pollen, for example), he certainly has a «psychological allergy» to alcohol in that he can not use it without disastrous results.
Just - Like - Honey is a rich and delicious honey flavored rice nectar syrup created for those with allergies to bee pollen.
The immunity - boosting vitamin C from the strawberries, paired with traces of local pollen in the honey, build up immunity to help aid in the defense against seasonal allergies.
All of this is analogous to allergies, and the varying degrees of individual sensitivity to what the body perceives as «alien invaders» — pollen, dust, the oil from poison ivy plants, etc..
Added bonus: local honey and / or bee pollen does wonders to help seasonal allergies!
Raw wildflower honey is often used by pollen allergy sufferers to lessen their sensitivity to pollen by eating 1 to 2 tsp.
s often used by pollen allergy sufferers to lessen their sensitivity to pollen by eating 1 to 2 tsp.
It is usually related to allergies or hypersensitivity to things like dust, pollen, etc..
For someone with moderate to severe allergies to dust and / or pollen, Raycop would recommend using the RS2 on all bedding (pillows, blankets and mattress) 3 or 4 times a week.
Rice pollen has been know to cause allergies in those that live around rice fields.
If there is a rice allergy, studies show that the allergy is most often to the pollen of the rice and a reaction is triggered by the inhalation of the pollen — rice is a grass and may produce hayfever like symptoms.
For the more than 40 to 50 million American adult and children who suffer from the misery and discomfort of allergies, protecting themselves and their families from exposure to the usual suspects - ragweed and pollen - means locking them selves indoors.
avoid allergy triggers as much as possible, which can range from putting a special allergy - proof cloth mattress cover on your child's mattress if he is allergic to dust mites to keeping windows closed in your car and home when pollen counts are high if he has seasonal allergies
Read these tips on how to combat pollen from Scott Schroeder, MD, Chief, Division of Pediatric Pulmonology & Allergy at Floating Hospital.
Think your little one might be suffering from allergies due to pollen, grass, dust or mold?
ANY allergy in the family, including allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, bees, pollen, pet dander, gluten, latex, etc., should be discussed in depth with your pediatrician before you feed your baby peanuts.
This link provides more information about pear allergy, which is often associated with birch pollen allergy or — more seriously — with an allergy to peach.
Our allergist has told us that children with severe food allergies are much more likely to develop pollen allergies as they grow older.
Spring allergies are a result of pollen from trees, which can start pollinating anytime from January to April, depending on the climate and location.
(Pollen from flowering plants is spread by insects — rather than becoming airborne — so it doesn't tend to cause allergies.)
I also gave severe hay fever and pollen allergies, am susceptible to migraine headaches and diarrhea.
If your toddler has seasonal allergies, take steps to minimize her exposure to pollen and mold.
These are all very low on the allergy list and any rare occurrence of a reaction has been traced to a cross-reactivity, typically with birch pollen.
Our pollen count is going to go through the roof, and all the allergy - laden people will be spending our spring season indoors.
In fact, there are whole speciality lines of futon for people with allergies to be dust and pollen resistant.
And the more people breathe polluted air and pollen, the worse their symptoms and the likelier they are to develop more allergies.
Pollen allergies affect work productivity as well and thus are likely to have major socioeconomic consequences.
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