Sentences with phrase «alleviate feelings of depression»

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Aptly called «selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors» (SSRIs), these drugs increase levels of serotonin in the brain, alleviating feelings of anxiety and depression caused by low levels of the neurotransmitter.
However, marital status did little to alleviate symptoms of depression felt by mothers of poorer families.
This gives the body the building blocks for producing this feel - good molecule and could help alleviate depression that is associated with low levels of serotonin.
Choose from a series of prescriptive techniques that will help alleviate some of the most common modern - day stresses, including depression, anxiety, neurosis, grief, and feelings of isolation.
Furthermore, research studies have found IGF - 1 to increase feelings of youthfulness, improve well - being, and even to alleviate depression.
Studies have proven that animals help seniors alleviate depression and minimize that feeling of isolation that come from this stage of life.
After honorably adopting Paco, Michael found the constant companionship of his new family member to be key in alleviating his depression and feelings of loneliness.
All these chemicals create a sense of relaxation and bliss, which can alleviate feelings of sadness and depression, promote relaxation, and give you a sense of togetherness.
Interventions that identify this health risk early and help women access adequate treatment can help alleviate the harmful impacts of postpartum depression.23 In Rosa's case, her home visitor Diana quickly recognized the young mother's feelings of helplessness at being separated from her vulnerable premature daughter and provided the resources Rosa needed to take care of her own emotional needs.
Someone with major depression might find it nearly impossible to get out of bed in the morning, feeling powerless in the face of stress and unable to believe that anything can be done to alleviate those feelings.
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