Sentences with word «allocative»

The word "allocative" refers to the process of distributing or assigning resources in an efficient and effective manner. It involves making decisions on how to use resources to meet various needs and demands. Full definition
A basic principle of economics is to allocate scarce resources in an efficient way, that is to say in a way in which those given scarce resources are able to produce the maximum benefit for the whole society (maximisation of allocative efficiency).
The alleged allocative cost of this crowd - out (because the market so flawlessly allocates credit, right?
The op - ed authors» plan would in some ways worsen allocative decisions by allowing companies to fully expense investments while fully deducting interest costs.
Might it be fair to argue that, if allocative lifeboat or triage decisions must be made, that it is this principle of love, rather than any other consideration, which should guide such decisions?
It is unrealistic to suppose that allocative reasoning will take place without some thought by those in charge as to the political benefits to be gained.
What we lack is an honest public debate that acknowledges the connections, and the difficulties of reconciling public - service commitment with the rule book on one side and the claimed allocative efficiency of public - sector markets on the other.
This evidence suggests that hedge funds are able to create value when they see large allocative inefficiencies.
Alternatives are common enough now that the face the same allocative behavior from institutional investors, which then correlates their returns with regular investments in the future, even if they weren't so in the past.
That is, one can not exclude the possibility that under very specific conditions, congestion pricing does improve allocative efficiency (based on individuals» wealth constrained preferences defined over a large number of physical things and activities).
The case law developed during the second stage offers a counter-example to a common perception among public law and human rights scholars that English courts are generally deferential to administrative decisions that involve discretionary allocative choice and are wary of interfering in issues of socio - economic policies.
Market failures such as these are avoidable by falling back to a specific morphology of property rights that seems to be often overlooked as a feasible and many times more allocative - efficient solution: the Public Domain.
Slightly surprisingly to me, women were more likely to hold the purse strings than men, (the 20 % is made up of 12 % women led allocative couples and 8 % male led allocative couples.)
The authors and the literature identify three models: the allocative in which one partner manages the family finances; the pooled income model; and the separate income model.Â
The allocative model was used by 20 % of couples.
To hope, while facing the allocative problems inherent in feeding starving people, that the «cavalry will come over the hill» and solve the problem for us is really to run from the problem.
Evaluate why imperfectly competitive firms do not have allocative or productive efficiency?
Bell, William and Foster, John (2012): Feed - in tariffs for promoting solar PV: progressing from dynamic to allocative efficiency.
Feed - in tariffs; FiT; solar PV; residential solar PV; reverse auction FiT; parity; Levelised cost of energy; LCOE; Diffusion of innovations; dynamic efficiency; allocative efficiency; Sustainable; Social progress; Environmental protection; Social inequity; DUOS; TUOS; smart meters
Tags for this Online Resume: Personality, Allocative efficiency, Organizational experience, Attention to detail

Phrases with «allocative»

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