Sentences with phrase «allopatric specation»

Comparisons of modern habitat and range of species to late Pleistocene and Holocene assemblages and distributions reveal disharmonious associations (i.e., the occurrence of presently allopatric taxa that are presumed to be ecologically incompatible), especially in late Pleistocene assemblages.
Its small size is a result of insular dwarfism, a form of allopatric speciation.
These 12 individuals were selected from 2 — 3 allopatric populations within the range of each subspecies (Figure S1).
Lily C. Hughes, Susan A. Foster & John A. Baker — 2013 (4)([email protected]) Keywords: allopatric differentiation, ecological speciation, male mate choice, parallel evolution, threespine stickleback
The concept of incomplete lineage sorting is commonly invoked to explain morphologically mixed groups where the features of interest are present also in allopatric populations belonging to the same taxon [51].
Punctuated equilibrium logically extends from Ernst Mayr's concept of genetic revolutions by allopatric and especially peripatric speciation as observed in the fossil record.
Allopatric speciation holds that species with large central populations are stabilized by their large volume and the process gene flow.
If most evolution happens in these rare instances of called allopatric speciation, then evidence of gradual evolution should be rare.
On the other hand, European honeybees (A. mellifera ligustica), which are a related but allopatric species and were introduced to Japan in the Meiji era (about 140 years ago) for apiculture, exhibit only stinging behavior against the hornet.
Our data illustrate that fitness can decline quickly in nature when previously allopatric species interbreed.
There are three main ideas concerning the emergence of new species (Modes of Speciation), each based on the degree to which populations undergoing this process are geographically isolated from one another (allopatric speciation, sympatric speciation, parapatric speciation).
«That environmental patchiness seems to have promoted what we call «allopatric speciation.»
But the climate change still had a deep impact on anthropoid evolution, because habitat fragmentation and an increased level of allopatric speciation took place as a result.
show me anywhere that allopatric speciation (which is the ONLY mechanism that I am aware of put forth to explain PE) is a proven and accepted means by which such rapid change: A. takes place at all B. DOES NT take place during the long periods of stasis.
Most breeds of dog do not (and likely can not) breed with wolves for a variety of reasons, including allopatric and / or human induced separation and mating rituals.
To this end, Gould later commented that «Most of our paleontological colleagues missed this insight because they had not studied evolutionary theory and either did not know about allopatric speciation or had not considered its translation to geological time.
Because neither allopatric nor sympatric speciation require the extinction of the parent species.
the bizarre thing about the athiest / naturalistic stance on natural selection / purely random genetic mutation, allopatric speciation and stasis / rapid change is that there is simply no harmony there..
@ME II «Perhaps I'm wrong but wasn't allopatric speciation exactly what Gould was proposing, or at least built upon, for Punctuated Equilibrium?»
So a proper understanding of punc eq and allopatric specation shows that «gaps» supposedly flow right out of their biological model of evolution — not merely geology.
«Punctuated equilibrium originated as a logical extension of Ernst Mayr's concept of genetic revolutions by allopatric and especially peripatric speciation as applied to the fossil record.»
which is exactly why the ONLY theory on the table (allopatric speciation) as a research field is an utter backwater.
Colin... Allopatric speciation is another argument in the quiver of intelligent design.
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